5:24pm May 17 2010
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((-fail- I'll go fix it. XD))
5:28pm May 17 2010
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(( Ok. ;o; ))
5:29pm May 17 2010
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Bolt tilted his head and looked down at the Absol, shaking his head. "I'm afraid not, Scarlet...." he said apologetically, looking up at her. He lowered himself onto his belly to smile at the Absol, smiling. "Hello there, little one... Do you know where your mommy and daddy are?" he asked, tail twitching back and forth. Suddenly, a little tiger-like Pokemon shot out of the bushes and skillfully jumped over Bolt and into the air before she could hit him, laughing and giggling. "You'll never catch me Daddy!" she called asa bigger tiger, almost the size of an Arcanine, walked out, smiling. "You're just too fast, Dawne!" he said playfully before noticing there were others around. He blinked, then looked at his daughter, who had landed and walked up tot he Absol, looking at it curiously. "Hello! I'm Dawne!" she mewled happily, tail swishing. Night sighed softly and sat down. "She could be a while," he chuckled apologetically. Flare sat on the outskirts of the Eeveelution camp and watched a weird-looking FLareon and an Eevee. ((FAIL LOL.)) Inferno blinked down at the Eevee, pausing in his little tending to his scar. He sat up to his full height, basically towwering over the poor Eevee. "What...do you like...?" he asked, his voice surprisingly gentle, despite his hard,cold, uncaring demeanor. See, he isn't all bad.

5:36pm May 17 2010
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Angie blinked. "We're a little in the middle of something strays" she snapped bitterly. Patience hissed at Angie. "That Diga is not any older than Angel!" she snapped softly. She turned to Dawne. "Hello Dawne, my name is Patience, this is Angie, Mercutio and Kazumi" she said, going so far as to introduce the canines. "Feed me!" Virtue demanded in a screech.
5:44pm May 17 2010
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Night's gaze settled on Angie as she snapped on them, eyes narrowing slightly. He would not tolerate anyone talking to his daughter like that. "We are not strays. We just aren't canines or Eeveelutions," he hissed back, long Saber-fangs glinting in the light when he moved his head. Dawne giggled. "It's nice to meet you all!" she said, ears perking forwards happily. Inferno flattened his ears, blinking at the Eevee beforegrabbing her by the scruff and padding off to go search for food, being extra careful about his control. God...being a lab Pokemon sucked.
7:44pm May 17 2010
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Virtue squeaked in suprise, but then realized he was carrying her to food. "I walk!" she squealed in protest, trying to squirm out of his grasp. "And that makes you a stray" Angie snapped "And no better than a dog if you ask me" Patience smiled at Dawne, ignoring her leader's argument. "It's nice to meet you too"
7:50pm May 17 2010 (last edited on 5:53pm May 18 2010)
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Allyana looked up, and put her paws up, touching the pokemon's nose. " Hi!" she giggled. Angel was playing by a pond, she looked at her reflection, smiling.She leaned over, and topped in.She bobbed up and down, gasping for air. " Someone! help me!' she cried. ( Post on the Pokefamily rp)
7:51pm May 17 2010
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Night stood and walked over, growling. "Never call me a dog," he hissed, ears flattened. Dawne blinked up at her father with a sigh. "Daddy, calm down..." she said, ears twitching before looking back up at Patience with a smile. "Daddy doesn't like people calling us names. Especially me." "We are tigers, not dogs," Night growled, ignoring her daughter's plea for him to calm down. They were nowhere near being dogs! Inferno lowered his head and dropped the Eevee only a couple centimeters, huffing softly before continuing to walk, tail twitching.
7:53pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Who is the Pokemon Allyana is doing that to...? .o.))
8:04pm May 17 2010
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( The one who was in scarlet's den..AND Is anyone gonna help Angel?)
5:38pm May 18 2010
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((Okay mercy, first of all, you do not play a mightyena or an arcanine. Second of all, that's powerplaying. Even with your own charrie that's not allowed. Third of all, the river runs right through the eeveelution camp, and that's where Angel was, so no one would be able to get in, because the entrances are guarded by the elite guards. Technically, there are no elite guards played by anyone, but those are allowed to be powerplayed because they are necessary. Edit.)) "Whatever" Angie said, flicking her ear dissmissively. "You are tigers then. So sorry to have mistaken" Angie said sarcastically. "Feed Me Feed Me!"chimed Virtue, bouncing after Inferno.
5:53pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 6,165
( Edited)
5:57pm May 18 2010
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Angie heard Angel, her ears pricked. She hissed. "What is with eevees and all their falling in the river?" she snapped. "I'll be back" She dipped into the river and swam easily to Angel, thrusting her as*censored* violently with her temper. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?!" she snapped. "Go to your den and don't come out if you know what's good for you!" she snapped before heading back to where the tigers and Patience were.
6:00pm May 18 2010
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Angel whimped, having her ears tucked back. " I don't have a den, or a mommy and daddy" she sniffled." And no, I wasn't I fall in dee river, on accseedent" she whimpered. Angel began softly crying.
6:06pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((She's a part of the camp so she does have a den. O.o She shares one with all the other eevees, none of which are there right now. You are REALLY bugging me today mercy. ))
6:10pm May 18 2010
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( I'M SORRY! I'm really ticked off today because people are being rude to me. Like my mom. " Angel, what the hell do you think you're doing, writing that sloppy sh!t?" When I was doing my homework )
6:31pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Sorry to be blunt, but that's not my problem. O.o))
6:38pm May 18 2010
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( I'm sorry, Fifi. I shouldn't be taking this out here. Let's just forget about it and start again.) Angel whimpered and sulked into her den, awaiting the older and much bigger eevees to come.After all, she was the runt of the clan.
6:58pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Dawne hopped onto her father's head, settling herself down to lick at one of his ears to calm him down. "Daddy, don't be so mad at them..." she told him, ears twitching as she tilted her head slightly, wings fluttering. Inferno sighed and padded along to a pile of berries he'd been making for a little while now. He nosed out a few of each kind, looking down at the Eeve to see which ones she preferred. He liked anything, really. He turned his head, his forest green eye settling on the Eevee. "There...which kind do you like...?" ((.... I feel the need to make a little Eevee now. xD I wanna make another lab-born Eevee, but I have a shiny and an odd-colored Pokemon already. -fail-))
7:46pm May 18 2010
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((Rika, how many times do I have to tell you? You're one of the people I've roleplayed with the most, you're characters are each individual and balanced, so you're okay. Make whatever charries you want. I know you wouldn't go crazy with thems. :P)) Virute looked at each berry. "Pinap!" she squealed happily, hugging the big berry that looked like a pineapple. She bit into the hard shell and licked at the tart juices happily.