10:24am Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 9,944
"Eh, that's always a compromise." Scar mused. _____ Oakfeather stalked up to Poppystar unhappily. Poppystar sat up straight, and looked evenly at Scar and Eagleflame.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:26am Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((e.o I could have sworn I joined this >.< Can I anyways?))
10:28am Mar 20 2010
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(Sure Det.) ((/flails at internet/))
wuss poppin jimbo
10:33am Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Name: Windsong // Raindawn Age: 2 years // 1 year
Gender: She-cat // She-cat
Position: Warrior // Warrior Personality: Quiet, thoughtful, smart // Energetic, lonely, funny
Mate/Kits: None // None
Other: Nope
Looks: Pure white fur with green eyes and a short compact body // Lithe and slim with short brown fur dappled with black and white
10:36am Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 9,944
((Accepted.)) ((I'll add you to the list wwhen I'm on my own computer D:))
wuss poppin jimbo
6:35pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Eagleflame mewed and led the rogue to Poppystar, she dipped her head as she approached her leader and nudged Scar ttelling him to do the same. "Hello Poppystar." she spoke calmly, "We found this rogue hunting in our territory. We have asked, and with your permission he would like to become a warrior, or rather, mmember of the clan" She stood in silnce waiting for her leaer to pas.s judgement on the large tabby.
7:49pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Scar dipped his head like Eagleflame did, ignoring the disgusted look Oakfeather was giving him. "With all due repect, ma'am, I'd like to take a tour of your...Clan...before making my final decision." Poppystar's eyes flickered between Oakfeather and Scar. "Remind me of you," she said quietly to the brown tabby before speaking to Eagleflame. "You may take him on a tour before he makes his decision." She turned her hawk-gold eyes on Oakfeather. "I want to speak to you in private please." Oakfeather nodded, eyes flashing angrily. Scar's stomach stirred nervously.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:38pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Eaglelfame nodded to her leader before dipping her head and smiling at Scar. "Follow me please" she mewed and led him through the PoppyClan camp. First she showed him the large rock from which Poppystar made announcement and held ceremonies, "Up there" she mewed, "Is Poppystar's den, and over there is where I sleep, the warriors den" padding along in the dense forest like area she called home she couldn't help but miss her sister, "That's the apprentice den. An apprentice is a cat 6 moons or older. They start training at the age of 6 moons to become either a warrior or a medicine cat. Each apprentice has his or her own mentor." he glanced over at SCar to make sure he was payin attention and meowed again, "That is the Medicine Den. That's where the Medicine Cat, or healer of the clan works and sleeps." Eagleflame thought excitedly as to how much fun she would have, if Scar joined the clan, teaching him the wys of their life, "Over there" she mewed bound ing up to the large hot rocks in which Hailfeather was perched, "Those are the basking Rocks. They are amazingly relaxing after a long day of hunting or training." Hailfeather jumped as Eagleflame and another strnge tom approached the Basking Rocks. She smiled indignantly and asked, a little harshly, "Who is this cat Eagleflame?" Goldenfur padded back into camp after hunting and scented a strange cat. Following the scent to Eagleflame, a large silver tom and Hailfeather he asked, "Who are you?" of course because of his rogue past he asked it nicely, rather than rudely,at the excitement of having a nother rogue joined the clan. "You look rather familiar, have I seen you before? I was a rogue before coming here you know."
9:18pm Mar 20 2010
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Scar showed no emotion at Hailfeather's harsh tone. "My name is Scar." he blinked at Goldenfur evenly. "And I don't think I've seen you around before. Merry meet." Merry meet was a greeting his father had taught him; it was formal to rogues, and meant they weren't looking for a fight.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:24pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Hailfeather l;ept down off the rocks and padded toawrds the camp entrance, headed for an afternoon alone. Goldenfur mewed back, "Merry meet then"
9:32pm Mar 20 2010
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Scar nodded, "Merry Part and merry meet again." He turned to Eagleflame. "Is that it then?" He smiled softly. "Interesting..."
wuss poppin jimbo
9:38pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"Almost" Eaglelfame mewed and led him to the currently empty nursery, "That is where queens and their kits sleep." she then walked over to the Elders den wehre Shadowpelt lay snoring, "Thats the elders den. Cats come here when they can no longer work or train other cats. They are the most respected cats in the clans. And that" she said pointing with her tail to the single elder, "Is Shadowpelt. He's the oldest cat I have ever known"
9:42pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Scar dipped his head to the elder tom. "You're ways are interesting..." he blinked. "But most cats don't seem pleased to see me."
wuss poppin jimbo
11:00pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Shadowpelt awoke to the murmuring of two cats. Looking up at the strange tom he meowed, "Eageflame who is this tom here?" upon hearing er answer he mewed again, "Ah. I remember when your father came to this clan Eaglelame.Hawk he was and Hawkwing he became. Pleasure to meet you...whats your name?"
11:33pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 9,944
"My name's Scar." Scar explained quietly. "My father's name was Tiger." His eyes got a little darker. "Perhaps you've heard of him?"
wuss poppin jimbo
10:16am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"I don't think I've seen him around here." mewed Shadowpelt, "Still nice to meet yeh Scar" and he went back to sleep. Eagleflame flicked her tail t the elder, "He was an amazing warrior, and if he had to he could still probably fight. Come on, that's the tour, are you going to stay?" she asked excitedly, "Or are you going back to a rogue life?"
10:23am Mar 21 2010
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Scar looked down uncomfortably at his paws. He unsheathed and sheathed his claws nervously. "Perhaps I'll sleep on it." He blinked back up at her. "I'll return in the morning with my answer."
wuss poppin jimbo
10:26am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Eagleflame tried not to look upset at his decision, "Okay" she mewed and walked with him to the camp entrance. Flicking his ear gently with her tail she mewd, "See you tomorrrow then"
12:04pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((So...what's going on so far?))
3:20pm Mar 21 2010
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"Maybe you will," Scar said gently. "Maybe you won't." He walked away, disappearing into the forest without another glance backwards. __________ Oakfeather padded out of Poppystar's den stiffly, scooping up a mouse from the fresh kill pile. He sat down in the shade next to the nursery and ate in bitter silence. ___________ Poppystar yawned, curling up in her den. ___________ Willowpaw got up, and started to wander around. ((Oakfeather and Eagleflame went on patroll, found Scar, brought him back, showed him around...and that's pretty much it. XD))
wuss poppin jimbo