Calling all meh Wolves Of The Moon Buddies!!

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7:47pm Jun 2 2010

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Hey, I moved recently into a new house. (Like... 3 months ago) And we're stilling moving our stuffz out of the other house <( So thats where i had to go....

UGH! My arms hurt, my legs hurt... even my hair hurt! I am soooooo gonna have bruises from lifting that stuff D;>

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

10:13pm Jun 2 2010

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Posts: 1,597

If we are going to be making native wolf charries, I'll make one that.... hmm, I'm still gonna think.

*wants to start*


10:41pm Jun 2 2010

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Posts: 7,187

Make the Forum! 83

:iconiloveitplz:tle="iloveitplz" width="50" height="50" />

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

11:18pm Jun 2 2010

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Posts: 516
o_o Okay then.


11:24pm Jun 2 2010

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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

2:55am Jun 3 2010

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Posts: 7,187
Origanal Pack Member?: (If you not Kubbi, Cat, garcia, or Me you're a new member)

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

3:04am Jun 3 2010 (last edited on 3:18pm Jun 3 2010)

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Posts: 7,187



Name: Logan
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Origanal Pack Member?: New member

Looks: Above
Abilities(3): Has wings, powers of the mind, and an Adamantium skeleton, and can rejuvenate wounds.

Mate?: None
Pups?: One, died
Personality: Rp it out
Other: His front paws look like regular paws, not those ugly things, and his wings are of an angel, not of a bat.


Name: Hidan
Age: About four thousand years old.
Gender: Male
Origanal Pack Member?: Always been in the pack and till death.((Hes died like,Five times))

Looks: Hold it.
Abilities(3): Three?Awwwww.He has control over black and gold fire,he can transform into three diffrent forms.He can walk and live underwater.
Mate?: Possiably.
Pups?: Several.
Personality: You should know.
He and his thrid mother,Necilia,share a huge curse mark from his third death when he was reborn.They glow when he is Enraged.He shares a bond with his mother,and will give his life for her.Same for his mate.


Origanal Pack Member
She can create and control natural disasters. She can also use shadow possesion (you'll see it you dont already know) and she can control water.
She's pregnant and she adopted Dhevil's pup Micah, she also adopted Hidan. (Shes a very busy wolf o.o)
She'll be different here now that she has pups
Her past is shattered and dark. She also has a curse mark that occasionally causes her extreme pain, its started to take over her body. She shares a special bond with Kubbi due to her curse mark. She'll give her life for any of her pack mates.

<br><a href=


I'll bring in Luck, and his brother Dethal (if that is his name). Their powers might be changed though since I can't remember their old ones.

Name: Luck
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Origanal Pack Member?: Yes!
Looks:Image and video hosting by TinyPic
He can run so fast that he becomes a blur and his teeth have venom in them but he can choose wether he wants to use the poison or not.
Mate?: None, open
Pups?: None
Personality: Eh, will RP it out.
Other: Dethal is his brother.


Name: Dethal
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Origanal Pack Member?: Yep
Looks:Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Abilities(3): He can control/create electrcity but it is a dark red color and his bark and howl can destroy things and make things fall. But he can control it to be a normal bark or howl if he wants.
Mate?: None, open
Pups?: None
Personality: Will RP it out.
Other: Luck is his brother.


Name: Faidhen
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Origanal Pack Member?: Nope
Looks:Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Faidhen has two sides, a dark and a light. When normal, he would look like how he is in the pic, but he can choose wether to let one of the sides take over him. When the dark side takes over, he would becomes a black wolf that can shoot a ball of darkness from his mouth, and when he lets the light side take over he can shoot a ball of light from his mouth and become a pure white wolf.
Mate?: None, open
Pups?: None
Personality: Will RP it out.
Other: Nothing


Name: Ketavi
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Origanal Pack Member?: No
Looks:Image and video hosting by TinyPic
They don't have powers, right?
Mate?: None, open
Pups?: None
Personality: Will RP it out.
Other: None.


Name- Dhevil

Age- Roughly five-years-old.

Gender- Male

Original Pack member?: Chaaa. =) 

Looks- CLick This belongs to it's original owner, not myself.

Powers- Strength and fire. The power only lasts as long as his energy does.

Mate- Necilia <3333 

Pups- He and Necilia are expecting pups, he does not know this yet. He also adopted his nephew, Micah, when his sister was poisoned.

Personality- Dhevil has a big heart. He always puts his family before himself and will do anything to keep them safe. He has a sarcastic and funny personality, always trying to brighten anyone's day. 

Other- He volunteered to adopt Micah after his sister, Etta, was poisoned by him. Micah and Dhevil have a close bond, they have a lot of personal jokes with each other. They also enjoy chatting with each other in spanish. 

Lives where- He has made his home in the lake.


Name- Micah

Age- Roughly a year and a half.

Gender- Male

Looks- *in asap

Powers- Fire, water, and wind.

Mate- None [I guess it is open]

Pups- None.... yet....

Personality- He is a lot like Dhevil. He has a large heart and is almost always in a fantastic mood. 

Other- His mother was originally Etta.  


Name- Etta

Age- Roughly four-years-old

Gender- Female

Looks- This belongs to it's original owner, not myself. CLick

Powers- Water and healing

Mate- Her mate was Hidan, until the accident. [open I suppose]

Pups- Micah

Personality- After Hidan "died", Etta became depressed. She is now rather bitter and pessimistic instead of her cheery self. 

Other- Hidan was her mate, until an accident that caused him to change into a small pup. 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

3:06am Jun 3 2010 (last edited on 3:12am Jun 3 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 7,187

For those that don't know... you can make a native charrie too!

But lets limit it to one since this RP is about WOTM not the native >3<



Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

3:55am Jun 3 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,597

I'm gonna add another male wolf with powers and a female native with the bios of Luck and Dethal.


5:17am Jun 3 2010

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Posts: 7,187

(( I added them ^^ thanks for telling meh! XD ))

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

5:28am Jun 3 2010

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Posts: 7,187
Name: Shayde
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
~~~> Native Pack Member

Natives don't have powers ;(
Mate?: None
Pups?: None
Personality: She is rude, aggressive, and sarcastic, she also has a big mouth and likes to start things with everyone.
Other: She takes a certain interest in Necilia (A bad one)

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

3:10pm Jun 3 2010 (last edited on 4:57pm Jun 10 2010)

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Posts: 1,361




Name: Rye
Age: 4 years
Gender: male
Origanal Pack Member?: New member
Looks: Rye is small for a male, he is very thin and wiry but is quite handsome with a very odd but beautiful face.His paws are huge and way to large for his body because of this, he is often mistaken for a pup but trust him he's not.He is a light ginger and has a dark auburn ‘mask’ of fur over his venom yellow eyes.Rye has his nose pierced wearing a bar through the septum of his small chocolate brown nose.He wears a pelt of a black female wolf on his back that’s bigger then him.he wears its head as a hood with its front paws across his chest covering a large deep scar and the rest hanging on his back like a large coat.

Abilities(3): none
Mate?: dead(aka pelt on back)
Pups?: none
Personality: Rye is the sweetest wolf you could ever meet his is very caring and kind and feels emotions that run deep.He never lie’s though usally never talks and is broken because of his lost love.Half dead inside most think that’s he’s insane and they stay away

Other:Rye was a sweet happy wolf with mate he loved more than life itself but he lost it when his mate died in a tragic accident,thinking it was his fault and losing his reason to live,he couldnt handle so much pain,Never able to let go he wears her pelt as a symbol of love and to remeber her

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3:16pm Jun 3 2010

Normal User

Posts: 7,187
Thanks. He fine! You can post your intro ^^

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

6:40pm Jun 3 2010

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Posts: 3,662
Name: Spirit
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Original Pack Member: Nope 
EvilWolf2.jpg picture by LagoonWolf09
EvilWolf-2.jpg picture by LagoonWolf09 
Abilities(3): Uhm, She can control wind, Water and heal? o_o
Mate: None
Pups: None
Personality: Spirit is a strong willed creature, keeping her head on her shoulders. She looses her temper from time to time, yet it isn't to easy to break. She is curious, cautious, And stubborn. Yet she is easy to like. She always has a strong will, never scared to confront someone. She is a skilled hunter, years of practice giving her succeeding skills. She is quite smart, and attentive. She keeps her eyes on the prize, and has a winner focus. She has acute senses and its fast to react, yet is one to love.
Other: Notrly 


7:01pm Jun 3 2010

Normal User

Posts: 7,187

=o Pretty ^_^ The other Forum is where the RP is =D

~> Wolves Of The Moon: The End Times <~

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
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