11:36am Jun 19 2012
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Posts: 5,310
Silver spoon.
May I snag a feline spot?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:41am Jun 19 2012
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Posts: 1,314
Bio's done. She can have any kitty ^o^ Also, I hope it's alright she owns dogs. Is it okay that they're included, more like NPCs than actual OCs, Req? If not that's fine. :)
11:45am Jun 19 2012 (last edited on 11:47am Jun 19 2012)
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Posts: 1,372
{ Yeah, that's fine c: You can have pets and such. They just won't be able talk / be magical.
Eep, sorry. The dorms don't allow for pets xD My bad. }
11:50am Jun 19 2012
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Posts: 11,785
((Snagging a human spot. >->))
11:57am Jun 19 2012
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Posts: 1,314
Oh yeah xD I clean forgot about that. No worries - she just wishes she had dogs I guess.
12:06pm Jun 19 2012
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Username: RikaTheFallen Character name: Kestral Jamison Age: 19 Gender: Male Sexuality: He's a homosexual. :U Appearance:  Kestral has short, uneven brown hair that is almost reminiscent of the bird he is named after. He has dark green eyes and stands at 5'7", and he has a lean build that is often covered by various T-shirts and hoodies. He prefers wearing loose, comfortable clothing as opposed to wearing anything to horribly tight. His pendant, which glows in the dark, is around his neck at all times as well, and a goofy grin is usually seen on his face. He's also got quite a bit of lean muscle, since he runs a lot...just to run! Position: Human. Seven deive words: Goofy, loving, romantic, dippy, sweet, loyal, gentle Anything else: He's actually kind of allergic to cats, but he brought his allergy pills so it's all good. 8D He loves cats even though he's allergic lol. ^u^ Silly boy. Requested Partner's Gender: Male plz.
12:24pm Jun 19 2012
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Posts: 1,372
Accepted, Rika :D And that's fine D-Star
12:28pm Jun 19 2012 (last edited on 1:00pm Jun 19 2012)
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Awesome! I'll edit my profile into this post~
Username: Dragonstar Character name: Cain Age: 2 years for cat. Around 20 for human Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual... Somewhat. Appearances: Human :: As a human, Cain stands around six foot two. Feline :: In this form, Cain takes the shape of a rather fluffy Maine Coon. But his fur is white as snow, though his nose and paw pads are black. Yellow eyes as pale as sunlight mount themselves on his face.
Position: Feline Seven deive words: Distant, Intelligent, somewhat Sarcastic, Loyal, Humble, Patient, Passive Anything else: He drinks grape juice like a sir~ Requested Partner's Gender: Doesn't matter~
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:39pm Jun 19 2012
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Posts: 1,372
Yay! Accepted.
1:43pm Jun 19 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:40pm Jun 19 2012
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Not to seem too forward, but when do you think we should make a start? I'm ready to go, if anybody else is :3
3:46pm Jun 19 2012
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Posts: 1,372
Ahh yes. We have three pairs made, it is time to start c:
3:57pm Jun 19 2012
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Posts: 1,314
Great~ :) I dun' mind who goes first. But I'm tight for time and I don't think I could write up much good before dad turns off the modem for bed. Plus... I'm not sure how exactly we start it. Do we begin with the cat-rescues?
9:19am Jun 20 2012
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Posts: 1,372
THE ROLEPLAY IS OPEN(and still accepting)
9:58am Jun 20 2012
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No light was allowed to enter the domain of the youth. He had several windows, but they were all tightly covered by curtains and shades. If one were to wake up in such a room, they would think it was maybe three or four in the morning, it was so dark. But it was not so! Suddenly, the lovely still silence was shattered by a torrent of BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP!!!
A pair of green eyes shot open, wild and blood shot from the rude awakening, and his body jolted up. The effort made his head swim, and his lips parted in a loud, audible groan of agony and displeasure. He rose a hand to feel at his head, now throbbing and feeling uncomfortably light. And that incessant beeping wasn't really helping either. He groped at the alarm clock, fingers searching out some switch to bring him relief. He flicked it, and the radio blared. Creating some feral snarling sound, he turned switches and knobs until finally it was shut off.
A hand passed over his face, and he shook himself a bit, trying to expel the grogginess. He felt an eyelash on his cheek, picked it off, and blew it away. It was more from habit than anything, something he used to do as a child all the time. He blinked, and recalled that he was supposed to make a wish too. He always forgot that part...oh well.
Aiden swung his legs over the side of the bed, scooting forwards so hit feet touched the floor. His mind began to wander. What was it he did yesterday...? Not much. Well, other than the usual...naughty things that tended to engage in that produced headaches like the one he was feeling now. But there was that cat...wasn't there? It was hard to be certain. Its fur had the strangest color that he thought perhaps it was a drunken figment of his imagination. It had been teased by local boys who were throwing rocks and spraying it with water while one kid held him in place. Aiden, feeling an odd sympathy for the animal, walked over and told the kids what-for, grabbing one of them by the collar and throwing him a few feet. Before he could really get a very good look at the creature, it scuttled away on its little cat feed. Normally he would have just walked by and ignored the scenario, but...he had been drawn to the desperate little animal.
Shaking his head, he took a moment of mental preparation. Yes, he needed to prepare himself to walk from him bed to another part of his room. Breathing, the youth hefted himself up off of the bed. He ambled over to a window, and leaned against the wall, pausing there. Something was...a little off. It was an odd flavor in his mouth, something that was making the little hairs on his neck stand up. Thinking it may just be the aftermath of a little too much of a good thing, he pulled back the shades. Blades of light pierced the darkness. Aiden squinted painfully, and once his eyes adjusted, he could see the sun was at about ten in the morning. He looked at himself, then. He was a well-built youth, currently wearing nothing but his boxers, which left little to the imagination. His arms stretched his arms up above his head, the action causing his muscles to ripple in a way that was very visually pleasant. His mouth gaped in a very loud yawn, and as he lightly scratched his head, he did a quick sweet of the room.
The university was a pretty risty place, so he had plenty of space; a bed, a little alcove for a kitchen complete with stove (rarely used), microwave, fridge, and a little cabinet space. A bathroom, of course, and a little area with a couch and a television. Something was definitely off though.From the corner of his eye, he saw something...furry. Something that shouldn't have been there.
10:41am Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 5:23pm Jun 20 2012)
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Posts: 331
Wait, what, erm, Silver Spoon (P.S. I love that song)
Username: KankuroSama Character name: Louis Teskera(Can be shortened to Lou)
Age: 20 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual Appearance: Brown, Semi short and bushy hair, Blonde/ gray eyes. Strong cheek bones and chin. Always wears Striped shirts and dark colored skinny jeans rolled up to his knees. Usually wears Toms and other ankle high shoes. Has a nice little bum :3 Cares deeply about his hair. Usually with a little 5 o' clock shaddow. Has very wide shoulders and muscular hands. Sometimes wears suspenders. Wears narrow black framed glasses. A fine looking lad. Seven deive words: Funny, Serious, Intelligent, Flirty,Modest,Cheeky, Emotional Anything else: Born in Doncaster so he has a little accent there. He can get Hyper sometimes. Requested Partner's Gender: Not too picky, But would prefer male. |
Sheeran away
10:41am Jun 20 2012
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Katherine blinked. Somewhere she heard Aiden's furious little kookaburra of an alarm clock delight the dorm with its hardwired song. Then there was a soft thump and then an extended moan of pain. Yes, that was Aiden.
It was only now that she'd been able to appreciate the quiet. Soon he'd wander out like a stricken ghost - hopefully clothed this time - and maybe fumble his way towards the coffee, or the shower, or wherever he'd left his clean clothes. He'd been up again the night before. As usual. Katherine had meant to talk to him about it. The melancholy that trailed after him him like a brooding cloud wasn't ignorable anymore. But sharing a house didn't make people friends. She would've liked to be closer to her roommates.
On the other hand, Katherine was the outcast by default for being almost thirty. The rest were only on the verge of becoming adults. She felt like a full-grown bird that hadn't left the nest yet. A big, clingy eagle with talons still firmly hooked on the downy lining of this nest.
Sitting at the table in the kitchen, she sipped some more at her milky coffee. Extended a pale hand, delicately attached her first finger to the corner of the page, and turned the glossy sheet over. The page was smothered with tanned bodies, sweeping with veils and skirts and flaring, cross patterns. They were like birds of paradise or something. But their faces... So blank, despite the coats of makeup. No smiles. No soul. They were shells, mounted with things normal people couldn't ever afford or remain realistic by wearing in the street. Nobody on the two pages she skimmed with narrowed eyes had an ounce of normal in them. Or shape.
"Just frames covered in skin," she murmured. That's what models were, really. Obedient mannequins warm to the touch with real eyes and real hair. Well, sometimes.

10:46am Jun 20 2012
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Posts: 1,372
10:55am Jun 20 2012
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Posts: 331
Yay :3
Sheeran away
11:04am Jun 20 2012
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Posts: 1,314
Another thing, Kan....
Look at our most recent posts.
We posted within the same minute 8D