8:14pm May 18 2010
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Inferno lay down, crossing his paws as he watched the young Eevee with a sort of...fondness in his eyes. He'd wished so many times that he could be just like that...so normal and innocent, without a care in the world... But that just wasn't possible for him. The humans had made sure of that. ((Awww. ;U; I feel special now. ;u;))
3:25pm May 19 2010
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((You are special Rika. :3)) Virtue finished the large berry then yawned. She looked up at Inferno with big brown eyes. "Flareon!" she cooed happily.
3:54pm May 19 2010
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Inferno nodded, ears pricking forward. "Yes, young Eevee... I'm a Flareon..." he said, resting his head on his paws to get closer to the little Eevee's height, smiling softly. ((:D)
4:08pm May 19 2010
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"Meep!" Virtue squealed, jumping up and licking Inferno's nose. ((Awwww <3))
4:18pm May 19 2010
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Inferno lifted his head rather quickly in surprise, his body temperature rising a few degrees as a response. ((Actually, I'll make a lab-born Riolu. .U. If that's okay. xD A Riolu would technically be Canine, yes? :D))
4:21pm May 19 2010
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((Yup. :) Canine it is. It'll be okies Rika)) Virtue squealed in excitement, running in circles around Inferno. "Bubbles!" she squealed absently.
4:41pm May 19 2010
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((O.o alot of posts *faints*))
5:28pm May 19 2010
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Inferno blinked, watching the little Eevee run around him before tilting his head back to blow out a few ember-sparks, being very careful to control himself. He didn't want to hurt the little thing. ((Making Riolu now. ouo -was reading Pokemon comics lol-))
5:33pm May 19 2010
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((:P Zennie: Angie basically said she knew that she could beat Kazumi in a battle, and she'll let you and Mercutio go without further harm if they got control of this berry field again)) Virtue hugged Inferno's leg happily. "I love you" she purred. -FAIL-
5:35pm May 19 2010
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Kazumi looked at her and laughed "im alot stronger then you give me credit for and i cant control who gets the fields thats Nyght's desision not mine" she said laughing.
5:41pm May 19 2010
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Angie's scales ruffled (XD). "I need not underestimate so long as I have the type advantage, one hydro pump could send you to Mercutio's fate without question." she said. "Now you can stay, battle and loose the berry fields, or you could leave with your dignity and then loose the berry fields"
5:42pm May 19 2010
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Name: Answers to Experiment Number 426, as well as Change. YEah....they didn't really care enough to give him a good name. e.o Age: Unknown for sure. Gender: Male Species: Riolu....thing. Appears to be a mix of Riolu and Eeveelutions, though. Poor baby. D: Gang?: Elite Canines Looks: A bit smaller than your average Riolu and is colored black where he should be blue, and blood red where he should black. He has an X scar on his muzzle from a fight at the lab, and has bi-colored eyes like Inferno, purple and forest green. He also has blue stripes, almost like an umbreon's, located on the areas of his body that correspond with the Umbreon's rings' locations. He still has shackles around his wrists, if you can call them that, and his 'ankles' from when he was at the lab. Along with all of this, he has a violet gem in he middle of his forehead that changes colors with his emotions. He's also got a fur-ruff not unlike a Flareon's, making him the strangest-looking Riolu you'll ever get to meet. History: Was born in a lab and kept chained up because, like Inferno, he's very unstable. He ran away when he was only two weeks old, or something like that. Persona: He's very antisocial, but has a bleeding heart on the inside. HE really doesn't know how to act towards other Pokemon, since he was always by himself...chained to a wall... Other: Can use almost every type of move, thanks to those freaking Scientists. I personally blame Team Rocket. e.o

7:27pm May 19 2010
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Inferno smiled down at the little Eevee and moved to gently nuzzle the little Eevee. "Love you too, little one...." he said gently, smiling a little. Only the little Eevees had ever seen this side of him. Well...the ones that cae up to him, anyways. ((Change is gonna be one heck of an outcast. xD;)) Change sat by himsel within the Canine camp, staring up at the sky with his bi-colored eyes, ears flicked forward as his forehead gem glowed a soft orange for his calm curiosity.
7:30pm May 19 2010
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( imma make him un lonely. I haven't used my lab so im gonny make a 'nother charrie)
7:35pm May 19 2010 (last edited on 7:48pm May 19 2010)
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Name:(469) Peace Age:fairly young Gender:Female Species:Skitty mixed with eevee. Unknown Gang?:Elite Canine Looks: tle="Eevee-Skitty by ~LordDoodlebob, Nov 15, 2008 in Fan Art > Digital Art > Drawings > Games"> History:She was made in a lad, she wasthrown out because her expirament wasn't successful. Persona:Sweet, kind, quiet,shy. Other:She saw Cahnge when she was in the lab.
7:56pm May 19 2010
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((xD But Change is a Canine mixed with different Eeveelutions. So he's technically a Canine and an Eeveelution, but neither gang really wants him. The canines only took him beczuse he's basically a weird Riolu. P:))
8:01pm May 19 2010
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( I Know, but its a SKITTY, come on, it has a cute fais! Let's jusrt let her in, pwease?) ( aND HE'LL KNOW SOMEONE!) Peace walked over to Change. " Don't I know you?" she asked, quietly.Peace sat two feet away from him.She looked up at the sky. Just some Swablus, and Altarias. She sighed as she looked down at the ground.
8:03pm May 19 2010
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Change's ears twitched, lowering his gaze to the Pokemon in front of him. He stared at her, gaze emotionless. ((You forget, he was locked up alone and chained to a wall his whole life until he escaped. ouo))
8:06pm May 19 2010 (last edited on 8:06pm May 19 2010)
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( She usually walked by him XD) Peace smiled. " You're Number 426 " she whispered. Change looked blankly at him, trying to remember the face.
8:25pm May 19 2010
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Change blinked, tail twitching as he stared at the Skitty-Eevee thing, ears twitching. ((-FAIL-))