7:42pm Aug 2 2011
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Ooc; Your post confuses me. o_o And Cass just asked the two who they were. xD
9:32am Aug 3 2011
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12:29pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 3:46pm Aug 3 2011)
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"I'm Avalia..." The 16 year old said, sipping her chai. She growled at the fact that it was too cold now and began to heat it up, her fingertips glowing with a faint blue light. When she was done, she put it down, finishing it with one gulp. She breathed a sigh and looked to the other girl. "What do you think of these kidnappings." She asked the one who had asked their names... ((Sorry, I just woke up))
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3:29pm Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; I won't reply till there's more. o_o No disrespect, but by now you should be able to post something more substantial. :/
12:47pm Aug 4 2011
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Shay drank more of her frappucino. It was a nice medium warmth, not super-hot, which was good because there was enough heat right now. At least Starbucks knew that, apart from some other places. "My name is Shay. I'm thirteen years old," she said. "Those kidnappings send me on edge. It's like.. anything could happen next, and somebody you know might be taken tomorrow." Shay also knew that even she herself could be kidnapped at any time. That was too scary of a thought.. But something else came to her mind. What did all of the kidnapped kids have in common? The age range, yes, but that was it. Sometimes there's a pattern, like all of them have blonde hair. Or all of them are foreign. Or something like that. But in this case, it just seems like a bunch of randoms. "Anyways, what's your name?" Shay asked, directing the question to Cassandra. She gave a curt nod to Avalia instead of saying 'hi' again.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:09pm Aug 4 2011
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((Det, I posted and how do you think they should figure out it is the powers. Can Avalia get kidnapped or something?))
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7:42pm Aug 4 2011
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(I dunno, maybe there should be like.. a kidnapping just outside. Something big and unseeable grabs somebody and all you hear is a scream and a hand release like.. some sort of power. Or something. And then one of them uses their powers and they sort of come to a realization and stuff that way. -fail- But hey. You gotta admit, it wasn't THAT bad... right? )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:46pm Aug 4 2011
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((Ok, ummmm.... how about they attempt to capture Avalia, but Cassandra and Shay come to the rescue!?))
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1:26pm Aug 5 2011
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(Well, let's get Det back over here too. We can't go far without Detz. Anyways, I think the main three should not attempt to be kidnapped, as it draws to much attention to that character and it somewhat seems that Avalia is 'begging' for attention. I dunno, that's just how it sounds when you suggest that to me.. I mean no offense, Feyth. But I'm not really sure. Once again, Det should be here.)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:28pm Aug 5 2011
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((No, don't want to draw attention. That would be bad. Well... okay, random person gets kidnapped one of the characters uses pwoers. Got it.))
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4:29pm Aug 9 2011
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4:39pm Aug 9 2011
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Ooc; If you guys really want to continue this I will. You'll just have to allow for me packing and derping around doing other stuff. :x But only if you'll be active and don't get annoyed at my disappearances. D:
4:48pm Aug 9 2011
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ooc: Yep ,that;'s fine.))
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4:53pm Aug 9 2011
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Ooc; Mmkay, a bit tied up. Can you bring me up to date quickly? D:
4:55pm Aug 9 2011
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((We decided that someone outside is going to get kidnapped and one of the people inside is going to run out and use their powers. I say, not Avalia.))
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5:05pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; May Cass then? Unless Ice has already claimed it. Then that's fine. <3
5:09pm Aug 9 2011
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ooc: I ca hasn't claimed it, have fun! Opps, sorry for mini-modding.
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5:17pm Aug 9 2011
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Ooc; Mini-modding? o_o And alright, replying~ It occurred to Cassandra that she was the oldest and for some reason she flushed at the thought. Nodding her head in agreement at Shay's opinion, fearing the same herself. The kidnappings were getting too close to home, and without her she wasn't sure her dad would cope. "Cassandra, but you can call me Cass...I guess," she muttered uncomfortably, sipping her drink again. The taste was cloying and overly sweet now, after a few minutes of sitting there, and Cassandra grimaced with distaste. Putting down the cup she flattened the newspaper idly and was about to ask the two if they had any more information when there was a loud bang from outside the cafe. Jolting out of her seat Cass hardly spared a look for Shay and Avalia before she bolted out the door, skidding to a halt as she saw a kid entangled in something. Large black tentacles, which faded in and out of sight like smoke, gripped the child tightly. A cold chill surged down Cass's spine as she watched what was going on. No one else seemed to be moving, their eyes riveted on the kid fearfully. A kidnapping in broad daylight. That had never happened before. Squeezing her fists together Cassandra debated on a course of action and chose the moral one, ethics right out the window. Concentrating she glared at a tall lamppost, willing it to break out of the sidewalk and float in midair. With a loud crack it followed her instructions to the letter, hovering menacingly above the monster and child. With cautious precision she swung the eight-foot pole at the monster, watching as it hit with a sickening thunk and slammed it away from its victim. Not letting up for a second she smacked it again, this time with the full force of her rage behind it. "Stupid, disgusting, horrible beast," she hissed, shuddering.

5:25pm Aug 9 2011
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((It means telling others what to do in someone else's roleplay -_-')) Avalia leaped up and ran out, only to see that Cassandra was handing the situation quite well. Instead of focusing on the monster, she ran to the girl's side and comforted the crying child. "It will be alright." She spoke soothingly, wating for the child to stop crying. "Where is your mother." She asked and the child looked up at her with bright blue eyes. "I don't know. Will you help me find her?" The 12 year old hiccuped. Avalia nodded and drew something on her arm it the spare pen in her back pocket. It was a small fluffy stuffed animal. She poked it and it came off her arm in a hgologram. She colored it in and made it real, giving it to the younger girl. "Here, she will keep you safe." She said to the younger girl. Obviously, the girl wanted her mother, not a stuffed toy, but she was 12, old enough to know that you have to be strong and mabye the stuffed bear would help. "Alright, let's go." She slipped her hand into the blonde girl's grasp and pulled her up, not even glancing at the strange monster. The girl pointed to a frantic looking woman near a street corner. "That's my mommy!" She cried and started to sprint towards the older lady. The lady leaped up and pulled the child into her arms. "THANK you, thank you!" she cried, happy tears streaming from her eyes. "I thought I had lost her..." She whimpered and then smiled, kissing the child lightly on her cheek. Avalia smiled back at the woman and ran off, back towards Cassandra. "You were great." She disregaded the fact that the person had just used her powers, there would be time for discussion later...
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