7:24pm Mar 22 2010
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Windsong followed Eagleflame and sat patiently beside her as Violetgaze applied the poultice to Eagleflame's paw.
7:30pm Mar 22 2010
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Scar curled up, and fell asleep. ______ Poppystar sighed, making no progress with Oakfeather, and moved on to the medicine cat den. She blinked at Windsong and Eagleflame in surprise. "What's happened?" she asked. ______ Oakfeather glared at the entrance to the empty den, snarling angrily.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:36pm Mar 22 2010
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"I fell" Eagleflame murmured shamefully, "I was angry, so I ran to get my frustration out and tripped on a large pile of rocks. Then I ran closer to camp, knowing that where I was, no cat would be able to heklp me. I faltered by the river. The running is why its so sore"
7:39pm Mar 22 2010
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Poppystar frowned. "Are you okay?" she asked, looking at her paw carefully. "Well, I wish you good healing, Eagleflame." She laughed softly and added, "And do try to be more careful."
wuss poppin jimbo
7:44pm Mar 22 2010
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Windsong pressed her shoulder against Eagleflame's in a quiet show of support than padded out quickly, her white pelt swallowed by the darkness outside the den.
7:47pm Mar 22 2010
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"I am fine and thank you Poppystar" purred Eagleflame. She tried to hide it as the words caught in her throat, everything wasn't fine. She wanted more than anything for Scar to join the clan and she didn't know if she shouldd tell Windsong. Windsong had been her best friend through everything and now Eagleflame was being dishonest. Or was she? Windong hadnt asked anything so Eagleflame hasn't been lying.
3:31pm Mar 23 2010
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Windsong crouched by the freshkill-pile and picked up a small caffinch delicately between her jaws. Looking over the pile she chose another and padded back to the Medicine Cat's den. "Eagleflame? i brought some food for you." she meowed out, the Den was in the shadows and if Eagleflame wasn't hungry she didn't want to intrude.
5:03pm Mar 23 2010
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Poppystar nodded and left, tail tip twitching as she squeezed through past the Medicine cat.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:39pm Mar 24 2010
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Eagleflame smiled at her friend, "Thank you very much Windsong." ooc; short time lapse to tomorrow?
8:41pm Mar 24 2010
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((Sure ^^)) ((You wanna join meh RP? It's called Doomkit's Prophecy...sounds epic no? XD))
8:50pm Mar 24 2010
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((no. jk. lol I'll join))
9:12am Mar 29 2010
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Waking up in the medicine edn Eagleflame purred and yawned. Her paw didn't hurt so she spoke to Violetgaze who was busy sorting through herbs, "Violetgaze, umm... may I go?" The gray tabby turned to Eagleflame ad said, "Of course just take it easy. Hunting but no fighting." after lookking at her creamy paw.
9:14am Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 9:18am Mar 29 2010)
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Windsong purred, 'Let's go eat over there," she newed, pointing her taiol over to a flat smooth rock in the sun.
5:39pm Mar 29 2010
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Eagleflame nodded and grabbed a peice of fresh kill before heading over to the sunny rock. Digging into her starling she mewed over a mouthfull of feathers, "Sorry about worrying you yesterday"
6:31pm Mar 29 2010
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Windsong shrugged, "No harm done...I think," she meiowed as she bit into the succulent mouse. It was slightly tangy and when she lifted her muzzle, she found it was full of writhing mggots. "Great StarCLan!" she hissed, "Crow-food in the fresh-kill pile?"
7:29pm Mar 29 2010
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Eaglestar hissed as the foul scent wafted over her delicate scent palate. "Sighing she meowed, "Must have been an apprentice or a cat not paying attention"
9:34am Mar 30 2010
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ooc; BUMP D:<
10:28am Mar 30 2010
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((XD)) Windsong pushed the offending piece of prey away with her paw, wrinkling her nose at the terrible scent, "I hope it was only an apprentice..." she mewed worridly, "Should we tell Snowdrift?"
9:13pm Mar 30 2010
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ooc; Why Snowdrift?
9:17am Mar 31 2010
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((Omens...*scary music*))