3:42pm Aug 2 2011
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((Alright, I'll fix, lets just pretned she is 16 anyway. I'll move her birthday to a few days ago XD))
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3:46pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 3:55pm Aug 2 2011)
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Ooc; Editing this with my reply. I'll reply again so the two characters meet and then you guys can enter. :P The walk to Starbucks had taken longer than Cassandra had planned. Admittedly she'd stopped to rent a movie for the night, as well as picking up a newspaper so she could keep track of the kidnappings. She was hardly about to tell anyone, but she was more closely connected to the cases than most people knew about. Unfortunately, it wasn't as if the police would believe her about it, so Cass kept her mouth shut and head down. Pausing in a small drugstore Cass bought a new hairbrush and some gum, checking her wallet multiple times to make sure that she had enough for a coffee or tea. It would suck to make it all the way there for nothing, especially when she was feeling particularly haggard. Her book wouldn't write itself, and honestly the coffee she made tasted disgusting. A few minutes after exiting the store Cassandra stepped into the cool Starbucks cafe, sighing happily as the A & C blew cold wind on the nape of her neck. The summer air had been humid and Cass hadn't been particularly prepared, wearing a long-sleeve blouse and skinny jeans. At least her jeans had been white, but now her short black hair hung limply in the heat. Pursing her lips in a look of disapproval Cass headed for the counter and smiled shyly at the wheat-haired girl there, all of the sudden awkward and quiet. "Uhm, hey. One mocha frappacino? Hold the whipped cream please." Cassandra fidgeted awkwardly, almost dropping her wallet onto the ground.

3:47pm Aug 2 2011
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(Mmkay. I haven't replied yet 'cause I don't know what to say xD )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:47pm Aug 2 2011
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3:56pm Aug 2 2011
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Ooc; Just meet up at the Starbucks? :P Maybe Avalia can go off her shift and they can sit down and discuss the kidnappings. o_o 'cause Cass has a newspaper under her arm...maybe your charra can ask about that Feyth? Not trying to control the plot, but. xD
4:01pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 4:08pm Aug 2 2011)
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"What size?" She prompted looking at the cups. The girl nodded towards the grande cup and Avalia took it and wrote down her order. "Did you hear about the kidnappings?" Avalia asked as she made the drink. She looked down at the drink and then put two shots of coffee into it. She fixed it with the frapicino ice stuff and remembered just in time not to put whip cream on it. She closed the lid on top of it and handed the clear cold cup to the other girl. As she handed the girl her drink, the person who was supposed to be on his shift right now, walked through the door and smiled at her as if nothing was wrong. She fought back a growl and took off her apron, placing it in a secret compartment. Making her way through the crowd of people, she sat down and began to drink her chai. She motioned for the womand she had just served to sit with her... ((Sorry for that bit of powerplaying, I couldn't do much without a size XD))
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4:06pm Aug 2 2011
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Ooc; Cass couldn't pay. o_o And I'll go with grande, that's what I usually get. xD But you'll have to edit your post so Cass can respond, which she won't till someone else posts. :P
4:07pm Aug 2 2011
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((It was free frqapicino day XD))
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4:26pm Aug 2 2011
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Shay woke up and got ready for the day. Choosing a turquoise, short-sleeved shirt with a small pocket on the top left and some light gray shorts with a sports symbol on the left side. The girl started to get out the cereal down in the kitchen and ate it quickly. Althoug she felt very tired.. standing over the sink, Shay pointed her finger to the nozzle and a large, water-filled bubble made its way out. Holding the bubble in the palm of her hand, she then slammed it in her face. Ahhh, quite refreshing. And it woke her up more, too. {Time Skip} Shay got extremely bored over the course of the day. It was now nighttime. A thought then popped into her head. Couldn't she just go to the Starbucks down the street now? Well, of course she could. "Mom! Dad! I'm going over to Starbucks, 'kay?" she shouted into the living room so her parents knew where she was. "Ok," her father quickly replied and soon got back to his movie. She then proceeded to slip on her golden colored flip-flops and continued outside. Breathing in the humid summer air, she could tell it was going to be extremely hot - AGAIN. Why does Santa Rosa's summer heat always have to make you feel like you're going to die? Even at NIGHT? Walking down the sidewalk, Shay saw a cute puppy being walked by an older woman. Oh, how she wished she could have a pet. But her dad wasn't very happy about the idea - ever. Her mother was half-and-half. Shaking the thought away, she entered the wonderfully cool Starbucks. Much better in here than out there, she thought. Shay finally found a booth that was free - or at least free enough, seeing as a girl was on the opposite side. Sitting down, she didn't need anything, but a nice mocha frappucino would be alright. Hey, the other girl seemed to have one too! That was pretty cool. The silence between them was sort of awkward to her right away, so she said, "Hi.."
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:29pm Aug 2 2011
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"Hi." Avalia said, sipping her chai with a dreamy look on her face. "Did you hear abotu the kidnappings?" She said. She put the chai down, it was burning her tongue. She needed to cool it down, but they would notice. "Hey look, its Justin beiber!" She said, attempting to make them look away as she cooled her drink a bit...
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4:53pm Aug 2 2011
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(Lol I meant Cassandra. Sorreh. x3; )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:54pm Aug 2 2011
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((They are at the same table))
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5:01pm Aug 2 2011
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(Oh well fff then. Ignore my post lalala.) Shay looked at the other girl and nodded. "Yes. I just feel sort of annoyed that they're not doing much about it. It's like you see a lot of action about the murder stories going on, but the kidnappings right now are just sort of getting waved off, y'know?" she said, finding something interesting to say. Perhaps this could be a good conversation, considering it could go two different ways depending on another person's reply. She soon realized that she wanted that frappucino more than she thought. Calling over a waiter, she quickly ordered and got her drink. It looked well-made, like most of Starbucks' drinks and such. Taking a sip out of the long, thin, black straw, Shay liked the taste of it. This was the only thing she would ever drink from Starbucks, apart from a hot chocolate. But it's summer - who would order a hot chocolate in this heat?!
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:04pm Aug 2 2011
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"Ya, I don't think its just kidnapping." she said mysteriously, half to herself and half to them. She really didn't believe that this was normal. two people every month since April. That added up to about 8 people. It wasn't getting better, it was getting worse. They kept saying they caught the kidnappers. They would lock them up, but yet, somehiow, people still dissapeared. All from the age range of 12-16. She shuddered...
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5:11pm Aug 2 2011
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( -waits for Det before she posts- )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:45pm Aug 2 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Woah...confusing. o_o Who's talking to who? Cass is still standing with her frappacino at the counter. lol. If none of you know what's going on would you mind letting me reply and then we can go from there instead? Because I don't understand. D:
5:50pm Aug 2 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(Well, as much as I understand, I thought all three of us are at a table drinkin' our stuffs and starting to talk xD )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:52pm Aug 2 2011
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((That's what I though XD))
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7:33pm Aug 2 2011
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Ooc; Let's go with that then. :DD Shrugging Cassandra lay the newspaper out on the table, the hunt for the missing children emblazoned on the front of the page. A large headline, some witty ti tle or another, sat above a large detailed account on what was happening and how there was no evidence that pointed to anything. "I'm keeping track. It's a lot of kids for this town," she said quietly, avoiding the other girls' eyes. She didn't feel comfortable watching them directly, especially since she didn't know the two. "And the ages, the two people per month. Something is taking them, just...what?" She cracked her fingers idly and sipped her frappacino, relaxing as the shot of caffeine hit her blood system and woke her up slightly. Wiggling her hands Cassandra resisted the urge to play with the coin that sat in her pocket, grimacing as it shifted slightly of its own volition. She needed to get some control on her abilities, but the year's events hadn't helped her frayed nerves. "Who are you two then?" she asked, still looking away.

7:40pm Aug 2 2011
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"We should find out." She said nonchalantly as she sipped her cooler chai. She was glad they hadn't notice her cool down the water, but what was she thinking. Nobody would look if there was Justin Beiber, he wasn't that great a singer, however great a person he might be. She glanced at the page of the newspaper the other girl was reading. "so, what's your name?" She wondered...
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