9:24pm Mar 14 2010
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oooc; starting! Eagleflame awoke in the warrior den and stretched out, her cream toes spread. She swept her crimson eyes over the cats who were still sleepingand her gaze rested on a muscula, dark tabby. his fur blending in with the shadows of the den. She sighed, knowing nothing would ever come of wanting him, and padded out of the den. Violetgaze padded around in the cave like area in the rock, the perfect medicine den. The world was its same blurry gray as he stepped out of the den and into the brilliant sun of the open topped camp. ooc; he's half blind :D Hailfeather lay on a rock in the camp grooming her luxurious fur.The meidum length white and plack fur glowed in the brightsun. she mewed hello to Violetgaze as he steppeed out of his cave, his purple eyes gleaming as he searched for something. Goldenfur padded back into the camp mice dangling from his jaws. the dawn border patrol had gone well and he had caught much prey. After eating his fill he caought a few more bringing someback for the kits and elders. ((Can I make an elder just so we have one?)) Name:Shadowpelt Age: Old geezer
Gender: male Position:Elder Personality: Like Mousefur
Mate/Kits: Long gone
Other:(not in warriors but the picture imusing. If the cat was alive today-which it muight be-would be 40. But I think he died at the age of 37)
Looks: Down
9:34pm Mar 14 2010
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((Accepted)) Poppystar dozed in the sun happily, and watched as her kits scrambled in the dust in front of her. She let out a gentle pur, looking around for her mate. ____ Oakfeather yawned, and blinked his dark amber eyes. He stretched carefully, then walked somberly out into the bright sunlight. ____ Willowpaw laid in the sunlight, purring as the sun warmed her fur up, and made it shine. Her pale green eyes scanned the area for her mentor. ____ Scar padded through the forest, narrowing his cold blue eyes as he saw a little stream. He was thirsty, as a result of travelling in the harsh sun for hours.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:47pm Mar 14 2010
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Sitting beside the entrance of the den she saw Oakfeather padding out so she mewd a cheerful, "hello" to him and continued to groom herself. ooc;fail
9:51pm Mar 14 2010
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Oakfeather turned to her, and smirked a little. "Hello," he mewed. "Busy this morning?" He had not patrolls or other duties, so he was free to do a little hunting. Of course, not alone though. ___ Scar lapped greedily at the water, twitching his ears as he picked up the noise that was PoppyClan.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:53pm Mar 14 2010
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"Not for me" Eagleflame mewed happily, "Free to hunt. Or bask on the rocks." she finished grroming and =flicked her tail, "What about you?" her crimson eyes blazed with happiness at the thought of just relaxing all day.
9:57pm Mar 14 2010
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"I was going to do a little hunting," Oakfeather chimed. "Want to tag along?" He flicked his tail pleasantly as he stretched again.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:02pm Mar 14 2010
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Eagleflame could hardly contain her excitement, "Sure" she mewed as calmly as she could, her voice somewhat wavering.
10:05pm Mar 14 2010
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Oakfeather cocked his head to the side slightly. "You okay?" he asked coolly.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:17am Mar 15 2010
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She swallowed and gained her composure, meowing, "Of course" once her enthusiasm was under control she murmured, "Wanna eat then go?"
12:38pm Mar 15 2010
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Oakfeather glanced at the Fresh-kill pile. There were only a few moles and a thrush. "No. We'll eat when we get back." He added like a gentleman, "If that's okay with you?"
wuss poppin jimbo
4:59pm Mar 15 2010
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Eagleflame nodded, "Sure. Sound's good to me" her tail curved up in delight as they headed out of the camp and through the to the moor.
6:39pm Mar 15 2010
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Oakfeather padded next to her, sunlight warming his dark tabby fur. His pelt brushed against hers only slightly, and he kept an eye out for prey. ______ Scar hissed under his breath as he scented approaching cats.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:17pm Mar 15 2010
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Eagleflame padded out in the brilliant sun. Lightly warming her ivory and cream pelt. Her red eyes scouted the land looking for the slightest move in the tall gra.ss. Seeing one tall clump of horsetails quiver she dropped herself into hunters crouch and headed towards catching not the scent of mouse or vole, but fox and milk, "O-oakf-feather." she stammered and backed away. Her blood turned to ice and a viscous seen replayed in her head, "Ivypaw wait up!" yowled the younger, apprentice Eaglepaw as she chased after her sister.Eaglepaw dashed through this very part of the moor and woods when she was luckily not seriously injured and her sister killled, driven off a cliff by a pack of dogs and foxes. Her eyes were glazed over as she thought about that day. Replyaing over and over until she blacked out.
7:31pm Mar 15 2010
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"Eagleflame!" Oakfeather yowled in surprise, nosing her side gently. What had startled her so badly? He sniffed the air; he smelled fox, milk, rogue cats and forest life. He nosed her again with brother-like concern. "Come on! Get up! I think there's a fox near by." _____ Scar lunged, landing on Oakfeather's back with precision. He knocked the tabby over, and they started to fight next to the pas$ed out Eagleflame. Finally Oakfeather got the tom pinned, one paw with unsheathed claws fixed on his throat. His eyes darted to Eagleflame. Scar let out a wheezy laugh, and spat at the dark tabby ontop of him.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:36pm Mar 15 2010
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Eagleflame awoke quickly the world once again alive before her eyes, she darted towards Scar spitting at the large tom, "What do you want?" she yowled as she raked her claws down his side. Her red eyes showed nothing but hate for the rogue as she continued to glare at him.
7:44pm Mar 15 2010
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Oakfeather looked at Eagleflame in surprise. "Chill," he meowed cautiously. "I've got him, Eaglefeather. No need to claw him any more." Scar glared back at her with cold eyes.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:49pm Mar 15 2010
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Eagleflame nodded, "Sorry" she muttered undre her breath, mostly angry because of the thoguht of her sister. Her and Ivypaw had been as close as siblings could be, friendship wise and lookwise. The were about the same build, Eagleflame a little smaller, and where Eagleflame was cream Ivypaw was gray. There eyes were the same strange ixture of red with swirls of yellow. Se had missed her so badly after her death that she didn't trian for about a halfmoon resulting in her late warrior ceremony.
8:45pm Mar 15 2010
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"Who are you?" Oakfeather asked the silver tabby in a harsh voice. "Why are you on PoppyClan grounds?" Scar tried to wriggle out from under him, but was unsuccessful. He spat, "Why should I tell you?" His eyes blazed angrily. Oakfeather glanced at Eagleflame. "You want to try and talk to him?"
wuss poppin jimbo
9:54pm Mar 15 2010
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Posts: 2,842
She nodded and padded up to him, her red eyes glinted with hatred and pity, seeing the cat so stressed out. Walking towards him she gulped and asked, her voice quavering and soft, "Who are you? No harm has to come to you if you cooperate. You can listen to what we have to say and potentialy have no harm from us or we can shred you now" she finished, a hard tone creeping into her voice.
10:06pm Mar 15 2010
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Scar tried to wriggle out from under Oakfeather again. They had the same thickset, muscular tabby bodies, so nobody had the upper hand. They were almost identical, except Oakfeather was a dark brown tabby with harsh amber eyes, and Scar was a silver tabby with cold, fathomless blue eyes. They glared at each other. Finally Scar broke the silence. "My name is Scar," he hissed. "Now, what do you want?" Triumph glittered in Oakfeather's eyes as he waited for Eagleflame to speak. ______ Willowpaw looked for her mentor. Poppystar kept an eye on her kits, an eye on the rest of the clan and an eye out for her mate. _______
wuss poppin jimbo