11:29am Jun 4 2010
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Panther looked over at her, "Hello Feyth." He said though he was sort of confussed that she came to him at a random time tio say hello, "Is something wrong?" He asked, noitcing she seem kind of nervous about something. Nightmare and Pide Piper again grazed with Apple. Nightmare looked over and saw Feyth with Panther, "Well finally she maes a move." She said quietly with a laugh. "What?" Pide Piper asked confussed. "You`re a stallion, you wouldn`t understand." Nightmare said with a laugh before going back to grazing.
11:38am Jun 4 2010
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Name: Luna Age: Adult Gender: Mare Rank in herd: Mare Personality: She is sweet and loving. No matter how much you beat her, she still will love you with al, her heart. Looks: I own this pic. This is one of my real horses. Her name is really Luna. XD
12:01pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((where are the other humans)) "Well, I really like you!" she blurted out, finally have gotten up the nerve to tell him. She looked away, the sides of her head grew out with embarresment...
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12:05pm Jun 4 2010
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((I can`t think of a way to start them. If you want to have your human call them and tel them what`s gonna happen it could work. I`m working on a new rp. It will pprobably be up soon.)) Panther looked at her sort of confussed, "You do?" He asked before looking over at Nightmare who was mouthing, 'Tell her you like her!' He just glared at Nightmare, who put her head down but was still listening. He sighed and looked over at Feyth. He didn `t really know what to say back to her, so stood there silently.
12:09pm Jun 4 2010 (last edited on 12:09pm Jun 4 2010)
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I knew it, I am nothing special to him. She thought with a sigh and looked at Nightmare with narrowed eyes... ----------------- I already started my humkan, it is on the other page.))
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12:18pm Jun 4 2010
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((I know. I`m saying have your human call mine.)) Panther watched her and chuckled as she glared at Nightmare. Not many were able to sucessfully make him laugh. Pide Piper looked up in shock when he heard the chuckle. He looked at Nightmare with a look that showed he had no idea what was happening.
12:24pm Jun 4 2010
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Feyth gave it another try, "Do you like/love me... at all?" she asked, staring at him with wide purple eyes... ---------------------------------------------------------------- Dusk ran out of the apartment where her dead family was and dug around in her pocket for her cell phone. She ran into the woods near the apartment and dialed a number frantically...
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12:31pm Jun 4 2010
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"Well....It depends on what you mean." He said feeling a little uncomfortable, "I like having you around, if that`s what you mean." He said quietly, looking back over to the herd. ~~~ Maara wasin the bathroom getting ready, while Shade lay on the couch lazily. Maara`s phone started ringing, but it was on the coffee table. Shade grabbed it and answered, "Hey Dusk. What`s up?" He said boredly.
12:45pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 6,948
"Someone broke into the house, they didn't take anything, but everybody's dead. Oh, there was so much blood!" She whimpered quietly, tears stung the inside of ehr eyes... ------------------------------------------ "Do you love me as a... mate?" She wasn't sure what to ask, or how he would answer, she just knew how she felt about him...
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12:59pm Jun 4 2010
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Shade looked over at Maara, who just walked into then living room. He quickly threw her the phone and just layed there. Maara caught her phone and smiled, "Hey Dusk....What`s wrong?" She asked when she heard her whimpering. ~~~ Panther was shocked at the question, "I...I don`t know...." Was all he said. His voice very shocked and confussed.
1:08pm Jun 4 2010
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"They;'re dead! My family, Liya, Mom, Dad, they are all dead and its my fault because I wasn't there to help them!" She screeched into the phone and tears styreamed down her face...
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1:22pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 3,291
"Dusk, where are you? Me and Shade will come pick you up. You can stay with us." Maara said looking at Shade who was shaking his head mouthing, 'I am not going to go get her.'
1:41pm Jun 4 2010
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"I*m in the foresdt behind the appartment." she cried and wipped tears from her pale face as she said these words...
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1:45pm Jun 4 2010
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"Okay. I`ll be there soon." Maara said grabbing her keys and walking out to the black convertable that was parked outside the house. She climbed in and started it, then drove over to where Dusk said she was.
12:03am Jun 6 2010
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11:01am Jun 7 2010
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"I wish I could drive." the 14-year old grumbled as she got into the tiny car...
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1:37pm Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((It's not tiny. XD))
Maara smiled at her, "Two more years." She said before turning the car, and driving off back to her house.