3:24pm Mar 21 2010
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((Ok then....)) Windsong padded up to Oakfeather and Eagleflame. "Who's this?" she mewed, looking at the new cat, a thoughtful look on her muzzle. Raindawn padded up behind Windsong, "What's a stranger doing in our camp!?" she growled, her fur bristling. ((Her mate had been killed by a stranger who had entered the camp a bit ago, she trusts no one outside the Clan))
3:31pm Mar 21 2010
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Scar weaved his way away from the clan, and padded to his make shift nest by the small river. ___ Oakfeather spat icily, "Ask Eagleflame. She invited the stupid flea bag to stay with us." He took another bite of his mouse.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:31pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Who does Oakfeather mate with? If no mate can Raindawn be his?))
3:33pm Mar 21 2010
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((Oakfeather doesn't have a mate yet. :P Raindawn can be.))
wuss poppin jimbo
3:35pm Mar 21 2010
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((Oh yeah ^^ That means she has a new mate to replace her old one)) Raindawn padded up to Oakfeather, "Don't worry Oakfeather. he'll proabably commit some crime andbe kicked out. It's the same fo every rogue out there." she spat out, her tail lashing in anger.
3:36pm Mar 21 2010
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((Feels kind of like a loner 'cause Det is listening to Swedish music ^^))
3:38pm Mar 21 2010
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Oakfeather smirked icily, finishing off his mouse. "I think my father would agree." His eyes glittered with hatred. "Clans are no place for rogues like Scar. There are some rogues, like Goldenfur, that belong here. But others...there's no point. Why even bother?" He growled. "I knew I should have killed him when I had the chance."
wuss poppin jimbo
3:40pm Mar 21 2010
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Raindawn licked his cheek sadly, "I understand Oakfeather. Otterpelt was killed by a rogue just like him. I trust Goldenfur, he listens and understands other cats, he comforted me when Otterpelt was killed. But Scar, he's bad. I don't like the look of him," she mewed angrily.
3:56pm Mar 21 2010
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Oakfeather unsheathed his claws and sunk them into the ground. "We look almost identacle." he mewed angrily. "We have the same build and markings, only he's silver with blue eyes and I'm brown with amber eyes." He added in a husky voice, "He told me his father killed Mapleseed." ((Mapleseed's his dad :P))
wuss poppin jimbo
4:01pm Mar 21 2010 (last edited on 4:21pm Mar 21 2010)
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Eagleflame overheard Oakfeather and Raindawn speaking, "He said it may have been his father." she spoke angrily, "You brought it upon yourself. Never, I mean ever, ask a rogues past, what would you have done if you were the one being taunted not the one taunting?" without waiting for an answer she padded over to Violetgaze who was resting in his den and asked, "Do you need any herbs? I'm up for a walk" Violetgaze smiled at the albino cat, "Sure, we need some horsetail and juniper berries"
4:14pm Mar 21 2010
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(( XD, spelling Eastie ^^)) Raindawn snalred at Eagleflame. "what do you think? I saw the Rogue kill Otterpelt! Can you deny that Otterpelt did nothing?! The rogue had just...KILLED him!" she hissed before turning and running out of the camp. Windsong stared after raindawn and turned bback to Eagleflame, "Don't mind her. She still mourns Otterpelt." she mewed sadly before padding to the Warrior's Den.
4:16pm Mar 21 2010
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Oakfeather lashed his tail angrily. "I need to take a walk," he snarled, standing up and shaking the sand out of his fur. He padded out of camp stiffly, claws unsheathed. ____ Scar curled up in his empty log, purring softly to himself.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:18pm Mar 21 2010
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Raindawn stopped as she heard Oakfeather behind her, "I'm so sad Oakfeather. I can't believe that Eagleflame thinks that Otterpelt provoked that rogue!" she turned her sad green-eyed gaze at him, her eyes brimming with sorrow and anger, "I don't know how...or why, but Otterpelt was killed in cold-blood, nothing more, nothing less."
4:22pm Mar 21 2010
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Oakfeather twitched his ears uncomfortably at her gaze; it sent shivers down his spine. "My father fought to the death," he said grimly. "At least he left the beast with some scars to remember him by." ___ Scar drifted into a light, fragile sleep.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:23pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; my finger twitches and my space bar fails Eaglelfame spoke quickly to Windsong, "I know and I have nothing against that" as she padded out of the camp ,Violetgaze on her heels.
4:29pm Mar 21 2010
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Windsong looked at Eagleflame as she left, "If only you knew," she whispered under her breath. Raindawn's gaze turned from sorrow to anguish, "At least he had a chance! Otterpelt was killed while he slept! He had no chance!" she hissed.
4:36pm Mar 21 2010
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"His death wasn't dragged out. He didn't bleed to death slowly, suffering slowly and painfully right in front of his son..." Oakfeather snarled angrily, closing his eyes. "I'm not discussing this any longer." He padded ahead of her angrily, accidently tearing a claw; but he didn't even notice.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:37pm Mar 21 2010
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Raindawn stood silently where Oakfeather had left her, "I'm sorry," she meowed quietly before turning into the forest. Windsong sighed and lay down in her nest, curling her tail over her nose and closing her eyes.
4:45pm Mar 21 2010
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Oakfeather sat down near a small river, staring into the crystal water and thinking deeply. He thought most about his mother; the sleek, muscular silver tabby she-cat with those electric blue eyes...Those eyes... He blinked. Scar's eyes... He ignored the facts and continued to drift, thinking of his brother and sister. Snakekit and Mosskit. Snakekit was a thickset silver tabby with his mothers eyes...Scars eyes...And Mosskit was a brown tabby like Oakfeather, with bright green eyes. But Mapleseed was a ginger tom with brown eyes. He thought about his mother some more; originally a rogue, who came to the clans. She met Mapleseed, and then had him and his siblings. Then, she just left one night and left him here. Back to rogue life? Probably. He never even thought of the connection. Scar and he were brothers. ____ Scar slept silently.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:49pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 9,641
raindawn padded through the undergrowth, lost in thought when she stumbled on Oakfeather. "Am I intruding?" she mewed caustiously, backing away slowly.