6:44pm Mar 21 2010
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ooc; just like a sprained ankle det. painful but not gravely injured or serious Eaglelfame looked at her again, "I ran. I needed to get out of here. Breath for a while. I tripped on a pile of rocks just outside the territory. I had to get back their was fox scent in the air so I ran and faltered by the river. That's why it's swollen"
6:45pm Mar 21 2010
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Raindawn snarled, "what do you know? My mate was killed in cold-blood by one of you!" then she paused and turned to face Oakfeather, "Wait...what did he mean when he said you were a rogue..." she began, her eyes widening.
6:46pm Mar 21 2010
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Windsong took a step back, "Foxes!" she screeched loudly, "But..." she closed her eyes and shook her head, "We best be getting back to camp." she whispered.
6:53pm Mar 21 2010
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Oakfeather bristled. "My father was a loyal clan cat." he snapped angrily. "And your mother?" Scar said slyly, climbing out of the water. "Did it ever occur to you that she had a mate before she came to the clans?" He narrowed his eyes. "Has it ever occured to you that your rogue mother gave birth to kits whose father was a rogue?" The brown tabby swiped at him angrily, claws narrowly missing his muzzle. "Shut up!" he snarled. Scar smirked. "Make me, Oakkit." Oakfeather recoiled like he'd been kicked. "That's right, Mr.ClanCat," he snarled. "I'm your brother. Remember me, Snakekit?" He narrowed his eyes. "I thought you would have remembered." Oakfeather pinned his ears to his head. "I remember.." he whispered. "And Mapleseed," Scar chortled. "He isn't your father. He's a ginger tom, with brown eyes. Your father was a brown tabby like yourself." He narrowed his cruel blue eyes. "Your father is my father: Tiger." Oakfeather felt like he was about to pas$ out. "No.." he gasped in horror, taking a step backwards. "Yes."
wuss poppin jimbo
6:56pm Mar 21 2010
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Raindawn snarled at Scar, "Whoever may have been his father, Oakfeather is loyal and a clan cat through and through. He is no rogue!" she yowled and slashed at Scar's nose.
7:02pm Mar 21 2010
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Scar yowled with shock as claws raked across his muzzle. He quickly spun and leaped on Raindawn's back, biting down on her front right leg with and angry hiss. Oakfeather could only watch in mute horror. He was torn: Clan or Family? The choice should have been easy, but he couldn't decide who to help. "I'm a..." he stuttered, staring at his paws in disgust. "I'm a piece of crow food."
wuss poppin jimbo
7:05pm Mar 21 2010
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Raindawn hissed and bucked up and down, trying to shake Scar off. She twisted and cried, "Help me Oakfeather!"
7:10pm Mar 21 2010
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Scar dug his claws into her and mumbled through a mouthful of fur, "No! Help me!" His eyes glinted. ______ Oakfeather stumbled backwards, turning around. He started to dash away from the fighting cats, when he nearly ran into Eagleflame and Windsong. He tripped, got back up, and kept running; he had no clue where he was going.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:41pm Mar 21 2010
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Eaglelfmae heard the yowling nd screeching of cats and ran towards the battle. She lept into the midst of the tom and she cat brawling and yowled, "Stop!" her paw throbbed but she didn't care. Turning to from cat to cat she spoke harshly, "Stop it both of you. What good comes of fighting?" turning to Raindawn she mweed, "This is the cat that you love's brother. Stop taunting him and pressuring him into submission and I'm sure he would be a lot nicer" Turning to Scar her crimson gaze softened and she mewed, "Are you going to join? I would really enjoy it."
8:46pm Mar 21 2010
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Scar climbed off of Raindawn, bristling. He spat at Eagleflame harshly, "No! I'm not joining this train wreck of a Clan! Your warriors are disgusted by me, I'm not welcome here and even my own brother rejects who he is!" He glared at her with eyes like ice. "So no, I will not join this horrible thing you call a Clan."
wuss poppin jimbo
8:51pm Mar 21 2010
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Eaglelfmae nodded taking his words harshly, "I'm not disgusted. Neither is Shadowpelt, nor Haileather, however she may act. You aer welcome, Poppystar has approved your staying here. I unerstand Oakfeather's reaction, you can't just spring something like that on him and not expect a harsh reaction. I had the same reaction when I found out my father was a rogue. I also understand your wanting to be close to somebody." she walked up and spoke so only he could hear, "I will tell him this too, but at lest you have someone to want to be close to. Mine's dead" backing off she mewed again, "It isn't horrible, it's just different"
9:29pm Mar 21 2010
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Raindawn looked at Scar, her eyes glittering with anger, "I cannot repent my actions, for his were also unforgivable. But I do say this, if he proves himself worthy as a true clan cat and decides to join, I will not stop him. But he must prove himself, I will not accept another killer into our clan." she hissed. Windsing dashed after Eagleflame and stared in surprise as she saw Scar and Raindawn fighting and yowling. "what's happening?" she asked Eagleflame.
9:38pm Mar 21 2010
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"These two mousebrains" mewe Eagleflame in amnn odd tone, "Decided a battle would be fun"
9:39pm Mar 21 2010
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Windsong sighed, "It's Scar's temper and raindawn's sorrow that started this. Wait, she said something didn't she?" she meowed.
2:57pm Mar 22 2010
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Scar only growled, rasping a tongue over his injuries. "Clan cats..." he muttered. "Think they know everything..." He kept his eyes angrily on the ground. He didn't want to be close to anyone. Not his brother, not Eagleflame, not even the clan leader. He was a loner at heart, and always would be.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:31pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Eageflame snorted, "She said 'I cannot repent my actions, for his were also unforgivable. But I do say this, if he proves himself worthy' and blah blah blah." Flciking her tail impatiently she mewed, "Come on you lot. Let's get back to camp" one last sorrowful look at Scar and she was off.
6:40pm Mar 22 2010
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Scar ignored her, still licking a gash on his back leg and muttering angrily to himself.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:49pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Windsong sighed again and ran behind Eagleflame, lost in her own thoughts. Raindawn snarled once more at Scar than whipped back into the undergrowth, her pelt hot with anger. ((Wow, most epic Phail ever, with a ph))
6:58pm Mar 22 2010
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Oakfeather curled up inside the warrior's den, shaking uncontrollably. He snarled at any cat that tried to approach him, including Poppystar. Poppystar watched him with a worried ex pression. Scar stalked back to his makeshift nest and curled up.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:21pm Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Limping into the camo with her best friend behind her she tuurened and mewed, "Come with me to the Medicine Den?" She walked slowly into the small cave and mewed, "Violetgaze? Where are you?" The gray tabby popped out of his nest and mewed, "Yes Eagleflame?" taking a look at her swollen paw he muttered silently, "Sprained paw" and he looked for horsetail for the small gfsh and comfrey and feverfew for the heat and swelling.