7:06pm Aug 1 2011
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I need a role-play. Really badly. I'm not new to this forum by any means, but I really need to write something, so here's a quick blurb about me. I'm Det or Detters and I love role-playing. o_o I consider myself literate (by Rescreatu standards LOL) and I like rps that have a good two to three paragraphs per post, plus they should be engaging and easy to reply to. Not for myself, but so the rp can continue. I can't do 1x1 for the life of myself so I'm looking for a group role-play. Any genre is fine though I can't do normal humans. I've a craving for a powered humans rp, so if you want to do that I'll run my plot by you. :D Other than that...nothing. :P Just post saying how literate you are (semi-lit is fine :D) and what you'd like to do. Just make sure you don't offer to do 1x1's, I won't accept. O^O
7:06pm Aug 1 2011
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Nomz? I can haz rp with you?))
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7:07pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 3,950
Powered humans sound good. :3 I would do a small group with you.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:09pm Aug 1 2011
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I've never done a group roleplay, but I can try. I honestly don't know my literacy status if that's really what you want to call it. I can't do like full document posts, but I believe I give enough D: But, if you absolutely hate my posts, you can always say you...You don't want to roleplay with me D: *dies* If you do all genres, that's including romance right? If so, then yes yes yes, I'll do a powered human xD
Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!
7:11pm Aug 1 2011 (last edited on 7:11pm Aug 1 2011)
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Alright then. Want to hear my plot? No, deal. :D //loljk H'okay. Basically it's modern days, and evolution has begun it's next step. Children are popping up with special abilities that begin manifesting with puberty. Most of them are dismissed as freaks who want attention or rebels who want attention. No-one quite believes that they actually have abilities. They are all in their teens and spread around the world. We'll focus on one city, whatever you want, where the kids realize that something is taking their kind. They aren't sure what it is, though evidence points to an animal of sorts, but they want to find their fellow mutants and put things right. Basically a few kids decide to go on some sort of modern day quest (xD) and save these kids. I don't know what the monster is but we can rp that out. ^^
EDIT: I do romance O^O And CH, I'd totally rp with you. ;c
7:12pm Aug 1 2011
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((CH, post on our rp)) I want to join, as long as I can use my character...))
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7:13pm Aug 1 2011
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Don't care what characters you use so long as they aren't, like, absolute gms or whatever. o_o I can post a quick bio in a moment. C:
7:14pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 3,950
Sounds interesting~ c: A monster.. it should be freaky looking, whatever it is. Although I wouldn't be able to look at it if it was in real life. xD;
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:15pm Aug 1 2011
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Ohhh I like the plot! I'm in!
Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!
7:16pm Aug 1 2011
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((Are we rping here?)
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7:17pm Aug 1 2011
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No reason not to. We'll post our bios quick and I'll type up an intro~
Name; Age; Gender; Deion; Power; Personality;
7:20pm Aug 1 2011 (last edited on 8:02pm Aug 1 2011)
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Name; Edward Andrew Wright Age; 17 Gender; Male Deion;
 Power; Has the ability to heal, and turn invisible. *That's as creative as I can get,bahaha...Jkjk...* Personality; Roleplaying this out.
Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!
7:22pm Aug 1 2011 (last edited on 7:22pm Aug 1 2011)
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Name; Cassandra Reed Age; 17 Gender; Female Deion; Cassandra is what they describe as china-doll fragile. Despite the fact that she lacks the red lips and blonde hair to go, the rest of her is pale and almost breakable. Standing at 5’4” tall Cassandra isn’t short, but despite her average stature she still seems very small, a bit of a trick of the mind. She weighs about 114 lbs. and her frame is small, with delicate bones and long limbs. As said before her skin is very fair and she doesn’t seem to have any freckles or beauty marks on visible parts of her body. On the other hand she has her fair share of scars, including a small one in the hollow of her neck, a longer scratch just below her chin and three claw marks that have healed over recently on her left forearm. Cassandra’s hair is dark brown with hints of an even darker brown, almost black. She keeps it cut short to avoid getting it in her eyes and keeps it messy, mostly due to the lack of actual scissors to cut her hair with. Cassandra’s facial features are also dainty, with a small nose that perks upwards slightly, pale pink lips and high cheekbones. Her eyes are somewhat doe-eyed with a bit of a slant to them. The color of her eyes can only be described as electric blue. While not unnaturally neon or bright they do have a gray-blue color overall with extremely pale blue ‘wavelengths’ overtop. They are framed by long black eyelashes. Cassandra prefers to wear whatevers in her dresser, and she isn't picky about style or fashion or whatnot. (I'll describe her looks in the role-play) Around her neck Cassandra always has a necklace that she’s held onto for as long as she can remember. It has a delicate silver chain with the Egyptian symbol the Eye of Horus on it. - While Cassandra’s clairvoyant powers are strong, she does not have the ability to control her visions and doubtless never will. Despite this she has can see into the future, the past, and on rare occasions, see things that others would normally not be able to. When seeing into the future Cassandra sees flashes of what is to become, and that can change in the course of when she sees it to when it happens. It is best described as a sudden image piercing her mind and then flitting away, typically replaced by another version of the same event. The time and date is not exact, nor even accurate, but Cassandra has long since realized she can only see a few days ahead at most, and usually it is only a few hours. When seeing into the past things are much more clear for her. The visions come in entire pieces, playing like videos in her mind’s eye. Though some of these pictures are fairly long (these would be events that span a few hours) it only takes Cassandra seconds to absorb them. No one is quite sure why the time flow is so altered in those cases. Lastly, her ‘hawk vision’ is very rare and she rarely gets this, and half the time it is useless when it does come. Cassandra’s eyesight is more or less enhanced for as little as five seconds to as long as a few days. - Ferrokinesis is the ability to control metals, and Cassandra does just that. However, this is not just willing metal to fly at someone and having it do so. She cannot defy gravity with her metals. When manipulating metal, which is an entirely mental process, Cassandra can form it into different shapes, meld different metals together without the use of heat and even form it into temporary weapons or armour. Magnetokinesis - This is the power of manipulating magnetic fields. Combined with her ferrokinesis Cassandra can attract and repel all magnetic metals. Using this ability Cassandra can cause metal to float, move from one place to another and even pull people wearing metal objects to wherever she directs the magnetic force attracting it. If she has enough power Cassandra has been known to pull up metal particles from the earth and use them as miniature darts that, when enough of them hit, actually slice through her foe’s skin and burrow deep in their body until they hit a major organ. However, that sort of usage requires a lot of energy and Cassandra rarely has the strength to complete such an action. Personality; Cassandra is as quiet and thoughtful as they come. However, do not take this for being a wonderfully social person on the inside. Rather, Cassandra’s terribly awkward when it comes to other people and her reactions range from running away to accidentally flinging them about with her magnetokinesis. Usually it’s former. Cassandra isn’t really sure if this is a blessing in disguise or just a way to isolate her further but she hasn’t been able to break past her social anxiety. Besides that she tends to act beyond her year simply because she’s seen quite a bit for a seventeen year old. Her IQ is higher than most, though she rarely puts that into play when around others, and she's just generally more mature than typical teens. Cassandra is also the perceptive type. She prefers to listen instead of talking and often notices things others don't because she's paying attention.

7:23pm Aug 1 2011
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Ooc; (we'll start using this now) My bio's only huge 'cause most is copypasta'd. So don't try and match me with a new charra. O-O It isn't needed for this rp. :D And unlimited powers, but keep it...reasonable. And the personality can be rp it out. :P
NOTE: They're all teens, so hit puberty. xD 12-18
7:32pm Aug 1 2011 (last edited on 3:42pm Aug 2 2011)
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ooc: Mine is completely copy and pasted, with a few changes, so shut it XD Name:→::Avalia Coranoki:: (Varient of Availia, meaning 'help') Nicknames:→::Ava, Fish:: (First three letters of her name; she swims exceptionally well) Age:→ ::16:: Gender:→::Female:: Species:→::Human:: Date of Birth:→::July 15, 1995:: Location of Birth:→::Santa Rosa, CA:: Current Location:→::On a plane:: (Flying to wherever you guys start) Current Occupation:→::Too Young:: Personality:→::Despite the fact that she is rich, filthy rich, she is actually a kind person. She simply loves to help others out in times of need, but she is also careful with her money and does not give it out to random people she meets unless they have a viable reason for needing it. Unfortunately, everybody has flaws and hers are major. For one, she is a huge klutz, always tripping over things and breaking stuff. Also, she loves to buy all the newest gadgets and is a closet nerd, have bought every single adventure video game known to man and all the consoles. Despite this, she is still popular, if only for the fact that she has a huge amount of money, not to mention the wad of cash she keeps in her wallet for emergencies. She is quite smart and a fairly average artist, but, when she was 7, she had a seizure and now, as a result, her hands shake with little tremors. Usually, though, this only is a problem when she is writing or drawing. Never mind her growing popularity, all Avalia really wants is a friend who would stick with her even if she was dirt poor, but so far, she has had no luck finding one.:: Powers:→::The three are: controlling water, shapeshifting into a bat, a dolphin, and a panther, and drawing. For instance, in the water, she can make it so she always has a small bubble of oxygen under her nose and mouth, like a built in snorkeling mask, for when she is swimming. She can use it to her advantage as well. When she wants to attack something, she can form the liquid into it's solid state, making it sharp. When she wants to hide herself, she can make fog by evaporating the water into it's tassels state. As for shapeshifting this one's obvious. She has three forms, all excellent in three different situations. In her bat form, she can use echolocation to 'see' in the dark. In her dolphin form, she can carry people on her back, leading them to safety. In her panther shift, she can move swiftly and silently on the ground, or attack with great precision. Unfortunately, all of her shifts have a set back; she cannot shapeshifting into a different animal without being a human in between. As for her final power, drawing, this one is not as self-explanatory. What this power is, is that if she draws something, she can make it come to life. She cannot, however, draw living things. She can draw food, and weapons and other items that do not have breath in them. Meaning, she can draw a piece of cake, but not a plant or a tree. She can draw a rat, but it will deflate and die if she tries to make it come off the page.:: Appearance:→ ::Human:: In her normal form, she is a small 12 year old girl with large blue irises, dotted with silver flecks. Her hair is shoulder-length looks like it was spun from gold, which is good because it distracts people from her acne covered face. Of course, she does use makeup, but it only seems to make her break out more. Her nose is petite and tiny, like that of a cats because of the more prominent upside down triangle that it seems to make. Her lips are dry and crack, most of the time, but when they aren't it means that she hasn't been to the pool in a while, a most unusual thing, being that she tries to go everyday. As for her body, she is a not curvy, strange for being 12, but this is most likely because of all the excursive she does, she never has extra fat, meaning that she doesn't have a large chest, which is useful in swimming. Her second and third toe on each foot are webbed together, not all the way, but enough so that she can't wear the toe socks her mother got her on her 5th christmas. She can usually be seen wearing a pair of denim jeans with some rips and a sky blue T-shirt. Avalia normally likes to adorn her outfit with various bracelets and pony tail holders that just happen to sit, collecting dust, on her dresser. On her shoulder, her left one, is a birthmark in an unnatural shape. If you look from far away when she is clothed in her bathing suit, it looks like a blob, but closer up, really close, it resembles more of a cat like blob with disformed wings and a mermaid tail. She likes to pretend it is a tatoo. ::Bat:: In her flight form, she looks, obviously, nothing like her human form. For one thing, she is a bat. She has short, silky, grey fur and black eyes with silver flecks. Her ears are long, pointed, and broad, good for hearing quiet things, such as the silent beat of a moth's paper wings. Her wingspan is about 160 centimeters long, while her boy length is only 40 cm. She has a long tongue used specifically for sucking the juice and nectar from fruits or flowers. Being on the larger side, she must land in order to get the fruit, but an advantage of this is that she can eat the fruit instead of her brethren who must only slurp the insides. ::Dolphin:: In her dolphin shape, she looks very much like a swimming bat, except with fins instead of wings. Of course, she is also much, much larger, about 8.5 ft and weighing around 510 lbs, quadrupling her wight as a human. She is an indo-pacific bottlenose dolphin with the same Gregory coloring as her bat form, if not a bit bluer. Her fluke, or tail fin, is a bit larger than average, making it easier for her to power through the water, the downside to this is that she cannot make sharp turns as easily as the other dolphins. Inside her beak, the name for her snout, are pointed teeth, not as sharp as a shark's, but not as blunt as a bat's. As for her eyes, they are beady and round like a marble with blackness and silver lining her pupil. ::Panther:: In her final form, she is a sleek, black cat. Instead of her fur or smooth skin being grey, it's is black and short. Her eyes are the same as her humans, but filled with less emotion, in this form you cam rarely tell what she is thinking or feeling. In this form, she isn't a klutz as she is in her human form because her long tail helps her balance and not knock into things. For some unknown reason, this form has a horribly high tolerance for pain, which, instead of being helpful, makes it worse. She cannot tell when she is hurt in this form unless it is a fatal wound. One her maw are small white dots that look as if snow fell atop it and never melted. History: ::Unfortunately, Avalia's history is unknown, due to the fact that she was adopted from an orphanage as a baby. The only reason they know the date of birth and the whereabouts she was born is because the warden was her mother, but she died during childbirth, leading to Avalia being raised in the orphanage. Not much is known about the first 5 years of her life, being that, at the orphanage, she kept to herself and her drawings. Luckily, the orphanage that she was raised in wasn't like the ones you hear about in storybooks. It had decent food and wonderful lodging, of course this may have been because she was the warden's daughter, but only her helpers know for sure.:: Fighting Style:→ → Aggressive/ Passive: ::She is passive if she attacks first, but if she is attacked, her aggressive side will turn on. In panther form, she is always aggressive.:: → Type: ::She is quite graceful when she fights because she is small and very agile, able to get around an enemy and attack from behind. Unfortunately, in her panther form, she is agile, yes, but she isn't as small, making it harder for her to sneak around if she has been spotted already.:: Family:→ → Biological: ::Diana Mithral-Mother (deceased):: Other:→::She carries around a bag with a first aid kit, her car keys, her house keys, cat food, a laptop, her sketchbook, pencils, colored pencils, and some other small devices that may or may not be illegal. She had a cat named Angela::
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7:35pm Aug 1 2011
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Ooc; If we're doing 2011 she can't be 12. o_o I'm born in '97 and I turn 14 this year, not 13. lol
7:36pm Aug 1 2011
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ooc: oops, I was born in 95 and I turn 16 this year, so she would be.... 99... right?
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7:37pm Aug 1 2011 (last edited on 7:37pm Aug 1 2011)
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Ooc; '98 :P Since she'd be a year younger than me~
7:38pm Aug 1 2011
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((oh, your turning 14, nvm, I got it now. Can we have this pthing take place in Sr?))
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7:52pm Aug 1 2011
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