3:12am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((Sand, maybe you should lower their levels, It hardly seems fair for them to be that powerful to start :( ))
3:13am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((XD, you look ready to challenge the Elite Four >.> Soul is just starting. To make it more interesting you should have lower levels *not saying you have to*))
3:15am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 39
((Well, really in the anime, it doesn't matter the level, I mean they really don't have levels XD When you said something about moves, I thought you ment it only had to do with moves and not strenght, sorry ^^;))
3:17am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((xD, yeah, but for the RPs sake, levels mean A LOT))
3:22am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 39
((I'm not used to roleplaying with others ^^; I've only rp'ed with friends, and we never used levels, cause the anime didn't ^^; I apologize, I'm new at this really, I've never roleplayed with others other than my friends.))
3:23am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((xD, it's fine sand. Everyone starts somewhere *pats*))
3:23am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((Is it all right if Creed is Level 35? Feint Attack is one of his few good moves and he's been with Rune for a long time so it wouldn't be strange))
3:23am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 39
((Thank you for being so understanding! ^^))
3:24am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Yeah, that's ok. Just don't go and challenge soul xD))
3:25am Apr 5 2010
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((Oh and Sand, this is my first time RPing in a long time so I feel kinda new to it as well ^^;;))
3:26am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 39
((...I was gonna put mine at the 30's too, but I thought it was too high ^^; Oh I see, glad I'm not the only one :3))
3:26am Apr 5 2010
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((Gah! I'm so slow ;_;I wont, well I might, but Rune will go easy on her, probably xD))
3:27am Apr 5 2010
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((Let's start)) Soul jumped out of bed, ready to start the new day. Pulling on her jeans and tank-top, she hurtled down stairs. "Mom!" she yelled, running into the kitchen, "I'm getting my pokemon today!" her mother smiled, "That's nice, but you don't want to be late so hurry along," she said, handing a dirty dish to her Mr. Mime, who started cleaning it. Suol nodded and ran outside, enjoying the cool breeze in Littleleaf town as she hurried for Prof. Holly's lab.
3:34am Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 3:35am Apr 5 2010)
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Rune was lurking near Prof. Holly's lab out of sheer boredom. He usually slept in but for some reason his body wouldn't let him today. Scowling, he plucked a long blade of gr*censored* and put the end in his mouth. Creed was laying beside his feet, resting some more after their long day of training the day before. Rune envied his ability to sleep. Creed's ears perked up and he sat up, looking out past the lab. A girl way running towards the lab. Rune followed his Pokemon's gaze and snorted. Just some kid after her first Pokemon. He couldn't care less. ((Edit: it censored a plant... o_o;))
3:41am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
(('cause of the butt word xD)) Soul glanced at the guy hiding in the shadows. Whatever, she thought dismissively as she hurried through the doors. It was almost empty, as she was the only person in Littleleaf town without a pokemon yet. She walked up to Prof. Holly, "Hello, I came for my pokemon," she said, panting slightly because of the run. Prof. Holly smiled, "Ah yes, Soul is it? Right this way," she said walking up to a table with some pokemon. "choose one please," Soul looked at the pokemon, feeling torn at having to choose. "Hmmm...I choose...Totodile!" she said, smiling at the little bluue pokemon. Prof. Holly smiled, "Will you name it?" she asked, writing something down on her clipboard. Soul nodded, "I'll name you...Omen!" she saidm cuddling the little blue creature. Omen squiggled in Soul's arms, smiling up at her with a grin her face. "Totodile," she squeaked.
3:45am Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 3:46am Apr 5 2010)
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Posts: 39
Norah sat in the middle of the town, her blue eyes scanning the area. Her trainer wasn’t in sight, as usual. The Jolteon forgot what she was doing, as usual, and distracted by a random ob ject that was sitting near her paws, as usual. She batted around a smooth rock in her white tipped paws, playing with it cheerfully as it was the best toy that the entire world had to offer. Well, what do you know? Maybe it was the perfect toy in the world. It’s shape, it’s texture it’s roundness- Hey! Was that a person?! Norah’s gaze snapped towards lab, noticing a young girl dash in. Being the curious being she was, the young jolteon just had to check it out. In the distance, someone calling the pokemon’s name in a frustrated tone could be heard, so loud that the next town over could of heard it. “NORAH! GET BACK HERE!” Oh! Fleeing time! Norah took off, barely taking notice of the trainer and his houndour near the door. She managed to jump so high that she flew right over their heads and made a mad dash towards the lab door. The jolteon was giggling her head off, not wanting to be caught by her frustrated trainer and treating it as a game. Once inside, she sniffed around the lab, not even noticing if anyone else was in the room.
3:48am Apr 5 2010
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Soul looked at her feet and saw a small Jolteon sniffing by her. "are you lost?" she murmured, just as she heard an angry voice yelling 'Norah', "Oh, is that you?" she asked, kneeling by the Jolteon. She let Omen out of her arms, letting her waddle around and get to know things. Omen walked over to Norah, sitting in front of her, "Toto, totodile?" she said, looking closely at the new person in her short life.
3:54am Apr 5 2010
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Rune ducked quickly as a Jolteon flew over his head. "What in the--!?" He shouted, alarmed at the turn of events. Cursing, he dashed into the lab after the Pokemon, ignoring everything else. It sure as heck wasn't going to get away with that. Creed followed quickly, ready for a fight that his master would probably start. Rune skidded to a stop in front of the girl from before. "Is that thing yours?!" he growled. He was not in a good mood today.
3:57am Apr 5 2010
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Soul looked up, an angry frown coming across her face, "No, but if you're going to do anything to it, I suggest not," she shot back, her eyes flashing with anger. Just what she needed, some angry and annoyed guy to ruin her perfect day. Omen screeched and leapt in front of Soul, ready to defend her. "Totodile, to, to," she reprimanded the man, glaring at him.
3:59am Apr 5 2010
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Name: Omen Gender: Female Age: Baby Species: Totodile Type: Water Level: 10 Looks: Personality: Very protective of Soul, she can go into mad rages if anything happens to friends or her trainer. Trainer: Soul Ito History: She was BORN Other: NONONO