Jake sighed with annoyance. "She is not going to make this easy on me, is she?" He stood before the empty bed that once held his injured sister. "I bet she thinks that she is going to that briefing later." He told himself, leaving the hospital wing. He said hello to a few of the younger kids as he pas.sed them in the hallways on his way to the training field. He saw her the moment he opened the door. "You just can't sit still, can you?" He smiled, walking over to her. "Let's go see who is going to the briefing. I haven't asked yet." He held out his hand, recieving a glare from his twin sister. With a sigh, he pulled his hand back and watched her struggle to her feet. "You know... Never mind." He shut his mouth, his sister's mood very hard to lift. Jade shook her head, walking beside Jake without complaints. The pain was immense but being apart of the C.H.E.R.U.B.S meant you had to be tough. Well this was her being tough.
(@Ice, They don't know until they get the breifing. The go to a special Mission Breifing Room in the Mission Control Quarters. This is somewhere on campus. Use you imagination.
Also, nothing is certain. You can have Shay do that if you like the idea. Just go off your own idea's. No one else should be telling you what to do, unless it's me ^^ )
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
I finsih my milk, waiting for another spontaneous idea to pop randomly into my head. "So, you want to go and train or something?" I ask. Somehow, we hadn't exactly hit it off. Maybe a few hours of fighting it each other would help. I mean. It's not the best plan ever, but It'll work.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
"Sure," Shay said, finishing her meal and getting up. Fighting each other - what a great bonding time! Punching at one another will surely kindle a great friendship!~ ...Wow, what was she thinking? In CHERUB, it probably would be a good friendship, then again.