9:01am May 16 2010
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((I think we should start. :D))
9:14am May 16 2010
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((yay you first lol))
9:36am May 16 2010
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Patience sat in front of Virtue, her little eevee, along with Angel and Eva, the pair she took care of because their own mothers had been lost, usually it was the canines that took them. Either way, she would always stay well away from them unless they invaded their camp, so she could protect the three eevees she loved the most, more than anything else in the world. Angie took a breath as she emerged from the pool, shaking the stray droplets off her scales before re-entering the camp. She nodded to Patience and the eevees in greeting, but said nothing. Their numbers were small. She looked at her camp, consisting of only four mature eevee-lutions and a trio of very young eevees. She growled at herself. This was beyond pathetic. She was the only think standing between the canines and the rest of her dwindling numbers. What a situation... ~~ Mercutio sat next to Kazumi, watching Nyght, pace impatiently. "There is simply nothing to stress about Nyght," she said, sitting down on her haunches carelessly. "The eevee-lutions wouldn't dare attack us after we have taken so many of their lives. It is too risky!"

9:42am May 16 2010
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Kazumi nodded agreeign with her "Nyght shes right they wont attack us in fear of their numbers going down more we are safe." She said before looking down at the sleeping Kaze curled up in a small ball sleeping having his nap. Eva looked up at Patience whimpering she wasnt talking yet which was strange for an eevee of her age.
12:44pm May 16 2010
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"Come Kazumi, let's leave him to his worrying," Mercutio said "let's get some berries gathered." Patience licked Eva's forehead. "What is it my love?" she purred.
1:11pm May 16 2010
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Eva looked at her stomach as it growled making her whimper again as she moved to Patience feeling abit cold. Kazumi nodded before picking Kaze up by his scruff and putting him on her back smiling as he curled back up asleep.
5:56pm May 16 2010
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Patience sighed. "I'm sorry darling" she said softly. "But the canines are in control of most of the berry fields, we have precious little, and you have already eaten three berries today" Mercutio stood up and stretched before heading to one of the various berry gardens. "What type of berries does Kaze prefer?" she asked.
6:02pm May 16 2010
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Eva nodded before looking around her ears down before running away to explore to keep her mind off her stomach. Kazumi looked at her "he likes any berries hes not fussy but hes asleep so i dont think hes going to eat till hes wide awake." She said smiling at the small Vumpix on her back.
6:11pm May 16 2010
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((Vumpix? lol)) Patience nosed Virtue and Angel back into the den before racing after Eva in case she got into trouble. Mercutio shrugged. "I just thought it'd be good to stock up on something he'll eat, adults won't be too fussy either." Mercutio broke off a branch of a berry bush with her bite attack. she dropped it in front of her, tail wagging proudly. "I almost never find Kelpsy berries."
6:13pm May 16 2010
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Kazumi laughed smiling "well i guess you have now" she said smiling. ((i ment Vulpix XD)) Eva ran around chasing a butterfly pounceing on it but it flew away before she could get it wagging her tail as she kept trying.
6:15pm May 16 2010
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Patience smiled at Eva's innocence, how unaware she was of the situation of the whole gang. Mercutio smiled and looked around the gardens. "Do you see anything that looks interesting?"
6:22pm May 16 2010
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Allyana pounced out of her egg, bouncing everywhere, her parents leaving her sight. She tumbled down from a hill into Elite Canine territory, bumping into Scarlet.She looked up. " mama!" she said, smiling.
6:26pm May 16 2010
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Eva carried on pounceing at the butterfly before jumping but ending up in a river splashing around she tried swimming back to land but didnt know how. Kazumi looked around "hmmm i dont know" she said tiltign her head.
6:28pm May 16 2010
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Angel wiggled her nose, then tumbled on her feet, seeing Eva. " Oh no!" she cried, grabbing a stick. " Hang on, friend!" she cried, waving the stick in front of her, allowing her to grab it.
6:36pm May 16 2010
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6:55pm May 16 2010
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Patience gasped. "Angel! Get away from there!" she barked, grabbing Angel by the scruff and thrusting her a safe didtance from the river. She herself was not a strong swimmer, being an ice type, and the water felt very warm to her. Either way, she paddled with the current until she met Eva. Grabbing her scruff, she let herself be swept with the current, angling herself sideways until she met the s*censored*. Now she was on the opposite side of the river, in a berry field that had been claimed by the canines not long ago. She sighed, setting Eva down on the ground in a wet, furry heap. "Well Eva, are you still hungry now?" she asked, indicating to the nearest berry bush. Mercutio perked her ears with a growl. "I hear something" she said. She got low to the ground. "Follow me" Scarlet laughed. "Alasina!" she called. "You missed the hatching of your daughter"
6:59pm May 16 2010
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Eva was shaking from the cold of the water before looking up at her shaking her head no she was too scared to be hungry now. Kazumi walked over to the noise seeing two from the Eevee-lution gang remaining calm she walked over "what are you doing here?" she asked with a slight growl.
7:01pm May 16 2010
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Patience curled around Eva protectively. "Leave us alone!" she hissed. Angie slid into the river, having heard splashing before.
7:04pm May 16 2010
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Eva looked up at Kazumi scared curling into Patience whimpering. Kazumi looked at them seeing Eva looking scared and wet and put 2 and 2 together "the little one fell in the water didnt she" she said sighing "i will let you off this one time but make sure it doesnt happen again" she said to them.
7:07pm May 16 2010
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Patience hissed. "We don't need your sympathy you mutt!" she growled. Angie emerged from the water, shaking off her glittery pelt, glaring at the dogs. "You dare threaten my glaceon?" she said in an airy voice. Mercutio growled. "You dare threaten my glaceon" she mocked in a high voice. "You dare be on our territory at all!"