2:05pm Jun 27 2011 (last edited on 2:12pm Jun 27 2011)
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Darkness. That's all it was, darkness. A pitch black blanket that wrapped the two children in cold silence. The wind blew out side, finding a crack in a nearby window to push through and shift the girl's long black hair. Blue eyes flashed in the darkness as she and her brother moved silently about the warehouse. This was apparently the hideout of a very important target, and so the had to move swiftly and quietly. She could hear the voices of the men in this particular group, and the leader's laughter rung out, echoing in the big space. Between them and their target was a wall of crates. The girl immediately began to climb, her brother following after her. Just as she reached the top, she paused. She became suddenly aware of the sound of crying. Impossible! Nobody else is supposed to be here. That wasn't apart of the briefing! Her thoughts raced as she peeked over the top of the crates. She couldn't get a clear view of the men, but it was also hard for them to see her all the way up where she was. So she made the decision to climb ontop of the box to get a better look. Crouching ontop of the boxes, she caught a glimps of children in a pen. Her eyes darted to the men only to realize that it was the wrong group. "Set up. Our information was wrong. Let's report back to base." She whispered, standing to return to her brother. Unfortuneatly she was not aware of how far the box was tilted over the edge until it tipped. She let out a cry as the whole top of the wall came tumbling down. She landed on the hard ground, nothing injured, but a crate fell ontop of her right leg, pinning her to the ground. She tried to tug it out, but it was too late, she had been spotted. "And who might you be missy?" The man was drunk, you could tell by his slurred speach and how the alcohol oozed off of his body. He smelled rotten. "None of your business." Finally pulling her leg free, she spun it around and hit the man square in the chest. It was enough to send him back a few steps but for a drunk man, he had some balance skills. The girl immediately took off running in the other direction, trying to duck for cover. A gunshot rang out and pain enveloped the girl's side. She fell to the ground, the blood soaking into her clothing, spreading like a blossoming flower. "JADE!" Her brother called out her name, jumping down with his weapon drawn. He helped her up and then made a run for it, managing to escape despite the following enemies. ~~~ Jade suddenly awoke, her eyes adjusting to the bright light reflected off of white. White? Sitting up, she noticed that she was in the nurses room. Her entire middle was bandaged, and she sighed. A note was left by her head that she should stay in bed but that her brother would be waiting for her to report the incident. He didn't see everything so he was unsure if he could report back anyway. Ignoring the part about staying in bed, Jade stood up and got changed. She pulled on her normal black tube top, black shorty shorts and black coat. She had always admired the way people looked in those Matrix movies, so she tried copying the style. The fabric of the jacket reached all the way down to her ankles, most people found it a hazard but in some cases it had saved her butt. She walked swiftly through the halls, entering the caffeteria to grab an apple before heading out to the training feild. She looked at all the kids, then motioned for the coach to come over. "Is the Cheif in yet?" She asked, taking a bite of her apple. She recieved a nod and began walking in the direction to the main office. She was aware of a few stares, the side of her bandage dyed slightly pink.
3:14pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 496
(emerald, make sure that mission ends quickly, as I have another one planned. I'm just working on the entire breifing and the plot and such. Not sure who's going to be on it yet, but I will try to include everyone. It helps when you have multiple charries. Just a thought. Here's Eric.) I prepare for battle. Kirsty is a formindable oponent. She begins. Darting quickly around the blue mat, she pretends to go for a punch, but then trips me in a kick. Suddenely I'm on the floor, and wheezing. But I'm not about to let a girl who's three inches shorter than me kick me to the ground. I push my body up, wiping the blood which has come out of my mouth with my right hand. It stains my arm and sleeve red, but I don't care. I dart forward, trying to go for a kick in the stomach, to knock her backwards, but the weights restrain me, and I hit her knees instead. 'Well, that might also make her topple over, I guess...' I think as I pull my foot back, and aim another punch. (eh)
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
4:42pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty laughed as she caught her balance before she moved around him dodging punches. "Are the weights too much for you?" She asked him before, just to show off, she kicked her leg up aiming for his head just stopping before it hit him. "Look at the weight that are on me and i have trained so hard just to get use to them." She said as she looked at her own ankel seeing the 40 mark on them.
6:03pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 496
@fox, Kirsty is just getting a little god-moddish. Make sure she has some weaknesses. ((Here's Eric)) The foot stops just centimeters away from my head. I close my eyes, not willing to let them sink upon the number that resides on the weights. "You want to take a break?" I ask, hoping to someone (for I do not believe in God) that Kirsty doesn't continue her kick. (Soooo short >.<)
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
11:13am Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty nodded moving her foot back and walking over to her water bottle and falling down tired. She had been up a while and fighting someone else while having all them weights on made her feel more tired with every step she took. She wouldn't fall asleep until the night but she just hoped she made it through the day. ((better?))
11:30am Jun 28 2011
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"Um, yes," Shay said. "I do believe we did. But we never really did talk throughout all that training..." Thinking back to Mr. Large at Mara's other question, she paused for a moment, thinking about it. "Mr. LArge wasn't necessarily all bad. I think he liked me. Actually... most teachers do like me... so.. yes.. I hope I don't sound too braggy or anything about that statement. Anyway, Mr. Large was pretty rough on us, but it's because he wanted us to be strong and fit and very well-trained CHERUBs."
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
11:40am Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 4,258
Jade walked back out into the training feild, a sigh escaping her lungs. The mission hadn't been considered a failure because of the circumstances, but it felt unfisnished for her. "I have to take on another mission soon. While she was inside she had grabbed her navy blue shirt and tied it so it looked about the same style as her favorite outfit. She looked down at the bandages that wrapped around her middle, a growl of frustration was all she could manage. "I need something to do." She pondered something for a moment, wondering where her brother could be. She hated being around all these people without him. Looking at the clock, Jade bent down in the gras.s and began her set of push-ups. The movement was causing strain on her injury but she ignored it and kept going. After about 2 minutes of push-ups she rolled over and began another two minutes of crunches. She sighed, flattening out on the ground. "So bored."
2:24pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
((Here's Mara. Eric is later. Any good idea's for what I should do about Jacob?)) "Um, Hello?? Where's that noggin of yours? Mr. Large was terrible to us. Do you remember on the final day how he made us run the assault course five times every hour, and the laps we didn't finish would be added onto the next hour? That was bloody horrible!" I say, laughing slighty. I sip my milk, which is luke-warm, but I don't care. My apple lies brown and half eaten on the table. Somehow, I don't feel hungry. I can't. Not when I have a mission breifing later. ((Eric's here. Going to one post unless one characters is particularly long.)) I wander over and sit down by Kirsty. She's tired, I can tell. "You did well," I say, "For a girl." My sense of humor is weak and barely funny, but it's my best shot. I'm breathing hard as well, but my weights are easier, less working to get them to work normally.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
2:43pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty laughed. "If that was good for a girl then what does that make you?" She asked him smirking as she remived the weights before throwing them on him as she stood up to grab her stuff incase others came in to use the training room. With the weights off her was faster then normal so it didn't take her long to grab her stuff and come back. She sat next to him again before drinking the rest of the water in the bottle before she picked up another bottle.
2:54pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
((Eric)) "Ohhh, that's cold." I say, watching as Kirsty darts around the room, packing her stuff quickly, and then coming back to sit next to me. "So, when's your next mission? I hear a few kids are being called up later for a breifing. You one of them?" I ask, taking a bottle with Kirsty, and glugging it down greedily after I ask.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
2:58pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty looked at him and shrugged. "I have no clue i havent seen any staff since i came back from last nights mssion. I don't think thy would send me with a bunch of kids though maybe to watch over them but other then that i don't think im going." She said closing her eyes as she thought about the mission she was just on she was sure they wouldn't send her on another one this soon.
3:07pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
((Eric.)) "Yeah, well. I'm not going either, but I did happen to hear a bit about it. Apparantely, it has to do with Cocaine, but not with just busting a few dealers. Apparately the kids are supposed to infiltrate a main suplier of Cocaine--a billionare, perhaps--and bust him. Sounds like a difficult one. I wonder who's going..." I say, spreading all I know on the subject. I had gotten the word from a few passing by staff who organize the breifings.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
4:28pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty nodded. "Wow that is a big job" She said to himbefore looking over at him. "I'm sure they will pick the right kids to do it, if not then we might have to go and save their little butts" She said laughing while thinking about how they would have to save them if something did go wrong.
4:32pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
((Eric, but after this, I'm going to wait for Ice and the others)) "Yeah." I say, chuckling slightly, but knowing how real this could be. "I think their going to be pretty young. Around thirteen and sixteen, or something." I say. My face droops, but I feel like this is a sad moment for anyone. "So," I begin, trying to change the subject, "Do you think, that, you know, maybe later, you'd like to catch a movie?" I feel as nervous as an elephant surrounded by mice. I scratch the back of my head with my hand for lack of something to do. (My biggest boy.... <3)
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
4:46pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty blushed and looked down. "Sure. I would love too" she said to him smiling. She hoped that he was asking her because he liked her and not because of some cruel joke or bet. She had that happen to her in school and it made her scared to open her heart incase it happened again.
5:05pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
((Nah, he has true feelings. If only my real big brother did that.....))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
5:08pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((I would post but I am beginning to run out of ideas... D:))
5:54pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
((Ok, I will have the breifing up tomorrow night possibly. For now, um, say you visit the trainees or something, because I've been looking for something for Jacob too. Or you could walk in and ruin the moment for Eric and Kirsty (wait until they are about to kiss or something). Or you could start talking to Mara and Shay in the cafeteria. All OK idea's for putting off the fact that the breifing isn't done yet. >.< ))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
6:53pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
These papers are only for:
Shay Peyel (agent) Mara Phlison (agent) Jake Katanna (agent) Sophie Bressa (Mission coodinator)
Cocaine::ILLEGAL DRUG Cocaine is an illegal drug which is highly known around the world. It is illegal to consume, have on person, or even know of. Cocaine is a white powder which is most commonly used by sniffing. It is very addictive. Cocaine comes from the leaf of the Coca plant, which is indiginous to Western South America. In the illicit trade, routes may be taken from Chile, Peru, Brazil, and other places. The Coca Plant is also grown in places where the demand for the illicit powder is high. This has more risk, and is harder to do, considering the climate factors.
Keith Briggs::Cocaine Billionare Keith Briggs is one of the worlds most wanted men. He is suspected of being one of the worlds largest Cocaine contributors. Keith is aged 34, and holds an amount of 6.8 billion dollars in his American Bank Acount alone. He has three kids. His eldest, a girl named Kylie Briggs, is aged 15. She is also suspected for having some knowledge on the Cocaine dealings. Next is Keith's second daughter, a girl named Samantha Briggs, aged 13. She is suspected in knowing about her fathers business, but having no input whatsoever. Keith's third is a son named Cameron Briggs, aged 12. He is suspected of having little to no knowledge on his fathers business, but it is unsure.
Instructions All three CHERUB agents are expected to move in as a newly divorced family under the care of their mom Cheryll Flynn (Sophie Bressa). The eldest, Jake Flynn (Jake Katanna), is expected to try to make friends with Kylie Briggs. Next, Mara Flynn (Mara Philson), is expected to make friends with Samantha Briggs. Last, the youngest, Shay Flynn (Shay Peyel), is expected to make friends with Cameron Briggs ((All of these charries are NPC's, except Sophie Bressa, which will be RPed by me for the mission)). The three agents are then expected to make their way into Keith's home, and plant bugs and camera's, and ask questions about things related to Keith's work.
--This mission has been rated; HIGH RISK-- --All agents have the right to decline the mission at any point, should they feel that they are not worthy.-- --Any consumption of Cocaine while on this mission will result in immeadiate ban from CHERUB-- --Having Cocaine on you person if for the mission is acceptable, and no penalty will take place-- --Any questions must be directed toward Sophie Bressa-- ((Any actual questions must be directed to me.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
1:26pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 3,950
Shay laughed. "Yeah, yeah, I know. But he just wants us to be good agents," she said. Finishing up her food, she only took a few sips of her chocolate milk at a time. It was still partially cold, but not really. She had a mission briefing later, and it was hopefully something super-important and cool. Those high-risk missions are always the most fun. (Do they know of which people they go on the mission with? And where do they get their briefing? >.< I am such a bother for asking stupid questions, right? Oh, and can somebody maybe get some cocaine and be 'interested' in it and run into the head honcho Mr. Briggs and they start a conversation and stuff... or something. It's only an idea, but it's pretty good [I think O.o], considering you'd get close to your prime suspect. ^^' )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -