9:18pm Apr 15 2010
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"Well, since its so hot and dry, I think we should try deeper in the forest. The shade will keep it cooler and the prey will be more abundant" Smiling at his decision he waited for his mentor's response.
9:19pm Apr 15 2010
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Wishcomet smiled, "and, since its dry what will the prey be looking for?" she asked, encouraging Wetpaw to go on.
9:21pm Apr 15 2010
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"Water and shade. And seeds and nuts from the trees" Wetpaw responded with no emotion. The thought of hius "mother" dying kept coming back to him.
9:25pm Apr 15 2010
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"So, lets go to the steam, that should be where all the prey is." she purred, padding off inot the forest. She had grown to Wetpaw's emotions, ot lack thereof.
9:34pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Blinking and bringing himself ack to the ral worled Wetpaw smiled and dashed out of camp enthusiastically. Slowing down as they neared the stream he lifted his nose and opened his mouth to scent the air. Breathing in the fresh and mouth watering scent of vole he dropped into the hunters crouch and stalked his prey, leaping and killing it with a swift bite to the neck.
9:41pm Apr 15 2010
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Wishcomet purred, "good job Wetpaw!" she said proudly, "but can you catch a second one before I catch one?" she teased, tasting the air, "thats odd. Hardly any prey. Something must have scared it away..." she trailed off. Eyes widening in fear, it hadnt been Wetpaw's kill, because it was silent. She Pricked her ears, and herd a distant caw of a crow. Her fur stood on end, "I don't like the looks of this." she whispered, preaying to StarClan it was just a hawk or falcon, rather than a fox, badger, or BoneClan cats.
9:45pm Apr 15 2010
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BIOS!! Name: Ghostpaw
Position: Apprentice Gender : She-cat
Apprentice?: Yes...?
Looks: She has pale grey fur that is the color of fog or mist. Her body is lithe and sleek, making her a very agilitic cat. Her legs are quite long, making her an able runner and hunter as well. Her eyes are a piercing ice blue. Personality: Very reclusive and mysterious, Ghostpaw can sometimes scare other cats away by her mad mutterings. Mate?: D8 No
Crush: Not yet
History: She was abandonded by her parents when only a few days old, and she was adopted by the clan Born: Streamclan Parents: Emberheart and Wingstorm (deceased) Kin: Only her parents
Other: Can she be a prophecy cat?
9:51pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Det.. the prophecy has already been made... idk if you can be a prophecy cat. I don't wanna write another one D: Wetpaw sat on the edge of the stream and waited for a fish to come. Seeing a shining light reflecting on the pool he struck his paw out and flipped the fish into the air. Before he could kill it the fish wriggled its way back into the stream. "Darn!" he yowled, "Too bad. At least I caught my vole though"
9:57pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Wishcomet let out a sigh of relief as a large hawk soared past and some scuffling could be heard nearby. She smiled, "well, you should still practice fishing." she purred, standing next to the stream. She wathed the silver minnowd and struck just in front of where one would be, sntaching it out of the water with her paw and watching it land on a rock, "Strike where you think it will be next, not where it is at the moment." she purred, whispering a thanks to StarClan before killing the fish.
9:58pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Huh? All right then, where can I poof in?))
10:02pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Nodding Wetpaw stared intently at the water watching for another silver ripple. Seeing the flash of the scales he struck his paw to where it would be not where it was and caught and killed it succesfully. Praying silently to StarClan he piocked up his kill and started towards the camp.
10:08pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( Yea.. sorry but teh prophesy cats are fulll.. Sorry D; )) Rainstar walked from her place on high ledge and padded toward the center of the clearing. " Everything is moving smoothly.." she murmured to herself. "I agree," meowed Nightfall as she padded toward her leader, "How are you today? " meowed Nightfall. "Fine Thanks.." meowed Rainstar. "Well, I must be off... I have to gather some more cat-mint." The blind Medicine cat dipped her head respectfully to her leader and padded off. Flyingpaw bounded beside Cougerstealth. "What are we going to train for?" she whined, clearly not hearing his first answer.
10:13pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Wishcomet grabbed her fish and padded back to camp, "Fish are best eaten fresh, so maybe you should go give it to rainstar when she is done with Shadowpaw's ceremony." she suggested.
10:15pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Where do I come in? Who's her mentor by the way? Oh, and, Eastie, snoweh? We can start the other RP now if you guys want))
10:19pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Cougarstealth turned to face his apprenice again, "Hunting then fighting" he said not the least bit upset. "Okay Wishcomet" Wetpaw mewed around his prey. Padding into the camp he walked up to Rainstar and set the fish in front of her, "This is for you Rainstar" ooc; there's a picture of Wetpaw up on my profile if you want to see. Just imagine him with stripes. When Eelectro drew I didn;t feel like coloured stripes. and Det, just wherever is fine.
10:20pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Yeah, but Ghostpaw needs a mentor T.T;))
6:03pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((guys. who is shadowpaw's and cinderpaw's mentor?))
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
7:54am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 1,713
Rainstar turned to him her gaze softened. "Thank you Wetpaw," meowed Rainstar. "That is very kind of you." Flyingpaw looked at her mentor "Which one first?" she meowed, "I want to do hunting first!"
7:54am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( If anyone wants Featherstorm to be there cat's mentor... lol ))
8:06am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 1,094
Name: Cocoa Position: Kittypet Gender : She-cat
Apprentice? No. Looks: A light brown she-cat with one blue eye and one green eye. Personality: Usually always happy. But grumpy sometimes. She has mood swings xD Mate? No.
Crush: None. History: She's a kittypet that ran away from her twolegs. She hasn't been to the Cutter yet, but ran away when her twolegs tried to put her in a cage to take her there. She wandered into the clan camp. Born: In a twolegs house.
Parents: Doesn't know.
Kin: Nope. Other: Nope.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3