British Prince + Freak Girl = <3 Forever...

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6:39pm Nov 16 2011

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Posts: 7,283
Yeah. You secretly love my ti
tle. Deep down inside. 

This is private. So go away if you aren't Yourstruly...

Anyways... Yeah. I had to make this thread because you are eating chestnuts. 


So how do you wanna start? :)

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5:33pm Nov 17 2011

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In no time, place, or space within the universe or another dimension, do I love that ti
tle. Deep down inside or otherwise. . _.

Moving on. Yuz. Chestnuts were yummy. xD

And I dunno. o 3o Mr British goes out to forest? o 3o

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

8:07pm Nov 17 2011

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Posts: 7,283
Noooo. You love my ti
tle. We can argue about this forever. I will still believe you do.


Oh yeah. I remember us talking about how he meets her in the forest. Gotcha. I'm going offline for a bit to write some health essay for english class? Yeah, I don't know. -_- So, I'll be back either tonight or tomarrow. :)

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11:48am Nov 19 2011

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Btw, you wunt her to be creepy freaky or cute freaky? xD

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

12:56pm Nov 19 2011

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Posts: 7,283
Maybe... A cute creepy freaky? hahaha. But, in all seriousness, both sound tempting. So, if I had to choose one, I'd choose creepy freaky. Just to bring some humor in the rp... But that's just my opinion. :)))

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1:10pm Nov 19 2011

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Posts: 3,809
Lawls, creepy freaky it is. xD I vote you post first, so she can be liek. Stalking him. ;D

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

1:20pm Nov 19 2011

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Posts: 7,283
Ughhh. Okayyy. Give me a second, I need to procrasinate.

Lol. Jk. But, seriously, I'll be a second. :)

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1:39pm Nov 19 2011

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Lawls. xD

Procrastinating CHeese... Why does that sentence make me laugh so? |D

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

3:10pm Nov 26 2011

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Posts: 7,283
Completely forgot about this one. :D

Lol. A forgetting procrasinating CHeese. Bahaha. 

Now why would Mr. British Prince go to the forest? 

AHHHH. Did princes used to hunt back then? :D

Maybe, he can be hunting and almost kills your charries pet. And she can get all freaky deadly and..... :DDD

That's just an idea on how they can meet...

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3:24pm Nov 26 2011

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Mwahhahah, I love it. xD

Yeah, all sounds good to me. :D

Btw, out of her loooooong list of pets, a few he might end up hunting are:

GreatHoof the forest deer,
SmallPaws the grizzly bear cub,
SilverMoon, the wolf pup who's just about reached his full height,
And GreyWing, the raven. :3


Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

3:26pm Nov 26 2011

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Posts: 7,283
Which one is her faaaavorite?

No. This time I'm not procrasinating on replying, I just wanted to know ^^. :D

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3:42pm Nov 26 2011

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She doesn't have a favourite. ;D

SmallPaws is really hyperactive and mischievous though, so most likely to get seen. xD SilverMoon is a little trickster who likes causing trouble, GreyWing is just this bird that she loves talking to and is convinced can understand her and that he uses some secret code that she will crack one day, and GreatHoof is just this. Big deer that likes eating her hair. |D

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

3:48pm Nov 26 2011

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Posts: 7,283
I don't know why I love that post so much. :D
Thanks. I'll post in a different... Post. :D

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3:50pm Nov 26 2011

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Lmao, np. xD

No rush. I'm procrastinating on everything else as it is. |3

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

3:57pm Nov 26 2011

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Posts: 7,283
[[ This wasn't intentional. Promise. D:
But, I've been waiting for this movie to buffer on my computer, and it is now ready. I must go enjoy the world of pyscho's and watch it now. :D
I will post after my movie and dinner. :D Bye D: ]]

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4:08pm Nov 26 2011

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Posts: 3,809
[[Lmao. xD Byebye. <3 Enjoy your movies! <3]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

7:01pm Nov 26 2011 (last edited on 7:20pm Nov 26 2011)

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Posts: 7,283
I have another question. But, I think I can still make my intro without you answering right away. 
Back then, did they use bow and arrows or guns? 
Seeing as they still use arrows today, I'll just say arrows so I don't have to wait for you to come back on to answer. ^^ So... Yeah. Sorry if I'm incorrect. D: ]]

I tried to be as quiet as possible as I walked through the woods as slowly as I could. My hunting boots pressed against a crispy leaf, making a small crunch sound. I ignored it as I moved further. 
I knew I wasn't supposed to be here. I had a ball to attend too after meeting with the king from the other kingdom.
My soon - to - be Father - in - law. (Omg. Look at all those dashes :D)
But, that was just the reason why I was out here. In the back yard of the palace is this woods. And hunting game was a thrill. Especially because it swept me away from my reality as a Prince. And had me consider myself as just a  hunter. Which was much more pleasing to me then being considered a Prince. 
The sound of large footsteps - ones that didn't belong to a human - weren't far ahead. My thoughts were retraced back to my hunting reality. 
My game was near. 
I started for a quick run, so that my own footsteps weren't heard, as I ran straight forward, dodging the trees as if I were an animal myself. As the wind blew more fall leaves that fell from the trees my way, I almost missed a twig that was threatening to trip me. I dodged that too. Like an animal. 
And, finally, I saw it. If I brought this into the palace, they wouldn't be the most proud, since it was just a bear cub, but it was at least better then my last game I killed. 
With a determined ex
pression, I brought my arm up and grabbed an arrow from my bag strapped around my torso. In one swift motion, I brought the arrow to my bow, and looked straight ahead. 
"Sweet Dreams cub."
I said, my (*cough* sexy *cough*) English accent could even be detected from my mere whisper. And then, after aligning just right, I aimed perfectly. 
Straight into the heart of a grizzly bear cub.

[[Should I go farther? Like until he finds her house? Or is this fine? :DD ]]

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7:36pm Nov 26 2011

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Posts: 3,809

[[That's epic. xD LMAO. *cough* English obsession *cough* |D]]

I ran bare-footed through the undergrowth, enjoying the feeling of the earth beneath my feet. Leaves crunched and twigs snapped, but it didn't bother me. Neither did the odd swish of fur against my skin as SilverMoon brushed against my legs. This was one reason I didn't live in towns; my clothes were often described as... contraversial.
Ignoring that fact, I remained running, but stopped as I heard a terrible sound far too nearby for my liking. Turning on my heel as quickly as I could, I ran up the trunk of a tree that had fallen without even breaking my stride, and ran through the evergreen part of the forest on the branches, reaching my destination in less than a minute. I hadn't been that far away to begin with, anyway.
Keeping myself low behind some branches, my eyes widened as I saw a hunter, bow in hand, obviously having just shot an arrow. The sound that alerted me of his presence was the cry of a cub, and I felt myself tremble in anger as I saw an arrow through the chest of my beloved friend, SmallPaws.
Leaping down from the tree and pulling a blade out from it's hilt strapped to my hip, I stood protectively in front of SmallPaws, not even bothering to think of how the hunter would react to my way of dress.
I wore a man's worn shirt, plain white, but with quite a few dirt stains and scuffs from playing with SilverMoon just before, and breeches that were loose and cut off at the knee. Odd enough without my bare feet, or the fact that my raven-black hair was cut to my shoulders, taken into account.
After glancing back for just a moment to SmallPaws, I decided there was nothing that could be done to help. He would almost certainly die, but that didn't mean that this hunter filth would get him.
''Who the hell are you, and what do you think you're doing?'' I said, my voice almost a snarl. My piercing green eyes looked intently into the hunter's own, and I decided he looked like a wimp.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

7:48pm Nov 26 2011

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Posts: 7,283
My sexy British Prince is sculpted and leean, baby. LEEEAN. <3 No wimp in him. ;)
Hehe. Jk. <3 ]]

I wasn't a torturer, and I had some sympathy for the cub. When I heard it's sheer cry ring in my ears, I didn't smile or feel overjoyed at the killing.
But, now that it was done, I did feel quite proud of myself. The animal was dead, afterall. Enough feeling sorry, and now it's time to bring it back to the pala-
I turned around to see a girl, hair shoulder - length, clothes worn and shabby. It looked like she lived in the woods. And needed a well - needed shower.
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I stared at her blade. Immediately, I put my hands up in a sign of surrender. 
"Uh... Ma'am. I'm not here to harm you. Put the blade down, there is no need for it." 
I put my own bow down to show her that I wasn't here to harm her. Then added, 
"I'm Prince Lance. I'm hunting."
I said,  waiting for her response after answering her question. What did the women think I was doing? Searching for her to strike the arrow through her heart? 

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8:00pm Nov 26 2011

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''There is need for a blade when you kill my family,'' I replied, glaring at him. The bear cub was dying for sure now, and it's short, shuddering gasps of pain made me pity it, so I turned my head to look softly into it's eyes. There was no hope for it now, all that was happening now was torture.
Turning my back on this 'Prince Lance', I crouched to the ground, and stroked the bear's fur, murmuring softly to it. Without taking my eyes from it's own, I brought my blade up to it's neck and slit it's throat in one clean, swift movement. It was better for him to die quickly than in pain, even if it meant my hands became a little bloodied.
Closing my eyes, I tried my best to ignore the feeling of sickness in my stomach, and was glad to hear light footsteps coming closer. SilverMoon rushed into the clearing, his too-big paws scrambling to keep his footing as he stopped right in front of me.

[[Psh. Still wimpy. |D]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥
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