Break down

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1:47am Apr 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 292
Plot: Evil scientist Dr. Shootz has created monsters! Robots that should help people, but when some body accidentally killed one by spilling water, all robots have turned against humans. They are destroying the world. It is now for the super heroes to save the day, as much as they have tried all on their own they cannot save the day, but then they team up. Let's see what happens.

All res rules apply
Only one character, rmail me for more.
Please try to create even genders.
Please try your best with spelling and grammar. But no worries.
I would like at least 3-4 sentences per post. More is wanted.
Please be careful with your curses, only "damn", "hell" and "ass" will be allowed. Romance, drama, violence needed but PG-13 please.

Onto the bios
Real Name:
Hero name:

I hatch spoilt eggs! Send those spoilt eggs you do not want!

12:39pm Apr 18 2014 (last edited on 12:44pm Apr 18 2014)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
Name: Tobias Yorke
Hero Name: (brb debating sorry!)
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Personality: Very sarcastic, is a bit of a glory hound, and tends to do what he'd like to do rather than what's better for all. Has a nasty habit of not finishing tasks unless they interest him. Despite this, he does care for people (usually) and just really enjoys knockin' the socks off baddies.

Appearance: Around 6'3", with a slim build and messy, spiked up brown hair/blonde highlights. Has numerous piercings in each ear and one in his tongue. Enjoys wearing plain clothes - tank tops, shorts, the like, though his favorite shirt is a black tee with "Gay Baby Jail" in a scratchy white font on the front. Medium light skin with a few freckles, grayish hazel eyes.

His "hero suit" consists of a black unisuit with white and teal accents along the sleeves and a white/black eyemask

Powers: He conducts electricity, both natural and generated by himself. Nyoom!

History: Born and raised a standard US human, Tobias figures he got his powers after stepping into a puddle that had a live wire. Near-death experiences, ahoy!

Crush: None
Other: He's gay, so 8)

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