2:28am May 30 2010
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7:33am May 30 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
9:45am May 30 2010
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((Maybe one more person.))
10:59am May 30 2010
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11:13am May 30 2010
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9:42pm May 30 2010
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((bump *Sigh* I guess we might start soon.))
9:22am Jun 2 2010
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((I guess just start.)) Panther stood atop a large hill in the outskirts of a forest surrounded, but lush green meadow. He stomped and snorted as the light breeze turned into a soft wind. The great stallion lifted his head and looked out over the land, checking the face of every horse in the meadow to make sure everyone that was there, belonged there, and that nobody was missing.
Pide Piper and Nightmare stood in the meadow together. Nightmare grazed and kept an eye on the little foal that was running around in circles(Apple). Pide Piper stood and looked around with shifty-eyes. He snorted and looked up at Panther silently.
10:07am Jun 2 2010 (last edited on 2:21pm Jun 2 2010)
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Feyth lifted her broad head and glanced at Panther with a look of loving kindness, but she knew it was a longshot. The stallion wouldn't notice her. She was not that good looking, with her albino fur and her long black main. She wasn't the fastest, nor the meanest. She was not Alpha material. A little hope sprang in her mind and she lifted a wide hoof and then put it down, leaving a wide hole where she had stepped. There might be a chance for her yet, but her mind kept wandering back to dispair... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dusk put her head in her hands and sobbed. "I*m Sorry." a voice said behind her. "But how?!" Dusk's voice rang out with sadness and she shook her head. Her parents couldn't be dead, her parents, her sister, and even her brother. they all died in a mystreious accident with a robber. Since nothing was out of place at the house, they were skeptical at first when they looked. the truth hit her as she smelled blood rising from the carpet. They were dead and somehow, it was all her fault. She tore away from the man's grasp and ran outside right into another girl...
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10:14am Jun 2 2010
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((I can't think of anything XD))
Muffinz 0_o
1:47pm Jun 2 2010
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((Who's Shadow?
Can't think of anything either.))
1:52pm Jun 2 2010
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((I don't know. And, I will try to think of something.))
Muffinz 0_o
8:18pm Jun 2 2010
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Panther felt as if he was being watched, but being lead stallion, he was used to the feeling. He looked over as Nightmare and Apple started running around. He sighed and continued to look around. He soon looked over and saw that Feyth was the one watching him. He sighed again and kept looking around.
8:21pm Jun 2 2010
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Feyth turned her head to watch Apple play. "Hello little one." she said in a motherly tone of voice...
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8:27pm Jun 2 2010
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Apple stopped and smiled, "Hi." She said happily. Nightmare ran over and stopped before she ran into Apple. She sighed and smiled at Feyth, "Hey Feyth." She said with a laugh.
11:00pm Jun 2 2010
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"Hi Nightmare." Feyth dipped her head in respect of the mare and smiled...
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10:01am Jun 4 2010
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As the sun rose into the sky, Panther looked around. He decided the herd would move to their normal grazing lands.He reared and whinnied to the herd that they would be moving for the day from their nighttime feild, where they were now. The moment the great stallion's hooves touch the ground, he was running down toward the herd. He stopped at the edge and whinnied again to her herd. "We're moving North." He called to his herd before trotting towards a path that lead out of the feild. The path was dark and kind of spooky, but it was the safest way out with the foals.
Nightmare stopped Apple from playing and the two trotted towards Panther.
Pide Piper was already over by him. He stopped and waited for the rest of the herd to pas.s so he would protect the slower members while they moved.
10:06am Jun 4 2010
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Feyth gallopped to the place right behind Panther and then trotted till they reached the field... ------------------ I can't do anything with Dusk until there is another human))
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10:41am Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((Okay. So let make it heat season, to make it interesting. Oh and if you wanna be lead mare, you better get moving before I get bored. XD)) Panther lead the herd into te field, and went to his usual spot to watch over the herd. ((Gotta go give my pup a bath. I`ll be back soon.))
11:22am Jun 4 2010
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((Pictures are up.))
11:22am Jun 4 2010
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Feyth trotted over to Panther's side, "Hello Panther." she said in a calm voice, though there were butterflies fluttering around her stomach. She gazed at him with purple eyes and then looked at the ground, shifting her weight from side to side. How could she tell him, the lead Stallion, that she ahd loved him from the first moment they had met?...
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