4:31pm May 1 2010
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"Well, I personally hate reading. I prefer the movies. And personally, school is overrated. Why would I go?" He laughed. "I don't see the point, frankly." He looked Faythe up and down. "Why would you go to school? When there is so much better to do? I mean, a pretty girl like you doesn't need smarts to get far in life." He smiled flirtatiously now. ____________________________ "Yes, I have. But the human, oh! He was so pathetic. He obtained the vampiric traits, but he was so horrible with it. I had no choice but to kill him." Courtney looked up at Dimitri with curiosity in her eyes. "What do you have against vampires? The blood is all I can ingest. I only kill what is neccessary," she said. She looked hurt, a tear strolling down her high cheekbones.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
4:55pm May 1 2010
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Faythe scoffed, trying to looked a bit miffed. But not one to back down from a challenge, even if it was flirting, she smiled. "So your a drop out eh? Go figure. A pretty boy with a witty personality and smooth moves, what? You going to try and be a actor?" She asked, shoving his shoulder lightly, a small grin lighting her normally cold face. "As for me, i'v got to have a education to become what I want in life. I want to be a zoologist." She stood up and walked along one of the bleacher seats, arms parallel to the ground as if walking along a perilous route. "I don't think theres anything better then to travel to exotic places, be with animals who do not judge you, and see things most others will never see." Pacing back to stand beside Aaron, she plopped back down. "I like to live big, and dream big. What do you have planned for life? Besides hitting on weird, aggressive girls like me." _____________________ Mentally groaning at the tear, he really hated to see females cry no matter what the species. "I have nothing against vampires, it's just the thought of drinking blood of humans, or anything species that looks like them is odd." He smirked thoughtfully. "Yet I cannot say anything, in wolf or cat form I don't mind the occasional prey." Shrugging, he leaned against a nearby tree, looking back at the portal in longing. "Guess the humans are only good for one thing, the power to be able to travel between worlds. Else wise their as pathetic as the stories say they are."

5:06pm May 1 2010
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"Well, besides hitting on weird agressive girls like you," he laughed, "I plan nothing. I am a wanderer. I gre up an orphan. I am expected to live to age 30, and nothing more." He smiled, as if this was nothing. "So I guess you could say I plan to die." He laughed. ____________________________
"It may be odd to you," Courtney chortled, "But it is a way of survival for me. Just like whatever you eat." She recovered from her tears. Then she looked at nothing in particular, with thoughtfulness in her eyes. "Actually, they are good for three things. The interstellar traveling, food, and, I hate to admit it, but humans are interesting creatures. Though not as beautiful as a vampire or mighty as a werewolf, they form relationships in a peculiar way, and they are brave creatures." She smiled at the idea. She had a flashback of her blood pact with the human. "My blood-pact human was actually rather handsome. He was kind, and had good character. He wasn't so bad. I dreamt of the possibility of us being together, but I woke up from my fantasy, and killed him. I had no choice..."
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
5:26pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Faythe grimaced slightly at his words, and cuffed his lightly over the head. "Well, your young so plan something else to do with your life besides dying, it's unbecoming." She teased, then sobered slightly. "If your a wanderer then how the heck do you get money to live, because some who I don't see you settling with a job." She asked curiously, surprised she was actually enjoying this guys company. Most people who tried to talk with her got a scathing few words or at times a punch in the nose, courtesy of her anti-social side. But she had no notion in her mind to send him on his way with a broken nose. _____________________ Sniffing slightly at the werewolf comment, Dimitri wanted to ask if she had ever met a werewolf face-to-face. Mighty they might be, but mannered or social they were not. At least the ones he'd met. Tipping his head to the side, he smirked at the vampire, trying to in-vision her with a human male. Something about that was humorous. Perhaps it was her good looks, hey he was a guy and could appreciate female beauty, even if he chose not to normally. Or it could have been the thought of her could-have-been human mate pricking his finger on some stupid human ob ject and her going berserk over the scarlet droplets of blood. "Perhaps killing him was a good choice, humans and Night creatures just never seem to go very well together in relationships." He shrugged. "But i'm not one to judge relationships, seeing as that's nowhere near my area of expertise"

5:30pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 44
5:35pm May 1 2010
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Christian, getting into his book, looked up and saw Faythe. "Oh, Sorry. I didn't notice you there," he said in a shy voice. "Do I know you? I think you are in my history cl*censored*. So..... " __________________________ Alyssa came out of blending-mode and went by Dimitri. "Dang it. I thought I could fool you just once. Well... Hi Courtney. What you up to?"
5:41pm May 1 2010
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Faythe blinked at Christian in surprise, forgetting momentarily that he was in the gym to. Sitting in the seat where she started, behind the other student she nodded. "Yeah, I think so to. I normally don't pay attention on that cl*censored* seeing as i'm not going to need it in the future." She tried to pin-point him. "Mind telling me your name again?" She asked, grinning apologetically. ________________ Thumping Alyssa on the back good naturally, Dimitri felt a little better to be with a pack member instead of alone with someone he did not know. Not that he figured the vampire would do anything, but it was just precaution. "You have not been able to fool me, except once and that was not my fault." He muttered, rolling his eyes at the mistake.
5:54pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 44
"Christian. Christain Reeves," he said trying to be like one of those people in the movies. All of a sudden, Christian looked to the side and saw Aaron, the known drop-out. ___________________ "Well. It's worth a try. You were busy talking, so I thought you would only be able to smell Courtney. I was wrong, of course." With that, she went into blend-mode again. This time she was going to try to scare Courtney.
5:55pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 44
6:03pm May 1 2010
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"Well... I really don't like to get into the details of how I get cash...." He smirked, and turned to Christian. "And, hi, kid. Nice book." He smiled. _______________________
"Hehe. Well, I wonder if I made the right choice..." She phased off, focused on her innermost thoughts. "And it actually troubles me you are inexperienced in relationships. It's not like you are ugly, or cruel, or anything." It was then she realized she just accidentally flirted with a Shape-shifter. Oh crap... She thought. Trying to change the subject, she turned to Alyssa. "Um, hey. Excuse me for fogetting your name. Alexis? Alice?" She said, a tone of nervousness in her voice.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:22pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Faythe could almost feel the light bulb go off on top of her head. "Oh yeah! Christian, I remember you now." Giving Aaron a side long look that said 'i'll get that information out of you yet' she just shrugged. "Great, so what are you, some sort of burglar now?" She asked, curious. "That would be cool, it always sucks to follow the law." ____________________ Scoffing at her vain attempt to change the subject, he was actually really glad she did anyway. It was one thing to talk to a vampire, hell even befriend a vampire, but for one to flirt with him was awkward to say the least. He wanted nothing like that in his life, since it was to complicated already, at least for the time being. "Thanks, I think." Looking over at Alyssa, he smirked slightly at the diffrent names given, seeing as each one was slightly off her real one.
8:22pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 3,005
"My answer depends on whether you are a strict law abiding citizen," he mused. "So, are you a strict law abiding citizen?" He laughed. "Burglary is but part of the business." He chortled. "Much more illegal activity involoved. Much more." _______________________ Courtney gave a side-glance to Dimitri. But she was actually curious of what it would be like. To date a shape-shifter. To have basically a soap-opera style life. To be in love with a wolf-cat-human? But then she turned the question. What would it be like to date a vampire? Someone who could potentially kill you accidentally. You would have to never get hurt. Otherwise, the vampre would kill you. She shook the head out of her mind. It was too... deep for her. It was then she realized she had been quiet for at least ten minutes, thinking. That might arouse suspiscion, she thought. As a cover, she weakly said to Alyssa, "Alex? No, it's Alisson. Or maybe Angel?"
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:12am May 2 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Her curiosity instantly aroused now, Faythe, tried to think of what else this guy could possibly do to earn money besides stealing. She grinned slowly, idea's popping into her head left and right. "I'm no law abiding person, hate the law personally." She muttered, then looked at Christian, wondering what he was getting out of all this. Would he think that they were crazy and that he should get the cops now? She really hoped not. ____________________ Looking at the vampire curiously, he wondered what was going through her mind, for her to be quiet for so long. He hoped it had nothing to do with ways to kill them. Instantly he got rid of the thought, because she seemed like a decent sort. Not one who would kill for the pleasure of it then run away laughing at the stupid souls she left behind. In a way he surprised himself not to take a instant disliking to the vampire, seeing as normally he stuck to his own species. "If her name is Angel then a higher power is laughing at the screwed up world we live in." He muttered.

9:10am May 2 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Taking in Faythe's sudden silence, he *censored*ess the problem equally. "Erm, Christian, if you speak of this, I may need to pay you a visit," He said, jokingly. But something about his tone was serious. "Just warning you." He said, nudging Christian on the shoulder. ___________________
"Agreed," Courtney laughed. "But wouldn't that be hilariously ironic? Honestly. Are our souls truly condemned, do you think? Because quite frankly, I am neutral on the subject." She mused.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:21am May 2 2010
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Posts: 44
Christian just sat there, thinking if he should tell the cops or not. Of course he wouldn't, because that would be the most snitch-like thing you can do. "Why would I do that? I mean, the cops don't even have you on a wanted list. Take a chill pill. " _________________________________ "Nope. Nope. No. You said that one three times. My name is Alyssa. Not Alex or Angel. Alyssa." She was getting somewhat aggrivated. Alyssa could also tell that Courtney was just trying hard to think about something. She just couldn't tell what.
9:31am May 2 2010
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"Wow. Take a chill pill? And I am on a 'Wanted List', kid." He turned to Faythe. "So, Faythe, how about I tell you all about my illegal activities tonight, at the movies? Me and you, and a repulsive bag of butter-saturated popcorn? I have some tickets... two, actually, to 'The Hangover.' Whatdaya say?" He smiled excitedly at her. _________________________ "Sheesh, kay Alyssa. Calm it down a notch. Don't mean to be rude." She smiled apologetically. "Kay? So, are you a Shape-shifter like Wolfy here?" She laughed, gesturing to Dimitri.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:39am May 2 2010
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Posts: 44
"Whatever. I don't know what I just said." Under his breath, Christian said," You'll probably have a hangover." With that, he walked into cl*censored*. ________________ "It's okay. And yes."
9:47am May 2 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Aaron payed no attention to Christian's immaturity. His huffiness was no concern. "Kids..." He mumbled. "Ah well." He turned back to Faythe. "So, yes or no, dollface?" He smiled at her. He really liked this Faythe girl, despite girls like her usually weren't his type. ____________________ "Wow. So what can you turn into, Aly? Mind if I call you Aly?" She smiled. "I like your name. Much grander than Courtney, in the least." Her smile broadend. "I am fascinated by your kind. So... complex." She gave Dimitri a side-glance. "And how do you know each other?"
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
10:00am May 2 2010
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Posts: 44
"Oh, well. I guess Aaron will have fun with Faythe." On the way to his cl*censored*room, he stopped by his locker to get his books. "I need math and science.." ____________________________ "Aly is okay." Just as Alyssa was going to answer Courtney, a human p*censored*ed by the portal. Alyssa grabbed him and brought him over. He was screaming like heck. "What's your name," Alyssa said calmly. "Christian..."
10:27am May 2 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Aaron never really thought much more about Christian after that. He was too absorbed in his date, in Faythe. He had a feeling she could be "the one." Not exactly bad or flirty, or as vain as his other girlfriends, but she had a certain... zest about her. It was unusual for him to ever feel this way about a girl. _______________________________
Courtney held Christian's hand, her vibrant blue eyes staring into his. "Oh my god. You look exactly like that other human." The one I loved, she thought. His tan skin and dusty tan hair reminded her of him. Her pale left hand glided upon his cheek. "This one is all mine," she boasted. She felt protective over him from the very start. Her icy skin had goosebumps rising atop of it, because she felt as if he was the same guy, incarnate, into a guy who was possibly cuter. Maybe would be less pathetic. "Christian... do you know what has happened? You will be my blood pact human. I am a vampire, Christian."
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.