11:22am Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 11:45am Jun 20 2012)
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"Frames covered in skin? What are you on about, Kat?" The voice came from, of course, Aiden. It was a bit hoarse, and still dripping with sleepiness. He had wandered from his own sleeping area to the more community-inspired kitchen table, having briefly abandoned the strange furry something-or-other than was lurking around his room. It was still a concern, yes, but why face the day without some coffee or poptarts or...something else. Maybe it was just a hat or some stuffed animal he forgot he had. Sooner or later he'd figure it out. It was too early in the morning for life changing experiences.
"So are you talking about some...weirdo new flesh glasses? Because that's what I think of when you say that, kid." Kid. It was kind of a term of playful endearment. It was no secret that Katherine was the oldest person here, but Aiden wasn't too far behind. He was in his 20s, after all. Really, though, Kat's age wasn't a factor. She could be as silly and juvenile as the squirliest of teenage boys...sometimes. Not always, but every once in a while she would cut loose.
Making strides across the kitchen, the youth had no apparent shame in being in nothing but his plaid navy-and-white boxers and a pair of socks. He felt around for a mug, and was a bit disappointed to find that every one he wrapped his fingers around had a dark ring in the bottom of it, probably a coffee stain. Puffing out his cheeks, he finally picked one, and ran it under the water for a few moments. Eventually satisfied, he lumbered on over to the coffee pot and poured it nearly to the brim. "Real men take it black," he muttered, teasing a little and taking a sip. He shivered in pleasure, the familiar bitter liquor sliding down his gullet. "So what'cha looking at, Kat? Hot women?" He moved in closer to her, sitting at the table with a little grunt and leaning forwards, peering at the paper.
11:26am Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 3:40pm Jun 20 2012)
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Posts: 331
"Oh God" Louis grunted while he was aimlessly pounding his hand over the table in order to smack his alarm clock.He stretched out and somehow managed to grab his glasses which were cleverly placed on the windowsill. He grabbed his pants and shirt as flew into the bathroom. He was a total perfectionist when it came to his hair. Upon finishing his hairdue, he slipped into his jeans and his tight little V neck, grabbing his suspenders as he was leaving his room. Rapidly jumping into his shoes, he turned around thinking "Why do I feel like I've forgotten something.."
"OH GOD" He screamed as he tripped over his on feet in attempt to get to his room as quick as possible. "I can't believe I did this" He mumbled as he was pushing the door. He quickly ran into the bathroom placing his head 2 inches away from the mirror. He mindlessly threw his glasses across the room, not even looking at where they landed. He violently grabbed a little box filled with some sort of a liquid. Upon opening the box, two little circles were visible on the surface of the liquid. "I can't believe I almost forgot my contacts" He said as he was pinning a contact in his clear blue eye. "And I still don't understand why everybody calls me a perfectionist" He said cheerfully, grabbing his shades of the counter and closing the door as his shadow slithered through the hallway.
Sheeran away
11:30am Jun 20 2012
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12:09pm Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 12:11pm Jun 20 2012)
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"Just taking a look at the next instalment of clothing for the giraffe-women," she answered coolly, without glancing up. "This season they're trying to make them look like plastic bags. Kind of appropriate - artificial and flimsy. As for the frame thing, I meant frames as in... well, look at their shape. Lanky as coat hangers. They just happen to have the anatomical qualities of a person thrown in."
She frowned at one woman with azure eyeshadow that didn't seem to stop until it reached past her eyebrows and nails that looked like diamond claws.
"Sort of."
Somewhere else she heard a mad trample and only looked up in time to see another roommate - probably Louis, he was such a dramatic youngster - flit through the corridors towards the bathroom. There was another wail and he was out again. If she was the eagle reluctant to leave, Louis was the swift, screaming about the dorm, unstoppably animated.
When she glanced back down at her magazine she suddenly registered who was standing behind her, and she did a startled double-glance.
"Jesus, Aiden, you don't have to wear all that," she exclaimed cynically at his near-nakedness. "It's too early in the year."
It wasn't that his scanty clothing offended her. It wasn't likely he'd learn a little more discretion anytime soon, even if he did have her around to nag him. But she'd been single for a while and was just getting used to it.

12:30pm Jun 20 2012
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Posts: 213
(Okay Req, I will add a slight problem then :) Hope you don't mind. I can edit if you want)
Tiffany stretched, her long, silky fur ruffling in the wind. She got up ready to turn to human, except that didn't happen. She froze her crystal blue eyes going wide. She circled once, trying to see herself, but feeling like a stupid dog. She stopped and without a doubt knew what had happened. Going from her world to her, had stuck her in cat form. She yowled in misery. She was stuck and unsure where the other felines where. Only they could talk to her in their cat form and fully understand what was happening. Tiffany wasn't sure what she should do. "Well obviously go find the others." Her feline said, with a bit of contempt. She growled at it and looked around. "Exactly where should I start?" She asked it, but it remaind silent. "Of course it would leave me at a time like this." her voice growled in anger. She looked around, to get her exact location. She was blocked in by a picket fence, a slobbery dog and only saved by the tire she had climbed in or something. Suddenly it hit her like a ton of bricks. "Oh god how am I gunna find the one human. I can't speak to her, and I can't fail my planet." She sat down with a heavy thud. "Get your furry butt up and get going!" Her feline snarled. For once Tiffany did as she was told. She snuck past the dog with no ill luck as it was sleeping and continued on the way. She passed the house thing Katherine was in and for some reason she felt a tug somewhere...She stopped for a moment, unsure what the heck she had just encountered.
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y61/sicone126/6ie45k_th.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y61/sicone126/14ilt2c_th.png \r\n\r\n
12:40pm Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 12:42pm Jun 20 2012)
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{ I guess that's fine. She can be stuck outside..xD }
"Ooh, got'cha," he answered, peering at all of the women who looked so thin they appeared sickly. He didn't see what was all of the appear over looking like you hadn't eaten in weeks. "So..." he frowned, and his brow scrunched together as h examined them. "What's the point of using models that are six feet tall and ninety pounds? I mean, really. That add doesn't tell me, 'Hey, miss average everyday woman, you can wear this and look great too!' Guy's magazines do it too, though. Everyone's six foot three at least, and look like total Bowflex junkies who are packing serious heat. If you know what I mean," he chuckled. "Isn't photoshop just amazing?"
As he was drinking his coffee, he craned his neck at the sound of a desperate fluttering. Raising an eyebrow, he peered down the hall and just barely glanced Louis's thin frame running around like a mad chicken, making outcries and throwing his things all over the place. He blinked, and shook his head. Louis was a...different sort of human. He was always so concerned with his physical appearance. Usually he looked fine, even when he didn't spend an era working in front of the mirror. Besides, Aiden didn't usually spend too much time working on himself. He just naturally looked awesome...at least, that's what he would tell himself. It could have been, in part, that he didn't really care.
"Don't you be breaking my house, Louis!" called the black-haired young man, shaking his head and chuckling. The alarm he received from the woman before him made him do little more than just scoff. "What is that even supposed to mean, Kat? You don't like my boxers? Or is Aiden just too much for you to handle, hmm? No one else is complaining...to my face, anyway." He shrugged, and winked at her playfully. "Here. I'll help you look more like me," and he reached up to her head, rustling her hair all over the place. "Ask Louis if it looks okay. I bet he'll say yes."
2:20pm Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 2:24pm Jun 20 2012)
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Katherine let him revamp her hairstyle. After he was done, she turned to look up at him - not that she could see much - and scrunched up her face into a tight smile, as if tickled. "Nobody's complaining to your face because there's not much to complain to," she replied. "That with your fringe obscuring half your features. Why do boys do that nowadays? I like a bit of face."
Katherine shook her head wildly, flinging her yellow curls about, pawing at them with her hands to banish any implications that she had been a Shetland pony in a past life. She continued to talk, however.
"The modelling industry's just built on idealism, hon. It's artistic, yes, but utterly unreliable at the same time. Not to mention being really... restricted."
It was something she had to face every time she saw any woman on an advertising board or in a magazine. Always slim. Always narrow around the waist. Katherine knew she wasn't strictly fat. But it was like placing an Andalusian next to an Akhal Teke when she stood next to a full-size poster of one of those models. Compared to them, she looked big. Well, chunky. She'd never been tall. Only the men in her family reached the same height as them.
She drained her coffee, feeling slightly soured, and got up and set it in the sink. Then she noticed the pile inside, grubby and crusty with the remnants of their meals.
"Damn, that needs washing up. I can do that now, I think it's my turn anyway." It would be a nicer way to pass the time than seethe over flat, shiny pictures of people with blue foreheads. But when she looked, she found no washing-up liquid. "Pants. Eh, I can go out and get some now. I'll pick up anything else we might need. Corner shop should be open this early." Since it was a Saturday, she could take the day off.
OOC: When she leaves, she can meet up with Tiffany ^o^

3:09pm Jun 20 2012
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"Tch. Whatever, girl. Don't be hatin' on my hair." He puffed out his cheeks, and blew the few strays of hair that had fallen in his face up and away from his eyes. "I see well enough to have my driver's license. I guess that's all that really matters," he giggled, and stuck his tongue out at her stubbornly. It was true, he could be kind of childish, but really it was harmless.
Aiden, although it might come as a bit of a surprise, was a pretty intelligent fellow, and could read body language. He noticed how the woman before him seemed to...deflate when she was talking about the modeling industry. He smiled sympathetically, and patted her on the shoulder. "You're beautiful, Kat. More importantly, you're a real person." He offered her a more supportive smile, and drew his hand away. "If you're going to the store, can you get me some Tylenol? I think we're out. And some of those uh..energy..things. I like those...WEELP I GUESS I SHOULD GET DRESSED."
And with that, Aiden disappeared back into his room.
3:36pm Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 5:11pm Jun 20 2012)
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Posts: 331
Louis Flew into the room. His hands drooping as he was lifting up a few bags filled with hair products and maybe a few food items. He was breathing heavily as he dragged the bags around. "Hey, Guys, Is anybody here?" He whispered as he started to unpack. He shrugged, throwing the rest of the stuff on his bed. "I'll unpack this later" He threw himself on the bed, next to the mess he made. He slithered out of his jeans, leaving his looney tunes boxers revealed. He slowly got out of bed, and went to the kitchen in order to make some coffee.
Coffee. He loved coffee as much as he loved his hazel hair. Well, not as much. While turning the stove on, his hand passed over the kitchen counter, picking up almost every crumb there was. "Ew, why doesn't anyone clean this kitchen" He frowned and shook his hand over the sink.
While he was taking care of minor things like crumbs, or coffee, he got startled by the noise coming from his friends room. He quickly swooped his hair to the side, trying to look flawless as always, thinking of a way to scare Aiden, who was obviously in his room the whole time. As he passed next to Aidens room, tripping over a bottle of hair gel , he chuckled. "Aiden? Are you decent?" He grinned as he slowly opened the door.
Sheeran away
5:14pm Jun 20 2012
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((I think I'm going to have to resign. Sorry, but this RP is moving way too fast. I didn't even get to introduce my character at Req's first prompt before everyone shot off. I'm also going to be gone Friday - Monday, and I don't think it'll be worth trying to catch up when I get back.))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:15pm Jun 20 2012
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Posts: 331
Mmm. Gonna edit Louis a little bit. Just a few minor changes.
Sheeran away
6:13pm Jun 20 2012
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Okay Loki <3
8:22pm Jun 20 2012
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Once in his room, the young man wandered off into his bathroom. He glanced at the mirror, did a double take, and sighed slightly. Katherine was right, his hair was getting a bit long, even if he wouldn't like to admit to being wrong. Reaching up, he toyed with a couple of strands that seemed to be longer than the others. Turning his head one way and another, he puffed out his cheeks, and shrugged. Nothing he could do about it now...he'd have to find scissors first! Forget paying someone to cut his hair. He was confident he could figure it out on his own.
The sink was switched on, and Aiden squirted some oil-free acne soap onto his wet hands. A couple minutes of washing his face and brushing his teeth, and he was satisfied with his appearance for the moment. The hair that framed his face was dripping wet, so he dried off with a hand towel, before tossing it...somewhere in his bathroom. The hair was still a bit wet, and clung to his cheeks and forehead, but he didn't let it bother him. He lumbered out of the bathroom and into his bedroom, looking for some pants or a shirt, when he heard a knock at the door.
Blinking, he turned, just in time to see Louis creeping in. "Am I decent? Well regardless, it seems that you're going to be coming in. Not that I mind," he smirked. "Anyway, come on in. What'cha need?"
1:39am Jun 21 2012 (last edited on 9:10am Jun 21 2012)
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"It's not like I need anything...Oh yeah, have you seen my glasses? I just can't seem to find them anywhere..." He looked around the room. "This room could use a proper cleaning , Aiden." He said, picking up his clothes and folding them on his bed.
"You know...I've been thinking.. I don't think Katherine's too fond of me" He mumbled. His face ex pression swiftly changing, as he was holding his head down. Slowly lifting up his head, he looked up at Aiden. "You know what.. Forget I said anything." Once he finished folding, he got up, trying to fix his hair. Slowly walking out of the room, he started questioning if anybody here actually liked him. "I'm being silly.Just because I don't talk to them too much doesn't mean they don't like me." He said while a fake smile stretched across his face. "I'm fine."He could be such a drama queen sometimes.
Sheeran away
8:03am Jun 21 2012 (last edited on 8:14am Jun 21 2012)
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Posts: 213
Tiffany quickly shook her head, but she still could feel the tug. She knew it came from inside that house. "I wonder what that is..." She trailed off. She glanced up, looking for a way in. She saw an open window and now all she needed was a way to get in. Then she saw it. The car. She could jump on that, then launch herself at the window, hopefully not missing and hitting the wall. She ran to the car and jumped on top, then she backed up. "Here goes nothing." She said, just as a bird landed in the grass next to her. Suddenly she was in cat mod. She turned and started to stalk it. The bird unaware of her, kept playing tug of war with a worm. Finally within distance of the bird, she pounced, breaking it's back with a snap of her teeth. Proud of her kill, she turned to bury it. She froze and growled. " Now I am acting like a cat? Good grief." She spit the bird out and jumped back on the car. She scrambled to the end and then ran and took a flying leap. But she missed and hit the wall face first. "Oohh." She moaned, sliding down to the grass. She got up swaying slightly. After a moment, she turned and got back on the car. Then she tried again and made it. She glanced around, unsure of where she was. It looked like a bedroom. It was so tidy and neat. She turned and jumped on the bed, sniffing the pillow. It smelled like a male's room. She growled a bit, seeing the door closed. She got up and started to scratch at the door, meowing. Hopefully someone had heard her. She turned and vanished under the bed, waiting.
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y61/sicone126/6ie45k_th.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y61/sicone126/14ilt2c_th.png \r\n\r\n
8:34am Jun 21 2012
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Posts: 331
As Louis dragged himself from Aidens room, a strange noise coming from his room occupied his attention.As he slowly peeked in he almost fainted when he saw paw prints over his bed "What on earth..." Following the paw prints down his bed, he got down on his knees and looked under the bed. Two cold crystal eyes were staring at him. Louis squeeked and threw himself at the other corner of his room, falling on a nice little stash of folded shirts. "Th..t..that's a cat" He stuttered. "Wh..How?" His eyes glanced over the open window.
"AIDEEEEN. AIDEN. COME HERE. NOW!" He wasn't actually scared of cats.He was just a drama queen like always. "There's a beast in my room"
Sheeran away
8:39am Jun 21 2012 (last edited on 8:41am Jun 21 2012)
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Posts: 213
(Edited a bit) Tiffany saw the door open and the man look under the bed. When he shrieked and ran into a corner, she rolled her eyes. She knew she looked like a cat, but cats don't have intelligent eyes, do they? If they do why did they not talk to her? Where they just snoobs? She now wondered about that.
She snapped back to the present and scrambled out from under the bed. She started to run towards the doorway, but stopped in the middle of the room, and turned to look back at the man. She contempulated if she should have a bit of fun, but he was screaming "Aiden" whatever that was. She turned and streaked out into the hallway. She found a table, and hid under it. She wondered what she was going to do now, that she was in. She turned and surveyed her surroundings. She guessed this was a kitchen, because of the sinks and coffee pot.
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y61/sicone126/6ie45k_th.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y61/sicone126/14ilt2c_th.png \r\n\r\n
10:55am Jun 21 2012 (last edited on 10:58am Jun 21 2012)
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Katherine hadn't seen it coming. And for a second she couldn't think. Of what to say, anyway. Aiden was really good-natured to just come out with that. But there was no pause, no hesitation. With him it was out with the compliments. So she just gave an appreciative nod.
Suddenly, though, he was scampering across the dormitory in his boxers in his shorts and he was in his room. Katherine frowned with a smile, turned, and made for her own room. It was on the opposite side of their apartment, so thankfully she wouldn't have to follow that skinny butt of his through the living room.
She opened the door - always kept it closed when she wasn't in - and stepped over the threshold and snatched up her brown leather jacket. Tugged it on, plucked up her bag, and left again. But the second she exited there was motion and noise and surprise all at once. She heard Louis screeching for Aiden. Then he mentioned a beast. On cue, a thing streaked out from Louis' direction to huddle under a table.
Katherine jumped back, flinging her arms in the air with a yelp.
A cat.
There was a cat in the living room. Katherine stood with her eyes wide, hands still frozen by her head.
"Louis!" she called urgently, although not truly angrily. He was sweet as syrup and a harmless goof most of the time, but he wanted to shriek more often than Katherine was at ease with. "Shut the hell up!"
She leaned over into an "L" shape, to better see the cat, pinning her hair back with her fingertips. Black, with yellow swirls. Her eyes widened.
"You of all cats," she whispered. It was the one she saved.

11:34am Jun 21 2012
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Posts: 11,785
((dgdh can you guys slow down please? ;n;
I don't feel good and moving too much reall hurts, so I can't do much right now. ;o;))
12:24pm Jun 21 2012
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Ooc: I'm happy to go a little slower :P maybe we could have a posting limit each day? So some people don't get left behind?