Name- Kaeru (Kae)
Age- 17
Species- Humanoid
Breed- Snake, Cat, Moth
(with extras due to genes)
Kae has bright red hair . His left eye is black, with grey pupils, while his right eye is emerald green. Sometimes-especially when he is using his powers- his pupils appear slitted, like a snakes. He has scales covering all of his arms and legs, and long, thick fur on his hands and feet. The scales on his arms are green, and the fur black, and vice versa on his legs and feet, making him look as if various random parts had been thrown together to make him. His nails are like cat's claws. They are green on his hands and black on feet. His ears, although they are still on the side of his head, are cat's ears with long black fur. His incisors are pointed. He has a black, long haired cat tail, but it is pointed and green scaled at the end, like a snakes. He has an enormous pair of moth wings on his back. The left is covered in black scales, while the right has long green fur.
ID Number- SMF-366
Clothing- Kae usually wears a white T-shirt, with the jacket in the picture. He also usually wears a pair of tan cargo pants, to hide his legs. He usually goes barefoot, because of the thick fur on his feet. He wears the necklace shown in the picture (a leather cord with a few beads strung loosely on it). He also has a thick silver earing threaded through his right ear with his ID number ( His ear was pierced in multiple places and the earring wrapped over and through the holes)
History- Kae's parents were very "patriotic" and, when the government announced they were going to create a "super soldier", his parents offered him to the scientist to "serve thier country". They never really cared for him, so Kae doesn't miss, them, but he does miss his little (7 at the time) brother, who gave him his neclace right before he left.
Personality- Kae is very cheerful and upbeat, always laughing and joking around. He doesn't seem to take much seriously, but he can sometimes be very thoughtful and insightful. He is rather sensitive about his odd appearance and his long, fluffy, slightly girly fur.
Other- Kae can almost "hypnotize" people by staring them in the eyes. When he does this, his victims seem to fall into a trance and be able to move. Like Dax, his power demans concentration, and the earring in his ear prevents him from using it to escape by contracting and digging into his ear, sometimes drawing blood, whenever he tries to use his power.
The scientists call him "Patchwork" because of his appearance