5:10am Apr 5 2010
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Soul gasped, putting her hand over her mouth, though she knew it was a bluff and was respnding with her own. "well, Omen will put it out," she said, putting a desperate tone in her voice. Inwardly, she grinned, let's see if he really is all that, Omen growled and woke up, glaring at the houdnour, "Totodile, to!" she barked out angrily, waving her short arms at the pokemon.
5:18am Apr 5 2010
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Rune narrowed his eyes. "That lizard couldn't put out a candle." he scoffed, his confidence was returning. He wouldn't let himself falter and let Creed turn into a soft pet. "How about we show them we don't make empty threats?" Creed let out a strange bark almost like a laugh and spat a few small fireballs onto some books stacked near the wall. The books burned to ash quickly before burning themselves out. "More where that came from, ladies." Rune laughed.
5:20am Apr 5 2010
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Soul was about to answer back with her own comment on his doings when she stiffened, looking stragiht pas Rune like he had done nothing. Her mouth opened slightly as she watched what was outside. Omen squeaked and leapt out of Soul's arms, rushing to the door with a happy look on her face. "To, to!" she shrieked happily.
5:29am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 39
Sandy twitched, not liking Rune's remark. Nightmare was so furious, her fur was starting to stand on end, she spat right back at Creed, as angry as ever. "I like the idea of you and your sorry life getting outta here, but guess what? Burning down the house is my job..." she smirked, standing in such a way that she was leaning to one side with her arms crossed, "Two can play at your game, hotshot." Sandy wasn't even slightly surprised when his houndour lit a stack of books on fire. She just shook her head. "Oh you ARE sad... going on the self defensive when put on the spot, can't even keep a calm head about you can ya? Nope, just a firey ball of fury eh? Pift, typical." Coming back into the room, Norah ran over to the fire and stared at it with at "OHHH... AHHH..." type ex pression. She took notice of Omen and followed her curiously. "Talk is cheap, show me what else you got." Sandy smirked, shaking her head uncaringly when Rune laughed, "You're a sad being you are."
5:32am Apr 5 2010
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((Going to sleep, don't go too far 8D))
5:40am Apr 5 2010
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((kk goodnight ^^)) Rune's eyes darkened. This girl was amazingly annoying, what's worse was she seemed to be able to get under his skin. Maybe because what she said was basically true. He took a deep breath before replying. "Fine," he said. He tried to sound calm but his voice was shaking, from fear or anger he couldn't tell. He knew a Houndour facing a Houndoom was a disadvantage but he didn't care. "Creed, use Toxic!" He shouted. Creed let out a howl as if to say "finally!" and spat a purple glob of acid right at Nightmare's face.
5:54am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 39
((Night Det!)) Sandy noticed the sudden change in his mood, she didn't do much other than sigh with a bored ex pression on her face. She knew she was annoying, and she was pretty proud of it at this point. She wasn't fond of people like this guy, and she knew how to handle them for the most part. Although, she did have a bad habit of being firey herself. Sandy just plain rolled her eyes at his tone of voice, knowing he probably probably going to give Creed a command at this point, noticing he was shaking so much. Sandy didn't even have to give Nightmare a command, she was ready and waiting for Creed's attack, and flew right over the glob of toxins with an effortless leap. She knew his pokemon looked powerful, but she wasn't a weakling either. Nightmare landed behind him, whirling to face him. "Alright Nightmare, Will-O-Wisp!" The canine spat blue flames at Creed, aiming right for him.
6:10am Apr 5 2010
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Creed was ready for this, and had already began shifting his weight away from where he knew Nightmare was going to land. He sidestepped to avoid the flames by mere inches, feeling their heat as they flew past his face. "Creed, go for the throat!" Rune growled. Creed flinched at his master's mistake. Close combat was not the best strategy in this situation. Obviously, Rune was not thinking clearly. Still, his hesitation didn't even last for a second. He lunged for Nightmares throat, claws extended in the hope that he could use them to keep a grip on his opponent.
6:28am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 39
(( I don't intentionally mean to autohit, so if I do, please correct me :3)) Nightmare stopped, and without a command from Sandy, she whirled around to face Creed. Just recovering from her landing, she made haste moving her head off to one side just as Creed made impact. The canine got ahold of Nightmare's neck, immobilizing her for a few seconds. "Big mistake..." Nightmare shifted all her weight to one side, trying to bring herself down to the floor, attempting to knock Creed into the floor. The odd thing was, Sandy really wasn't giving Nightmare any commands, only an attack here in there. This trainer had confidence that her pokemon could make her own choices, and that she really only had to step in to turn the tides, or when Nightmare was too dizzy to think straight.
6:45am Apr 5 2010
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((I don't see any autohits, so don't worry ^^)) Creed felt his teeth sinking into Nightmare's neck and gripped on hard, not wanting to be shaken off. Even when Nightmare crashed him into the floor, stunning him, his instincts kept him holding on. Instincts? He hadn't relied on them since he met Rune. Rune had always commanded him in battle and Creed had always relied on him. Now with Rune not thinking straight, Creed felt like he was fighting blind. Snarling he squeezed his eyes shut and bit down as hard as he possibly could, thankful Rune wasn't giving any commands for the moment. If he could wear out Nightmare he could win.
6:59am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 39
Nightmare got up and continued to attempt to knock the other canine into the floor. Sandy realized that her houndoom may tire out quickly, so she had to think of something fast. Nightmare was growling, not liking the fact that Creed was latched onto her neck, the extra weight kept her head low. "Nightmare, swing your head." The canine was a bit confused by the command, but she did as she was told, swinging her head from left to right hard. It was then she realized what her trainer was doing, it was hard for her to move her head not to mention painful, but she managed to keep on her paws. "Now use bite!" Nightmare swung her head in attempt to swing the lower half of Creed's body, trying to bring him over enough so she can attempt to latch on to his hind leg with her sharp fangs.
7:01am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 39
((I gotta to bed now, night. :3))
7:30am Apr 5 2010
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(( Night, I'd say I'm ready to crawl into bed too ^^)) Keeping a hold of Nightmare became a lot more difficult as she began to swing her head violently back and forth. Creed felt his grip slacken to the point that when Nightmare grabbed onto his hind leg, she was easily able to pull him off. He dangled helplessly in the air, thrashing and trying to get his claws or fangs into something. On the sidelines, Rune stood helplessly. Rune was a very experienced trainer, but he had never had to face a Houndoom before. If the fact that the types put him at a disadvantage, the fact that Nightmare was much bigger and stronger than Creed did, For the first time he felt completely at a loss. "Creed, Fire Spin directly at her chest!" He shouted desperately. Creed's eyes snapped open, although he still wasn't sure if Rune was capable of giving orders, he still obeyed, spinning around painfully and sending a spiral right at Nightmare's chest.
3:07pm Apr 5 2010
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Soul watched the battle with apprehension, wondering where on earth Omen had gone off to. Finally, she decided to look her pokemon. She skirted around the the two battlers and ran out the door searching for Omen. Once outside she looked around and saw a huge feraligator with Omen clasped in her arms. "Omen!" she cried as the feraligator growled at her. "Fera, feraligator!" said the female, her eyes watching Soul closely. Soul stood stock still, apprehensible at what might happen.
3:27pm Apr 5 2010
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5:19pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 39
Norah followed Omen, looking over at Soul when she appeared from the door way. The jolteon found herself sitting in front of a rather huge Feraligator, she looked up at the pokemon with a rather curious look on her face. She slowly reached out a paw and lightly poked the water pokemon, moving away afterwards, ducking her head. She peered up at the pokemon, and then looked over at Soul. "Jolt?" Nightmare growled, she moved her colorless eyes to glare down at Creed, twitching her tail to show she was annoyed. She kept hold of the houndour, thinking of what to do next. Sandy was thinking about what to do next, hoping Nightmare could keep him hanging in the air for a bit. She was taken off guard by Rune's orders and the fire spin attack. Without enough time to move, Nightmare was hit point blank, yelping in surprise. She dropped Creed harshly and jumped back, hurting from the fire spin. Nightmare glared at the other canine, flicking her tail again. "You alright Nightmare?" "Doom!" "Alright now, Sludge Bomb!" The sand colored canine took off running towards Creed, spitting out a big glob of poison at him as she went.
5:23pm Apr 5 2010
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Soul glanced at Omen, who seemed perfectly happy in the feraligator's arms. "Oh," she said, understanding the situation, "This feraligator is your mother," she smiled at the feraligator who nodded seriously, "Fera, feraligator!" it snarled, stomping into the lab. It pointed at Rune, "Fera!"
5:26pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( Join as a wild shiny eevee? That Soul finds? ))
5:28pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Um, Soul doesn't need another pokemon for now. Maybe you can just tag along?))
5:32pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( okay))