9:02am Mar 16 2010
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Eagleflame spoke with pride, "We want to know why you are in our territory?" Eys glinting like ice of the wrong colour she asked, "Well wy are you on our territory, Scar?"
11:06am Mar 16 2010
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Scar spat and struggled, causing Oakfeather to score his claws across his throat, leaving a shallow but painful wound there. Blood leaked uncomfortably warm and sticky through his thick fur. "I was hunting," he growled angrily. Oakfeather glared down at him with disgust.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:00pm Mar 16 2010
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"Okay." mewed Egaglflame softer, "Why here?"
5:03pm Mar 16 2010
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"Because that's where I happened to be," Scar spat. "It's not like I'm making a home here. I don't need a home." His eyes blazed indignantly. Oakfeather's whiskers twitched in the makings of a smile.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:16pm Mar 16 2010
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Eagleflame looked at the large tabby sympathetically, "Are you sure?" she asked softly, "I'm sure we could convince Poppystar to let you stay"
5:18pm Mar 16 2010
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Oakfeather looked at her in surprize. "Are you crazy?" he meowed. "He's a rogue! He could never live in the clan properly!" __ Scar growled. "Watch it, Clan cat. I'm not just a rogue, I'm your worst nightmare."
wuss poppin jimbo
8:08pm Mar 16 2010
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Eagleflame got really angry when she heard this, "Has PoppyClan never accepted rogues before?" she snarled, "Perhaps I must remind you of Goldenfur, or my father?" turning back to Scar she meowed,"I didn't ask you to be, nor said you had to. Insult my clan or threaten us again I swear by StarClan you'll see how long my claws really are"
8:12pm Mar 16 2010
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Scar spat, "See, that's the things with Clan cats! You only threaten others when they are defensless, or weak. You think you're all noble and wise. I bet my brother's kits know more than you!" His eyes glittered. Oakfeather started to bristle, climbing off of the silber tabby. He growled, "I never said anything about your father or Goldenfur. I was talking about this cat. Why don't you back off and chill, Eagleflame? I don't know what your problem is." Scar sat up straight, frowning unhappily.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:41pm Mar 16 2010
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wuss poppin jimbo
8:45pm Mar 16 2010
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Eagleflame hissed under her breath, and tried to make her fur lie flat, "I'm sorry." she said sharply, "I'm just having a bad day" turning to Scar she said,"No we don't. I asked if you wanted to join didn't I? We are noble and wise, but not alone. Together as a big family, group, clan of cats, we know things rogues don't." she took a breath and began again,"Granted of course that you rogues no more about surviving alone then us." She pondered what she had said then sat down, "I believe you would make a good clan cat" and she walked away not wantng to upset another cat again flicking Oakfeathers ear with her tail as she left. Upon raching the rocks not far away Eagleflame laid down and the blazing stone and allowed the heat to soak into her fur, ears pricked for sounds of battle from the two tabby toms.
8:57pm Mar 16 2010
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Scar stared after her. "Maybe I will join the-" Oakfeather lunged at him, pinning him to the ground with a feral hiss. "No you won't!" he snapped, "Get out of here, you nasty bag of fleas!" Scar kicked Oakfeather off of him, and snarled, "No! I have a right to the forst, just like any other living creature!" His eyes blazed. "What do you have against rogues, anyways?" "My father was killed by one," Oakfeather spat. "A rogue that looked just like you." "My father?" Scar asked harshly. "Probably. He enjoyed killing Clan cats." He spun around, and started to race through the forest at top speeds after Eagleflame. Oakfeather chased after him, hissing violently.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:00pm Mar 16 2010
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Eagleflame lept at the yowling of the toms. Leaping down off the rock she dashed towards the toms both with fur bristling. Almost exact rplicas of eachother. One silver another dark brown.She sat down in fron of the toms, where they would soon be, and spoke loudly, "Stop fighting"
10:36pm Mar 16 2010
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Oakfeather and Scar skidded to a halt, bumping into each other. They sprawled out on the ground, tangled, and surprised. The got up, fur fluffed out and bristling. Scar smirked. "I think I've made my decision." Oakfeather mumbled a curse under his breath. Scar ignored this.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:18pm Mar 16 2010
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Eagleflame looked surprised, "So you're staying? Or at least as long as Poppystar lets you of course"
11:41pm Mar 16 2010
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Scar nodded, eyes glittering. ____ Oakfeather stalked past Eagleflame angrily, tail tip twitching back and forth in fury.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:19am Mar 17 2010
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Eaglelfme could clearly see her clanmates upset emotion. Padding over to him she mewed harshly, exactly whathe had said to her, "Why don't you back off and chill, Oakfeather?"
6:26pm Mar 17 2010
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Oakfeather snapped, "Why don't you go shove your nose in someone else's business. Because I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone; especially YOU." His voice was harsh and cold. ___ Scar padded after them silently.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:23pm Mar 17 2010
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Eagleflame hissed under her breath and motioned for the rugged tom to follow her. Stepping back and letting Oakfeather mewed to Scar, "I wonder why he's so grumpy." Cheerfully she added, "I don't think he likes you."
4:07pm Mar 18 2010
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Scar snorted. "Who does?" ____ Oakfeather stalked into camp without them, claws unsheathed and ears pinned to his head in frustration.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:18pm Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Eagleflame smirked and offered, "Well, I don't hate you"