8:48pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((Christian, Courtney, Dimitri, and Allysa are in the Dreamworld, Christian Courtney bout to make blood pact. Faythe and Aaron on date.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:51pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 3,005
"Yeah, it's not my car." He laughed. "And my last name is Evans. Or kinda, at least. I am an orphan, therefore, don't have a last name. But Evans sounded realistic. He paused. "MY foster parents beat me, so I ran away. Ended up in juvey, and ran away from there, too. Now I live in my own apartment." He smiled, trying to show he wasn't sad about it.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:32pm May 3 2010 (last edited on 9:36pm May 3 2010)
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Okays, then. I'll just make my two characters make a blood-pact and go to the dreamworld then, sound good? ;3 BiC: Rachel Fountain was walking home from her school. Stupid her. Stupid-freaking-broken-down-car. She sighed. She supposed she would just have to deal with it. It wasn’t like it was a really long haul back home anyway. It was just annoying. What Rachel didn’t see was the handsome but strange looking boy who was walking behind her, his two different coloured eyes flashing; one emerald, the other golden. His hair was bleached white, whiter than snow. She didn’t notice him until he was right next behind her. Her hair on the back of her neck prickled. She whirled around. The boy caught her by the wrist. “Fancy meeting you here,” he said. Rachel’s head was spinning with fear… What was this guy doing here? Who was he? She looked around. Nobody was nearby. My lucky day. “Let go,” she said firmly. The boy chuckled. “I’m afraid not. You see, I’m a Luck Stealer from the Dreamworld,” he said, “and I’ve got to make a blood pact with a human.” Rachel stared. Well. That about summed it up. The poor guy was crazy. But he sounded sane, which was weird. It’s just… It didn’t seem like the things he talked about were real. They should be fantasy—right? Well, crap. It might just be real. “Why do you need a human?” she asked. The boy smiled (a little evilly). “To make a blood pact. The name’s Squall, by the way. Do we have a deal? It’s not like you’ve got much of a choice,” Squall said. He held out his hand for Rachel to shake. It was then that Rachel noticed the pair of black gloves that were on Squall’s hands. Maybe it had to do with him being a Luck Stealer? Who knew. “I guess I’m being forced,” Rachel muttered. She reached out… And took Squall’s hand. Instead of shaking it, however, Squall held her hand tightly within his. With his free hand he drew a wicked sharp knife. Rachel’s heart thumped like crazy. She would let go… But Squall’s grip was tighter than reinforced steel. He started muttering words in a strange language. “Per vox of somnium ego planto is cruor votum eo orbis terrarum. Nos es forever reus.” Squall’s eyes which had been shut before flickered open. He took the knife and cut the palm of Rachel’s right hand. Then he did the same with his left. He proceeded to press their palms together. Rachel gasped; she felt something being exchanged… Something coming into her… Something going into him. A light glowed for a moment, then faded. Squall took his hand away and smiled with satisfaction. “The blood pact has been made,” he said. Rachel stared. He took her by the hand again and dragged her into an alley. Rachel gasped once again; there was a… A rip in the wall. It seemed to lead somewhere else… There was something beyond it, she felt. She and Squall stepped forward and went through the portal. OOC: Sorry for the long post! O.O And that random language.. That was latin, and it's a really messed up translation from latin to english saying garbled nonsense about blood, promises, dreams, and worlds. x3
4:05pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Faythe looked away from Aaron's face so he would not see the pity, she was pretty sure he'd seen enough of it or would just hate the thought of some one feeling that way. "Oh, i'm sorry that happened." She muttered, running her fingers over the smooth dashboard of the car. "It bugs you doesn't it?" She asked, then slapped her hand over her mouth, eyes twinkling with surprise. "Hehe, sorry, guess you don't want to talk about it." She shrugged nonchalantly, trying her hide her embarr*censored*ment. ________________________ Vic sighed in boredom as he annoyed an owl by sending just it back in time a few seconds when ever it moved, crating a blanket of confusion around the poor creature. Finally he let it fly away as a portal near him opened up, his curiosity getting the better of him. Jogging towards the nearest he knew of, he was a bit surprised to find a luck stealer with a human, and one who had been through a blood pact at that. "Well well, we don't get many humans over here." He muttered and strode forward.

6:59pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 1,551
Squall stepped into the Dreamworld. Home again he thought with satisfaction. It was good to be back. He had spent too much time in the human world. It had been a strange world. His senses, which were already good, were trippled there which was strange. He peered beside him and saw Rachel staring at everything, her shocking blue eyes widened. Squall had to admit... She was pretty. In fact, he had seen many a cute human girl... They each had so much more charm than the girls around in the Dreamworld, anyway. Squall smiled mischievously to himself. He stopped himself from laughing aloud. "Well well, we don't get manyu humans over here." Squall heard somewhere mutter something under their breath. He whirled around to see a somewhat-nice looking guy walking towards them. Probably interested in Rachel, here he thought. Rachel was staring at the figure coming towards them. The first thing she noticed about him were his eyes. They were beautiful. A pretty shade of blue that changed. Prettier than her eyes. To Rachel, it seemed like everything in the Dreamworld looked more... Magnificent. Like the way every tree seemed to hold itself as if it were proud. And it really did give off the feeling that... Well, that she was in a dream-world. Squall didn't know if this strange newcomer ment good or ill... He decided it best not to get into any... Disagreements with Rachel nearby. "He-ey," he said, grinning cheerfully.
8:13pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Vic smiled mischievously at the two of them, blue eyes twinkling with humor as well as a cunning. He could tell neither of them was all to trusting, but they seemed friendly enough. Heck, he could not blame them for being worried, he'd be seeing a strange person walk from the shadows of a odd realm. "Nice to meet cha, and welcome to the Dreamworld," He greeting, walking over to stand close to the two of them, but not close enough for them to attack swiftly. "Not sure why they call it that though." He muttered, rolling his eyes. "Who would you two be if you don't mind my asking." He spoke cheerfully.
8:32pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Naw, it's fine..." He said, a cold edge, barely noticeable, to his voice. "So, anyway, let's go. Do you want something to eat before the movie?" His smiled returned. ((Fail. Number one, I think some nightmares should try to pact with Aaron and Faythe. That was the point of the roleplay... XD Two, are Squall and Vic by Courtney?))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
11:36am May 5 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: I also have a question... And it's kind of a dumb-ish question... Erm.. Is the Dreamworld like a forest-y place, or more like a second-earth-populated-city-ish type place? O.o -grins sheepishly and feels silly-
3:41pm May 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,092
((Some of the Nightmares should, perhaps in the theater? Maybe Dimitri and Alyssa? Yet the pacts can take as long as needed, thats the only plot in the RP so far (i'm still thinking on that one). No reason to feel dumb NightmareDream. It's more of a forest in part and mountains/valleys in other part. There are no large cities seeing as many of the species don't get along, but some small towns pop up every now and then.))
8:55am May 8 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,005
((Okay. So Faythe needs to answer Aaron's queston.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.