Black Market Break-Out! {A Creatu Roleplay}

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3:13am Jun 23 2017 (last edited on 2:08am Jun 24 2017)

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Posts: 5
Black Market Break-Out! {Creatu Role-Play.}

It was a sunny day in the park, you and your owner were walking in the park when suddenly something grabs you by your scruff and pulls you away into a cage in a car. Your owner realizes what has happened and runs after you and your kidnapper to save you, but in the bl
ink of an eye the car speeds off and you are separated from your owner. You fall asleep due to the stress, only to wake up and realize you are in a large underground tunnel with several shady people standing about in the rooms and tunnels around, laughing and chatting. You are still in the cage, you attempt to break free of your cage but fail, it is at this moment you take a second to look around and realize you are in the Black Market when you once passed through here once before and you had hoped to never return.

You spot the woman, secretary, from last time at the same desk and growl. She has caused you more pain than ever for bringing you here once and now you're back for another round of pain. She lifts her eyes up from the catalog she was reading and stares at you for a brief minute, "From what I read here, you fetch a pretty penny my dear. Don't worry about that pathetic owner of yours, they won't miss you." She smiles wickedly and sighs contently, nestling deeper into the chair. You whine and curl up into a ball. You need to escape this place, but if you are bought before that, will you be able to escape your new rich owners clutches? (Note: When you comment, put a picture of the Creatu with the post. I would prefer if it was a picture of Creatu you owned.)


~ All of Rescreatu's rules apply

~Don't be rude to another unless part of Roleplay

~No swearing

~Have permission from person if killing another character

~Do not be over-powered

~No secret or magical powers

~Please don't be graphic

~You may join at anytime!

~Will add more as I go


Name; NightWatched

Gender; Male

Species; Meragon

Owner; MidnightRide

Name; FletchHeart

Gender; Male 

Species; Easero

Owner; GreyWings


3:43am Jun 23 2017 (last edited on 3:45am Jun 23 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 5
NightWatched snorted in irritation and pawed wildly with his front hooves at the steel floor of the cage, causing a few sparks to fly into the air and screeches from the grinding metal to turn a few heads in the room. NightWatched hated this- he was in an confined space, he had been stolen, and when he had, his captors hadn't even bothered to take off his (Indiana style) bridle. What wasn't to hate down here? He let out a high pitched squeal that caused Creatu that had been sleeping to wake up and look at him with tired eyes. The rich humans looking to buy a few stolen pets that where in the room also stared at him. They only watched him kick and cry wildly from afar, no one bared to step closer to him yet. After all, none of them wanted to spend lots of TU on an animal that would fight them wildly every step they took with it and end up have more problems then fun.

3:43am Jun 23 2017 (last edited on 3:45am Jun 23 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 5
{To be Continued....}

1:47pm Jun 23 2017

Normal User

Posts: 18
Name; FletchHeart
Gender; Male 
Species; Easero

FletchHeart flared open his wings with a sharp cry and his feathers were fluffed up to make himself look bigger. His tail lashed wildly behind him as he struck out at the pair of men, each holding the end of a noose that were around his neck. His attacks barely hit the two men as they all struggled to gain control of the situation. FletchHeart stamped his foot and drug it along the concrete floor, making a loud screech as he paused his attack. He quickly let out a series of clicks and barks before the men jerked the nooses around his neck and cut him off. He was losing his breath and growing tired for this, he took three long steps backwards before he hit the wall. He closed his eyes and hung his head in surrender, making the men relax slightly. FletchHeart opened his eyes and grabbed a pole with each talon and swing them towards the wall. The two men hit each other and their poles, giving them bruises and knocking them down. FletchHeart grabbed the poles away and with a heavy heart, hit each man over the head with the poles and knocking them out. He grabbed the key to the poles and unlocked them from his neck and tightened them to the men's wrist. He found some tape and taped up their mouths as well. It would be a while before anyone found him or the men, the main reason being that they were in one of the back rooms. He stretched and yawned before glancing around the room. He quickly spotted a storage room door and he entered quickly and quietly, FletchHeart found a steady shelf and climb up to the top for a quick rest, 'I am rather tired.'

11:53pm Jun 26 2017

Normal User

Posts: 5

NightWatched pulled his tail between his legs before rearing one last time and hitting his head on the ceiling of the cage. He snorted in anger and pain as he hung his head. He wanted out and now. He decided to lay down for a moment, he had been fighting this cage for hours now anyway. He lazily dropped down onto the cold floor and tucked his legs under him. 'I'll get out, one way or another...' He thought before slipping into his dreams.


9:07am Aug 25 2017

Normal User

Posts: 13

Name: Shinatobe, Shina for short
Race: Otachie
Gender: Female
Owner: Sobolan

Shinatobe was exhausted. Every time someone had passed her cage, she'd arched her back and fluffed her fur out, and tried to spread her wings as wide as she was able to make herself seem large and intimidating. It wasn't much, the cage was awfully small. After what felt like hours of this, she was worn out, and even her skin was tired from trying to fluff out her fur. But just because she lay still on the bottom of her cage, tails wrapped tightly around her in a tiny cream puff capped with lilac feathers, it did not mean she'd given up. Her faintly pink eyes were wide, and watching.
She quickly realized that people were avoiding the cages with hostile creatu in them, so she copied their behavior. She mustered up the deepest growl she could, hissing and swiping claws at the bars of the cage of anyone who took too much of an interest. Fortunately, she was scared, so that was easy. After a while, it seemed like people started to ignore her in favor of better behaved and rarer creatu, ones a little more known for steady companionship. Sometimes, an independent reputation was a good thing, Shina mused to herself.
"Now to get out of here..." She licked one of her tails in thought. "These humans have to sleep sometime, right? After that, it's a matter of getting out of these cages..." She murmured, not to anyone in particular; the creatu in the cage not far from her seemed to be sleeping. Maybe it was more to feel like she was doing something.


1:54am Apr 11 2018

Normal User

Posts: 11
Is this rp still open? :,o sounds interesting

Name: Venezie
Gender: Female
Species: Veram
Owner: FoxBlossom

Venezie hadn't let herself rest since she was captured by strange men. Her wide, chocolate eyes glanced around the room from her small frame curled up in a corner of the cage as she assessed her situation. She had been here a very short time, the combined scents of many spooked creatu all in one place didn't help ease her agitation.
Aside from a few vigorous creatu, most (including her) were either tense or resting in wait of help. Observing the aggressive, cream Otachie startle some men a few cages away, Venezie got a sudden burst of adrenaline. She jumped to her paws as a man strolled close and started growling, biting at the steel bars of her cage in a futile attempt at escape. She didn't cease her efforts, however, and the man looked on after giving her an incredulous look. Stopping, she observed her work: a few canine shaped dents in the metal. She sighed, scooted to the back of the cage and plopped down, assuming a defensive curl with her snout poking out. 
From under her wings, she could see a lock on the cage as well as a burly man on the far side of the room guarding the only exit. A jingle of keys to her left was most likely the one with her ticket out of the place. She gave a snort of contempt at her inability to do anything, waiting tensely for something to happen.

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7:56pm Nov 18 2022 (last edited on 7:56pm Nov 18 2022)

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Posts: 127
Locked thread due to inactivity, however the thread can be unlocked if requested by the thread owner! :)

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