5:45pm Apr 5 2010
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((Back, did ya miss me? :P)) As soon as Creed hit the floor he scrambled to his feet and bolted away from Nightmare, trying to get some much needed distance in between them. He leaped onto a desk, knocking whatever was on it to the floor and spun around to face his opponent just as she used Sludge Bomb. "Swift!" Rune commanded. Creed obeyed, using the attack to stop his opponent's in mid-air, causing a small explosion as the collided. Rune nodded, pleased that Creed was holding up well, but when the Feraligator entered the lab, apparently mad at Rune, he spun around to face it glaring. He blinked in surprise, at first mistaking it for Omen before he saw her in the Feraligator's arms. "What in the...?" he muttered.
5:50pm Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 7:01pm Apr 5 2010)
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Name:Angel Gender:girl Age:just hatched Species:Shiny baby Eevee Type:Normal Level 2 Looks:like a shiny eevee Personality:sweet Trainer:none... History:hatched a few seconds ago. Other:Nupe, but she has special powahs
6:02pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
The feraligator snarled and let out a gout of water at the houndour. Soul grinned, "She's mad you insulted her child, for now, she temporarily battling with me!" she said, taking Omen. The feraligator roared at Creed, an agry snarl on her face. "Use Hydro Pump!" yelled Soul. She nodded and let a forceful blast of water at Creed.
6:13pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 39
Nightmare snarled as Creed jumped onto a desk, shaking her head, thinking that the houndour had poor manners. Knocking everything off that desk? There could of been paper work or valuable things on that desk. The female canine growled when Creed used swift, stopping the sludge bomb in mid air. A fire blast built in Nightmare's maw, getting ready to fire at other canine. She was going to attack when the Feraligator stomped into the room. Sandy notice Rune turn to face the pokemon, which made her frown, she wasn't finished teaching this guy a lesson and now they had an interruption. "Nightmare, stop," Sandy sighed, "Can't have the trainer not paying attention to the battle now can we?" The flames in the sand colored canine's maw stopped and she sat down. Nightmare seemed rather lady like, but in battle, she wasn't afaird to get her paws dirty. She stared at Creed, not wanting to take her eyes off him incase he attacked. Norah walked in, she sat down and looked at Soul curiously. As usual, the jolteon didn't really know what was going on. Sandy was surprised when the feraligator attacked Creed, and even more surprised when Nightmare moved on her own to shove Creed out of the way and ducked, the water just missing her by and inch. "Nightmare... what was that about?" The houndoom seemed unnerved, the ex pression on her face was an upset one. She was unnerved that the gator interrupted her battle, insulting Omen or not.
6:15pm Apr 5 2010
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The feraligator snarled at Nightmare, speaking in Pokemon "You, this is my battle! This mutt insulted my child and I demand peyment," she glanced back at Creed.
6:17pm Apr 5 2010
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Angel was happily skipping along, until she spotted pokemomn.She bounced up to a trainer. "Ee?" she asked
6:25pm Apr 5 2010
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Creed let out a howl of shock as Nightmare shoved him out of the way. He toppled off the desk and fell to the floor, landing on his shoulder. He tried to stand up but the pain from his injoured leg forced him to stay the way he was. Rune was equally surprised and could do little more than stare at the exchange between Nightmare and the Feraligator. Obviously, Sandy hadn't made her save Creed, so what in the world was going on?
6:29pm Apr 5 2010
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Soul watched in surprise as Nightmare shoved Creed out of the way of the feraligator's hydro pump. "What's wrong?" she shouted, not wanting to hurt Creed, just wanting to prove her point.
6:31pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel hopped on Soul's head.. She looked at her face. " Eevee..." she said smiling.
6:33pm Apr 5 2010
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Soul patted the eevee in surprise, "Oh, hello," she said, slightly shocked at its appearance. She looked at the battle and saw the feraligator talking to Creed. ((No one-liiners please Mercy))
6:38pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( ZSorreh)) Angel smiled happily, she jumped on to the traine's shoulder. " Hi!" she said smiling.Angel bounced happily, she was really small, about the size of a new born Pichu.Angel giggled sweetly, she was just a happy pokemon.
6:38pm Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 6:41pm Apr 5 2010)
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Posts: 39
Nightmare stood over Creed in a defensive position, she wasn't happy about the gator interrupting her battle, not to mention her asumption was wrong. Sandy didn't have the slightest clue what was up with her houndoom, and why she was protecting Creed like that. "This "mutt" did nothing of the sort, miss," Nightmare spoke to the feraligator althought to the trainers, it only sounded like she was barking her spieces name, "Do not blame the him for the fault of the trainer! You try to attack him again and you'll have to go through me..." "Nightmare... what are you doing?" Sandy stared, confused, "Come on, let Mr hotshot trainer handle his own problems..." The trianer's ex pression showed worry for the houndour when he didn't seem able to get up, she didn't mean for this to happen, poor thing. She just wanted to teach this guy a lesson, and she couldn't call Nightmare back no matter how much she called, the houndoom seemed adamant about protecting Creed.
6:41pm Apr 5 2010
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Sighing, the feraligator nodded, "What? Shall I attack the trainer then?" she turned on her heavy feet to look at Rune, a ferocious look on her face.
6:53pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Creed snarled, embarr*censored*ed to be protected by Nightmare. However he had other things to worry about. The conversation was directing the hostilities on Rune and fear boiled in his stomach. As the Feraligator turned to him, Rune stepped back, trying not to let fear show on his face. "Don't you dare touch him!" Creed spat in Pokemon. These Pokemon could beat him bloody but they wouldn't put a single scratch on his master.
6:59pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 5,748
Trainer Name- Ella Status (trainer, Galactic member, etc.)- Trainer Age- 18 Looks-  Personality- Strong minded, friendly Pokemon- Sky and Luna Pokemon Name- Sky Species-Shiny eevee Looks (picture please)- Level-15 Personality-friendly stong Pokemon Name-Luna Species-Black eevee Looks (picture please)- Level-15 Personality-friendly strong

6:59pm Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 7:10pm Apr 5 2010)
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Posts: 39
Nightmare growled even louder when the feraligator turned to Rune, her tail lashing about in anger. "Are you that foolish that you would attack a human?!" Nightmare barked, even defending Creed's trainer now, "Stand down Miss, I apologize on behalf of this pokemon's trainer." A white Arcanine walked up from behind Sandy and sat down next to her. She was bigger than the average canine, and seemed rather confused what was going on. She looked at Sandy, her red eyes longing for answers. "I dunno what's going on either Gale." The Arcanine whined as Sandy walked over to where Rune was. "I don't know what your problem is, gator, but," Sandy said as she looked at Omen's mother, "If it's something this guy said, don't take it to heart, besides, I doubt this guy thinks before he talks anyways."
7:00pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Sure Anti))
7:02pm Apr 5 2010
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The mother sighed, "I will go now, but any more insults to my child and there will be hell to pay," she snarled at Nightmare before heading back out of the lab. Soul stared at the pokemon's retreating back, "That was odd," she remarked, hugging Omen close. "But not that bad," she stared at Sandy, "Pretty touchy though,"
7:03pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel hopped over to Sky. " Ee?" she said, smiling cutely.
7:11pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Rune relaxed his shoulders as the Feraligator left the lab. That was one less threat to deal with. He looked over at Creed and frowned. He doubted Creed would be able to fight, and he had no other Pokemon to use. Slowly he walked over to Creed and, careful not to touch Nightmare, he pulled his Pokemon into his arms and stood. He held Creed close to his chest, his hazel eyes eyes watching the others coldly.