7:57pm Aug 1 2011
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((Santa Rosa XD))
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8:00pm Aug 1 2011
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Ooc; Oh, I know nothing of that place. o_o Big, small? Just some details would be sweet. :P
8:15pm Aug 1 2011 (last edited on 9:26pm Aug 1 2011)
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Name; Shay Peyel Age; 13 Gender; Female Deion; Shay has long, straight, dark brown hair that goes to a little above the tippety-top of her stomach area. Her hair is usually put into a ponytail on some occassions. She is only 95 pounds, often being referred to as "skinny as a stick" by her friends at school as a joke or tease, but she doesn't mind. Her eyes are a darkdarkdark green with brown flecks near the pupil. She is not pale nor tan; a nice medium, if you will, though she a small notch on the pale side. Shay stands at 5'5", and with that she is taller than her mother. She also is almost never seen without her golden dog necklace, which is basically a thin, golden chain with an eighteen-karat golden dog figure hung onto it. Power; Can control and create water. But she cannot do much of anything with her power without practice. When a water source is nearby, it takes a lot less energy out of her to do any attacks. Aaaaand YES, these water powers do hurt - it does not merely get you wet. >> Can shapeshift into one earth, one water, and one sky -type animal. Those being a white wolf with black-tipped ears, tail, and left front paw; atle="Sea Hawk Photo"> sea hawk; and a tle="Short-Beaked Common Dolphin Photo">short-beaked common dolphin. ~Click the species name to see a picture~ Personality; Shay's big flaws are that she is too sensitive. If anybody even says that she is stupid in a mean tone, tears will come to her eyes. She has recently tried to control her crying, but does not succeed in holding back her tears. Whenever she is in front of somebody, she often leaves quickly so she can go cry somewhere in peace without people laughing or pointing. The second flaw is that she "likes to argue". Truth is, Shay hates it, but can be quick to say a comeback. That is due to the fact that she doesn't think much before she says something once the other person started to say something bad about her. It's more like.. an engine that starts on voice command, to put it simply. Shay also likes to have fun and be happy. Making people laugh or smile makes her smile. She likes to make jokes. She is also very intelligent. Another thing about Shay is that she cares a lot about what other people think of her.. a lot. She is also sort of stubborn at times. Say she is at a water park with Bob and Bob won't go on the slide but Shay wants to go, and she wants him to go with her. Even if Bob says "No", Shay will keep at it until he says yes or yells something like I'M NOT FRIGGIN' GOING OK.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:19pm Aug 1 2011
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Ooc; She's fine. o_o I'll add a male at one point. I can't start now though. D: Gotta go and do something else. ;w;
8:22pm Aug 1 2011 (last edited on 8:22pm Aug 1 2011)
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((Fairly big. Not really a city, but not a town either. It kind of in between. Its a got a Starbucks every half mile and a ton of bookstores. Ummmm... what else..... its a very busy place Shay has my character's power. Or one of them.))
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8:23pm Aug 1 2011
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Ooc; That's fine. :) Doubles happen~ And sure, we can do that. ^^
8:27pm Aug 1 2011
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((Okay, just making sure))
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8:43pm Aug 1 2011
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(Now I want to add more powers for some reason. But probably just one. owo )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:55pm Aug 1 2011
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Ooc; Add as many as you think prudent~
9:27pm Aug 1 2011
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(Added prudent things. c: If anybody does not like anything about the powers I can always change it. -was considering other powers too- Plus, I found a wiki for this stuff. :D )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:31pm Aug 1 2011
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((-whines- Ice, those seem a bit too simalier...))
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9:34pm Aug 1 2011
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Ooc; It's just the dolphin, so far as I can see. And maybe it can help the characters relate. :P Their personalities and characteristics aren't similar.
9:37pm Aug 1 2011
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(I can change it if you wish, Feyth. owo )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:43pm Aug 1 2011
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((I geuss its fine, but 1 land- panther, 1- sea- dolphin, 1 air- bat, and the fact that she can control water, it seems really simalier. It would be nice if you could switch one of the powers, the shapeshifting or the waterbending...))
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10:24pm Aug 1 2011 (last edited on 10:35pm Aug 1 2011)
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(Well, I guess I could take out the water and air shapeshifts and add in one of my other OC's powers. But Shay with powers is not Shay with powers without her water manipulation/creation.)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
10:27pm Aug 1 2011
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Feyth: Like Det said, it doesn't matter because then it will help make your charactars relate. xD
Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!
10:48pm Aug 1 2011 (last edited on 11:08pm Aug 1 2011)
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(I know that it might help them relate, but I just don't like other people being unhappy with me. D; But I guess I'll leave her the same for now. Unless it really gets on your nerves a lot, Feyth..
And anyways, out of the other OC's powers, I can only use one 'cause another person in this RP already has the second and I don't want to cause any more problems. Plus, I usually pair the two together, so.. yeah. xD;; )
EDIT: (Oh yes, I also wanted to point out something. Not to anger you or anything, Feyth, but.. their waterbending [lol Avatar] isn't really that similar.. Shay cannot make into ice, for one. Or at least not yet, exactly. It might take her like... few months to a year or two until she gets to that level. xD; And she is more open to just plain water manipulation, secondly. Last one that I want to say is that she can't breathe underwater. [Though, Shay is a good swimmer, but that's just natural talent. It has nothing to do with her powers at all]
Aw crap, I probably just made you mad, but I felt I needed to say that for my own reasons. >.< )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:53pm Aug 2 2011
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Cassandra yawned and leaned heavily on the window sill, staring out onto the street with a terribly bored ex pression gracing her delicate features. A slight frown flitted across her face when she saw a car zoom past, the roar of the engine shattering her concentration. Pushing herself upright the raven-haired girl made an impatient noise at the back of her throat and padded into the kitchen of her small home. Upstairs her father snored away after a long day at work, no doubt weary to the bone yet again. It was evening, though because of the summer season the sky was still bright at 8:00. Pushing up the sleeves of her loose checkered shirt Cass got to work on preparing a quick dinner for herself, with a bit left over for her da. Grabbing the tv remote and turning it on so she could watch something while the food was cooking Cass's scowl deepened at the current news. Breaking news! Another two teenagers have disappeared in Santa Rosa. There has been no evidence suggesting kidnapping, but they are presumed missing, not merely out on a joyride. We will be back with further information. "What's that? Seven kids gone and the best they can do is think it's a kidnapping?" Cass grumbled, flicking her hand at the cast-iron pan that lay on top of the shelf. With a low scraping noise it slid free of the cabinet and floated down onto the stove. The knob on the stove turned on its own as well, a pale blue fire springing up beneath the pan. Without showing any sign of shock or surprise Cassandra grabbed some eggs and cracked them onto the pan, humming a small tune to herself as she turned off the offending tv and began frying up some sunny-side-up eggs for herself. {Time skip} Putting the last of the dishes into their old dishwasher Cass wiped her hands on a dishcloth and then grabbed her keys, heading for the door. Once outside she breathed in the fresh air, only slightly tainted by pollution, and began walking to the nearby Starbucks. Perhaps a coffee or frappacino would settle her down.

3:39pm Aug 2 2011
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((Its more the shapeshifting that bothers me, but its fine. Anyway.... hmmm... I made Avalia 16 because it made more sense. lets say she works at starbucks which is where I am working. I assume this is winter because otherweise she wouldn't be 16 yet XD)) Wake up in the mornin' feeling like P.diddy, brush my teeth, comb my hair, I'm gonna hit the city, I go- The alarm, custom done to annoy her, was shoved off the bedside table as Avalia shot up in bed. She slammed her head on her sister's bunk as she got out of bed and then tripped over her fallen alarm clock. She gritted her teeth. Her first day of work and she was not having a good morning. She sighed and took out her sketchbook filled with drawings. She stared at the last page, it was the only blank one. She would have to stop by and get a new one. Avalia pulled alogn slender #2 pencil from her pencil case and began to sketch her clothing. It took her less than four minutes to draw it and less than two to color it. It would've taken longer, but she was practiced in drawing her clothes. She tapped the drawing and it popped off the page. It wasn't fully real yet, more in a blueprint stage. It was coming off the page in the 3d and whirling around on top of her skethbook. She moved her fingers to enlarge the size and sewed the seems to make it look real. She did the same for her shirt and shoes. When she was done, she twilired her finger rapidly and it spun off the page. It became solid material. She put on the fresh blue jeans and green polo shirt and wandered downstairs, remembering to put the alarm clock back on the bedside table. Her mom was alread ydownstairs making her a healthy breakfast of eggs and gluten-free frenchtoast. "Mom, I get breakfast at Starbucks for free." She reminded hre mother. Avalia's mother looked at her, wiping her hands with a dishcloth. "Yes, but they don't have gluten-free bread or anything." "Mom, I'm gluten-free by choice, not because I have to be." Avalia breathed a sigh and gobbled up her breakfast, mentally reminding herself to remember to get a chai when she got to her place of work. She grabbed her keys from the table and drove the 20 minutes to Starbucks. Yes, there was one right across the street from her house, but it wasn't hiring. Plus, there were more people in Santa Rosa than the small town she lived in, so it would be busier. Avalia glanced at the watch on her wrist as she walked into the store. She was 5 minutes ealier which made her sigh in relief. A woman handed her a green apron with the Starbucks mermaid logo on it and Avalia tied it around herself just as the door opened to let in the first customer of the day. "Hello. Welcome to Starbucks, What would you like today." She said, a bit nervously. After all, it was her first day on the job. {Time Skip} As 8:30 rounded by, she breathed. It had been a hectic first day, but she had not messed up any drinks and was getting ready to go on her break. She quickly made her own drink and was about to turn in her apron to have a break when she saw that her partner had not come to relief her. She sighed and put down her drink to server the next customer in his place... ((Hey look, I connected the two itnros!! XD))
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3:41pm Aug 2 2011
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Ooc; It's summer. <3 Cass mentions that because it's late and she wants to get something to drink before bed.