7:13pm Apr 5 2010
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((Its storming pretty bad over here, so if I suddenly disappear its cuz a tornado touched down and my basement probably wont get a Wi-Fi signal >_<))
7:13pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Soul turned and glared at Rune, "Perhaps this ought to teach you not to use pokemon as tools," she said frostily, her eyes cold. She held her arms crossed atop her chest and she tapped her foot.
7:22pm Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 7:23pm Apr 5 2010)
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Posts: 39
((That's okie Zom :3)) "Oh look, he has some compas sion." Sandy scoffed as she watched Rune pick up his pokemon. Nightmare sat down after Rune took his pokemon, she frowned and looked up at him, whining. "Yeah that was kinda odd," Sandy yawned, "Might wanna take your "tool" to the pokemon center, he looks hurt." Nightmare looked over at Sandy and then back at Rune again. Sandy couldn't understand what Nightmare was so concerned about, the trainer shrugged and turned to Gale who was sitting next to her. "Soul, I'd like you and Omen to meet Gale, she's one of my best." Sandy said as she petted the great Arcanine. Gale barked in greeting, wagging her big fluffy tail. "I dunno Soul, some guys just never learn." Sandy said, crossing her arms and mirroring Soul's ex pression.
7:30pm Apr 5 2010
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((Join 8D)) Name: Ribunny Gender: female Age: 13 Looks: blondish brown hair and blue eyes, she usually always wears camouflage because its epic. Personality: Crazy at times, she has a bit of anger manigment issues, but makes a great friend POKéMON: A charizard, A quilava, anda ditto History: hisss Other: Can she be able to understand pokemon? I wont mind if she cant. ---------- Name: Char Gender: male Age: around 13 poke' years Species: Charizard Type: fire Level: 100 XD 50 Looks:  Personality: very shy actually. Heis unlike most charizards and is scared easily and very timid Trainer: Ribunny History: Ribunny's first pokemon. When he was a charmander he was unable to use fire due to a sickness. He overcame the sickness when he became a charmealion Other: The REAL Char in my pokemon game is lv 100 >8D -------- Name: Flower Gender: female Age: around 10 poke years Species: quilava Type: fire Level: 40 Looks:  Personality: hyper and crazy, she is eather so hyper she cant stand stll or so tired she just drops Trainer: Ribunny History: Was rased in a sugar factory as a cyndaquil. When the sugar factory went out of buinus, Ribunny adopted her. Other: no ---------- Name: Changey Gender: genderless Age: around 20 poke years Species: ditto Type: normal Level: 35 Looks:  Personality: doesn't like to move much, it is very lazy, but when there is a battle it gets a whole new personality Trainer: Ribunny History: unknown Other: Doesn't listen to Ribunny somtimes.

7:37pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Rune frowned. He had been joking about calling Creed a tool, but he doubted telling them that would make any difference. He sighed, trying to ignore Sandy's annoying comments, even if she was right about the Pokemon Center, to bad he would never even consider going. Creed whined against Rune's chest, he wasn't used to being held and he didn't feel comfortable being treated like a pet. However, Rune didn't move, he was still watching the others closely.
8:38pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 39
"Fuzzy Gale!" Sandy giggled as she hugged her favorite Arcanine, "Where have you been all this time anyways? You silly girl!" The female arcanine smiled and licked her trainer's face. Sandy ruffled her fur playfully. "Aw! Good girl Gale!" Norah joined Nightmare, sitting next to her at Rune's feet and staring at him, thought it was a curious stare instead of a worried one like Nightmare's. Sandy sighed and put her bag down on the floor, she pulled a Hyper Potion. "Come Nightmare, lets get rid of that burn." Sandy said as she held her hand out towards her pokemon, but she just whined and looked at her, "..Oh Nightmare." Sandy got up and walked over with the hyper potion. "Take the potion, my Nightmare is obviously worried about your pokemon," the trainer shook her head, "You're a stubborn one, next time I suggest you go to a pokemon center, kay?"
6:12pm Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Gah, high levles much? Ah well, Soul'll just catch a level 29 Flaaffy -details later- and evolve it into Ampharo 8D)) Soul looked at Nightmare with a worried ex pression, "Poor Nightmare," she said softly, looking at the houndoom with concern. She hugged Omen and glanced around, "Thank goodness the feraligator is gone, she seemed very upset." she muttered nervously.
6:49pm Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Rune stared at the hyper potion for several minutes before realizing it was meant for him. It was the first act of kindness towards him in a long time. "Th-thank you," he stuttered, a flustered ex pression on he face. He shifted Creed in his arms so he had a free hand to take the potion. He retreated a ways back before setting Creed carefully on the ground and spraying the contents of the potion on his leg. Creed flinched as the potion stung his leg, but didn't move it. He was used to more natural means of healing, berries and herbs mainly. Instead he focused on Nightmare. Her protective attitude towards he was starting to ruffle his fur. He watched her carefully. Rune finished spraying the potion on Creed's leg and, after disposing of the empty bottle in a nearby trash can, pulled off his own pack and pulled out some material. He used it to wrap Creed's leg before responding to Soul's comment about the Feraligator. "I'll say. That lizard looked ready to swallow me whole!" He let out a chuckle, feeling in a better mood now that the fighting was over and he knew Creed would be ok.
6:56am Apr 7 2010 (last edited on 8:56pm May 28 2011)
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Posts: 29
1:28pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 39
"Yeah yeah, no problemo." Sandy smiled, petting her Arcanine as she nudged her arm. Nightmare wagged her tail, looking back at her trainer with a happy ex pression. The female houndoom followed Rune and sat down in front of Creed after he was carefully placed on the floor. Sandy called her houndoom again, yet she still didn't budge. Nightmare watched as Creed's trainer sprayed the potion on the canine's leg. The sand colored houndoom wagged her tail once again and gave a Creed a warm smile. She was a caring pokemon, although she had a habit of getting fired up when her trainer did. Sandy glanced over at Soul when she heard her say something about Nightmare. "Nah, she's alright, well she would be if she got her tail over here to get rid of that burn," Sandy sighed and tried to call her pokemon again, but she wouldn't budge, "Oi, you stole my houndoom! Give her back!" The trainer said that in a joking matter, smiling at her houndoom's caring nature. "Yeah, I'm glad that gator is gone too, water types don't agree with fire... no offence ment Omen," Sandy then turned to Rune, "I bet that gator would of ate you too, if it weren't for my Nightmare." Sandy picked up her bag and turned to Soul. "You should take your Omen out for a test run, see how powerful she is? I don't doubt she'll be a strong one with lots of training."
3:12pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Both Creed and Rune were now staring at Nightmare. Her actions puzzled them both. Rune smiled and leaned closer to Creed. "Look's like you got a girlfriend," he whispered into his Pokemon's ear. Creed responded by snapping his jaw in annoyance, wondering what could of come over his master. Rune lifted his head to look at Sandy. "Keep up those jokes and people will start to think I really am with Team Rocket," he responded with a laugh, remembering what she had said earlier. "Showing off for those girls, I'll bet," Creed remarked. Even though Creed was talking in Pokemon, Rune had known him long enough to know what Creed's barks had said. "Th-that's so not true!" Rune argued quickly, blushing. Not waiting for Creed's response he turned back to his bag and pulled out a small jar. He checked to make sure it was the right one before unscrewing the lid and holding it out for Nightmare to sniff. Inside the jar was sky-blue cream with green flecks. "It's made from Rawst Berries, it'll heal your burn." He told her. "If you're trainer is going to take responsibility for your bite, then I can take responsibility for the burn Creed gave you."
3:38pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Ani, you have to fix your BIO as I have been telling you. I will not have a 553 year old on my RP))
3:44pm Apr 7 2010
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Soul nodded, "I plan to train her as best I can," she said firmly, letting Omen down. Omen puffed her chest out and nodded proudly, "Toto," she squeaked. Soul smiled, "Let's go to Korou fields," she said, naming the starter area for new trainers.
12:24am Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 9:01pm May 28 2011)
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Posts: 29
12:39am Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((Anim, it doesn't matter if Det is younger than you. He created the RP so he has the right to tell you to change whatever he wants. If you wanna participate, play by his rules. Besides, I don't think he's being rude.))
4:51am Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 39
((Yeah I agree with Zom on this one... it's Det's rp... and no offence, you don't seem to know how to rp very well at all... ^^; Oh and I wanted to let you guys know, I'm taking a break from Res, but I'll still be online to post on the rp. And um... I didn't know if she was suppost to eat that cream stuff or not... cause I know in the games they eat the berries to heal...so I just made her eat it... Sorry XD)) Nightmare had heard the comment Rune made, but she didn't say anything. She just sat there with a cute doggie smile on her face, wagging her tail every now and then, watching Creed to make sure he was alright. Sandy smirked, hearing Rune's comment about team rocket, she looked over at him while patting Gale. "Glad you realize it's a joke, Mr Hotshot." Sandy said with a good natured smile. Nightmare thought Creed's comeback to his trainer was rather funny, they reminded her of an old saying she once heard, like trainer, like pokemon. Sandy blinked, she seemed confused about what Rune just said. "What's not true?" she asked, but quickly got bored and didn't bother waiting for an anwser, "Ah well, you don't see so bad after all, Mr Hotshot." Nightmare watched curiously as Rune pulled out a jar from, she got up and stepped back a bit when he held out the jar for her to sniff. The female houndoom walked closer and decided to sniff the cream after all. She listened to his explanation and gave him a cute smile. "Ahhh no Nightmare! Don't try to stick your nose in the jar... you'll get doggie germs on it..." Sandy said as she reached into her back pack and pulled out a clean cloth. She walked over to them and took the jar for a brief moment, dipping the cloth into it to catch a bit of the cream. She gave the jar back and held the cloth in front of Nightmare. "Well well, that was rather nice of you, thank very much!" Sandy smiled at Rune. Nightmare licked at the cream that was in the cloth as Sandy turned to Soul. "Oh, the fields sound like fun! You can give your pokemon some good exercise, and maybe we'll find something there," Sandy said excitedly, "The fields sound like fun." Norah walked up to Omen when she puffed out her chest proudly. "Jolt!" squealed as she nodded in approval, she too though little Omen was going to grow into a powerful pokemon. "Perhaps we got off on the wrong paw," Nightmare said with a smile, glancing over at Creed, "I'm Nightmare, it is an honor to meet you."
6:05am Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Join? ^^ ))
1:47am Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 161
Oh what the hey...I hope this fits your terms. BIO Trainer Name: Shay Miru Gender: Female Age: 17 Looks: Shay is a lank young woman with short, dark brown hair that just reaches her shoulder. Dark hazel eyes seem cold at first to look at, and as much time as she spends outside, it’s a wonder why her skin is a bit pale. She wears a pale lavender jacket over a black t-shirt, constantly wearing her hood, and has her hands in her front pockets most of the time, fiddling around with it’s contents. You wouldn’t know she wears fingerless gloves this way. Black slacks and shoes, and a bag slung over her shoulders like a school kid Personality: Shay is distant from other people, and often seems cold towards other people. She doesn’t get along well with others because of her unique training abilities and tactics. She cares much for her Pokemon and their well being more than her own, and shows little to no fear. Her mind is that of a highly skilled tactician, as it is rare for her to lose a battle, though she doesn’t challenge others very often at all. Her friends are few and often far between, however should you manage to make friends with her, you’ve got one for life. POKéMON: Ashe the Charizard, Shayda the Ariados, Kayen the Bayleef, Vyra the Skarmory, Sahsha the Weavile History: *being lazy <_<* Shay was raised on a Pokemon Egg Ranch, where she was home schooled, and also where she keeps many of her other Pokemon. Being a trainer for a long time, she’s trained and accumulated many many Pokemon over the years, and is an exceptional trainer, and coordinator. The team she has right now is currently in training. Her Charizard Ashe is trained the slowest out of all her Pokemon. Other: POKéMON: Name: Asharas, AKA Ashe (Said ash-ay) Gender: Female Age: 12 Species: Charizard Type: Fire/Flying Level: 36 (Don’t like the level things but eh...<_<) Looks: http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/742/ashev2.png Personality: Ashe is a strong willed Charizard with a warm heart, and well heard voice of reason. She cares about all others, and will fight to the end for anyone she holds dear to her. Her patience is a long line, and it takes alot to make her mad, other than messing with her trainer. Ashe is Shay’s pride and joy, and is not often used in battle, unless the situation calls for it. Trainer: Shay History: Ashe was found as an egg in a river when Shay was exploring the mountain range, far from her family’s ranch at the age of five. Shay hatched her soon afterwards, as a shiny Pokemon, but being exposed in the river as an egg for a long amount of time left her colouring off. It wasn’t as noticeable until she became a Charizard, instead of having red undersides on her wings, her belly and wing underside changed colour. Other: Ashe has a fame for defeating Pokemon that have a well type advantage over her. Shay doesn’t use Ashe often, if not at all, unless verily needed. Her tail flame burns blue constantly because of the many harsh battles fought in the past. POKéMON: Name: Shayda Gender: Female Age: 11 Species: Ariados Type: Bug/Poison Level: 27 Looks: http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/8672/shaydav2.png (Basically a darker than usual shiny) Personality: Shayda is a very timid Ariados and doesn’t do well around other people. She is very shy and hesitant to strangers, even around friends she is cautious. Very few people actually see Shayda’s true, happy side. Nonetheless this Ariados is intelligent, fast and is powerful when she gets into the right groove. Trainer: Shay History: Shayda was found as a Spinarak in the forest outside where Shay lived. At the time she was tagging p*censored*ers by with bits of web, and attaching it to another, like a relationship matchmaker. She wasn’t usualy wrong, though having web stuck to your back without you knowing did cause some trouble. Other: POKéMON: Name: Kayen Gender: Female Age: 9 Species: Bayleef Type: Gr*censored* Level: 26 Looks: Kayen is a normal looking Bayleef with a purple bandana tied around her neck. Personality: Kayen is a loving, happy hearted Bayleef with much concern for others. She doesn’t like abuse, or disrespect, but is quick to forgive. She is always ready to battle, and likes a fair fight and no dirty tactics. She plays defensively, even against types that she isn’t well matched against, and can pull surprises out of nowhere when you least expect it. Trainer: Shay History: Shay hatched this from an egg when she was younger while working at her family’s ranch. Kayen stuck to Shay like glue and since then, the gr*censored* type has grown on Shay. Other: Kayen was hatched from an egg, so is entitled to breeding moves. POKéMON: Name: Vyra Gender: Female Age: 7 Species: Skarmory Type: Steel/Flying Level: 20 Looks: Like a regular Skarmory Personality: Vyra is full of spunk and fighting spirit. She’s always eager and willing to do her best, and never loses to the same Pokemon twice. She’s always there to prove herself valuable, which she has on many occasions, however tends to outdo her self and get seriously hurt. Trainer: Shay History: Vyra was the egg, hatched by Shay once again, from a female Skarmory and male Staraptor her father had. Vyra was thought to be a dead egg, having such a delay with her hatching time. However this proved not to be true after she hatched two months later. Vyra was left at a tutoring school for a few months in order to learn some other moves for contests. Other: Vyra knows egg moves from hatching from an egg, and a few tutoring moves. POKéMON: Name: Sahsha Gender: Female Age: 11 (*censored*umed) Species: Weavile Type: Ice/Dark Level: 24 Looks: Again, regular Weavile. Personality: Sahsha is a quick witted as she is quick with her footwork. Sahsha has a bit of a temper, and doesn’t tolerate back talk or rudeness of any kind towards her trainer or other Pokemon. She often starts fights for this reason, and can often hold her own in those fights without Skay’s *censored*istance. Sahsha has a family value, though she doesn’t show it much often, and is a skilled navigator. Trainer: Shay History: Sahsha was the one Pokemon Shay caught on this current team. Other: