((I'll join))
Name- Thalia
Age- 16
Species- Humanoid
Breed- Human, Bird, and Wolf
(with ears, wings and tail)
Thalia is 5' 9" and weighs 94 pounds. She has long blue hair that reaches down to her waist and aquamarine eyes. She has black wolf ears, and a black wolf tail with a blue tip. She also has a pair of pitch black wings, courtesy of her bird genes.
ID Number- ALH-740
Clothing- See picture. She has a metal bracelet on her ankle with her ID number on it. She also wears a small silver locket in the shape of a star on the cord around her neck, with a small green stone in it and a scrap of paper with her name on it. She usually is barefoot.
History- She doesn't remember her parents, as they died when she was little. All she has of them is the locket around her neck, with the green stone and the piece of paper. She grew up on the street until she was 16, when the scientists captured her
Personality- Thalia is tough and street smart. She is cautious of strangers and doesn't make friends that easily. However, she is fiercely loyal to her friends and will protect them no matter what.
Other- Thalia can become a black and blue winged wolf at times.
(with MUCH larger wings)