Ceph's search for a onexone <3

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5:40pm Feb 19 2011 (last edited on 6:23pm Mar 22 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 406

I decided to get into roleplaying again, and since I haven't really found anything that suits my taste, I decided to make a thread about it. I prefer one on one or small groups in which people interact closely with one each other instead of breaking off into smaller groups and doing their own thing. STATUS: looking for one x one only.

Romance is not required in my roleplays, but if there is, I very strongly prefer yaoi/shounen-ai/male slash. I will be tempted into doing straight romance depending on level of interest in plot and how much potential the characters have together. I love romance as a sideplot, especially in serious RPs.

I have a couple of ideas for everything listed below, though some are not as developed as others, if at all. If you're interested, do ask me to elaborate on my ideas. Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions as I may have missed a couple of points; I don't bite.

So here's how this works. Pick a genre, miniplot, and pairing, and tada!
genre + miniplot + pairing = insta-plot. If not, ask me for plots I already have in mind.


Mini Plots
Battle Royal-esque
Mafia/Military/Various Organizations
Worlds at War
Zombie/Demon/Monster/Natural Causes Apocalypse
Virus Outbreak
Underground Dog Fighting
Slavery: Underground Human Fighting
Street Fighting: Survival of the Fittest
The Mentor and his Student
Time Travel
Kingdoms at War
Feudal Japan
Ancient Sparta
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
Medieval Era
Victorian Era
French Revolution: The Reign of Terror
The Great Depression
Nazi Germany
Arranged Marriage
Salem Witch Trials
Lawless City/Sin City
Alternate Realities
Dimension Hopping
Carnival of Killers
Through the Looking Gla.ss
Dream World
Where is your God now?
The Underdog

For both romantic interests and friendship
popular kid x popular kid
popular kid x unpopular kid
popular kid x private tutor
popular kid x new kid
rebel x shy kid
rebel x smart kid
outcast x player
virgin x sex addict
bookworm x football star
best friends in denial
childhood friends
rival x rival
rich kid x poor kid
bully x victim
religious figure x sinner
homosexual x Catholic
kid from perfect home x kid from abusive home
kid from a bad home x spoiled brat
rich kid x servant
rich boy x orphan
only child x middle child in a large family
step siblings
real child x adopted child
mom's boyfriend x mom's kid
brother x female friend's boyfriend
Nazi x Jew
slave x master
prince(ss) x servant
prince(ss) x a.ssa.ssin
prince(ss) x thief
prince(ss) x peasant
prince(ss) in hiding x peasant
prince(ss) x slave
prince(ss) x knight
a.ssa.ssin x peasant
doctor x dying
boss x employee
serial killer x potential victim
bounty hunter x hunted
mafioso x innocent bystander
scientist x experiment
soldier x friend
cop's kid x rebel
kidnapper x victim

For those who prefer to rp in a fandom.
Harry Potter

  • Harry x Draco: I'd really love to roleplay this. I have a couple of ideas I'd like to try out for this, but I am open to all suggestions. I do prefer when Harry's the "man" of the relationship, but I am willing to do either depending on my level of interest.
  • Albus x Scorpius

Super Smash Bros Brawl

  • Marth x Pit
  • Marth x Link
  • Ike x Pit
  • Sasuke x Naruto: I can hardly remember a thing about Naruto, but I'm willing to give it a shot if anyone else is interested.


  • I've only read the original series, so as long as I don't need to know anything from later books, I'm willing to do this.
  • I haven't been keeping up with it past the Ruby and Sapphire series, but I LOVELOVE pokemon. I have a male slash plot for this, if you're interested.
  • Red x Green (or Blue, however you want to refer to him)
  • Ash x Gary
  • Gold x Silver
  • Red x Yellow
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
  • Yamamoto x Gokudera

I Will Not Do
Unless the plot is very tempting or I love you.

  • vampires: overdone, plus Twilight killed my respect for them.
  • werewolves: same as werewolves.
  • humanoids: overdone.
  • anthros/furries: depends on plot.
  • highschool: overdone and bland.
General Rules
  • Proper grammar and decent spelling, at the least. Do know the difference between your and you're, there, their, and they're, etc. Good and well are not interchangable. The occa.ssional slip is fine; it happens to the best of us.
  • Keep power playing and god modding to a minimum; I do allow it when the situation calls for it. Please don't kill my characters.
  • I don't have a minimum post length that I require people to adhere to - just give me something to reply to. I'll mirror post lengths, write a lot, or just a couple of sentences depending on my mood. But seriously, I don't want to read more than 1000 words unless every single word in there is required to form a successful RP. Quality > Quantity.
  • No sc
    ript format.
  • I'm willing to compromise! If you're craving something, by all means tell me. We can work it in and both be happy.
  • Please don't always make me play the "man" of the relationship in a gay romance or the male in a straight romance. Don't get me wrong, I love playing them, but I do like the change of pace every so often.
  • I don't feel comfortable doing underage romance, so I won't.
  • I will not RP over instant messanger. I want to keep it to a board on Rescreatu or rMail. If things are getting hot, we can go over to email.
  • Try to contribute to plot formation and twists. We can work some of these out beforehand, but a surprise is always fun.
  • I do like to get to know the person I'm roleplaying with. Communication is an important facet to a successful roleplay.
  • If I don't understand what you're saying due to wonky English, I'll probably ignore you. LOL.
  • Tell me if you've lost interest. Straight up! You don't even need to provide a reason. If you say it's over, it's over.
Rules for Male Slash
  • Males are still males. Therefore, they are not girls. I don't want to RP with a guy so girly that it defeats the point of RPing a gay romance. I do realize that there are some fairly girly men out there, but that's not the point I'm trying to make. Please keep the diva inside men to a minimum.
  • I refuse to RP with a constantly whiny arse uke male.
  • My limits are yours. I will respect yours, and I expect the same considertion. Mind you, my limits are far and wide. They're hardly there.
  • General roleplay rules still apply.


5:48pm Feb 19 2011 (last edited on 5:54pm Feb 19 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,828

Ooc; I'll gladly do one with you. I also see that your signature is of Link from the Legend of Zelda. You have good taste in video games. lol. I've done a plot with a Legend of Zelda before if you'd like to do that. I'm literate. :)

As a side note, I also have my own roleplaying site. Most of the members (13 so far) are literate and friends of mine. If you're interested in joining, here is the link. LINK

hello my name is elder price

5:53pm Feb 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,296

I'll totally do something with you. '3' Underground dog fight roleplay?


5:53pm Feb 19 2011 (last edited on 5:54pm Feb 19 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 406
[ooc: @shadowfax Actually I just think he's good looking. I've only played half of Twilight Princess and I've played him in the Super Smash Bros. games. I hardly know a thing about him or the series. ;__; I'm not sure how accurate SSB is at depicting his character, since he only has a scene or two. I'm sorry for letting you down.]


5:54pm Feb 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,296
((Oh, use OOC on this board? Okay.))


5:57pm Feb 19 2011 (last edited on 5:58pm Feb 19 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,828

Ooc; Bahahaha. Yes, Link is good looking. Don't worry about letting me down. I just thought you were a LoZ fan. xD I would gladly do a Pokemon one with you if you'd want and you wouldn't happen to do dragon plots, would you?

Edit:: Would you do a Vampire plot if it interests you? -Going out on a limb since I have a unique plot- {In my opinion}

hello my name is elder price

5:58pm Feb 19 2011 (last edited on 6:00pm Feb 19 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 406

[ooc: @fullmoon No ooc tags were required; I was just using it because shadowfax did LOL. I'd love to do the underground roleplay with you. Would you prefer a one on one or a small group? And over Rmail or the RPing boards?

@shadowfax Thank you for the link. i'll be sure to check it out <3
edit: I just saw your latest post. I'd be happy to try out dragons and Pokemon. Do you have an idea in mind?
edit: just saw your second edit. LOL. ;3; Sure; I'd like that. Hit me with it.]


5:59pm Feb 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
Ooc; No problem. I'll be thanking you if you join. Also, the Vampire Plot I mentioned above is on that site if you'd like to check that out.

hello my name is elder price

6:00pm Feb 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,296
((For a dog fight, I would prefer a small group, maybe three, four people, just so that there's more characters being played by different people. We should do a Lord of The Rings parody one-one too. ))


6:03pm Feb 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 406
[ooc: Okay, sounds good to me. Do you have a specific plot in mind, or shall we just wing it? Lord of the Rings, hm? I haven't seen the movies in 5 years or so. xD]


6:08pm Feb 19 2011 (last edited on 6:09pm Feb 19 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,828


If you haven't already seen the vampire plot link, here it is.


I also have a Pokemon plot that involves Shadow Pokemon. If you haven't played the Shadow Pokemon videogames, that's fine.

There has been talk of Shadow Pokemon being created in a lab far to the west in Pokemon region, Saltria. The government has chosen four champions to investigate the rumors and if true, locate the Shadow Pokemon. It is their job to find the Shadow Pokemon project and destroy it.

That's basically the plot, but I have a few things up my sleeve to keep the roleplay going on after that. :)

hello my name is elder price

6:12pm Feb 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 406

[ooc: I'm reading the roleplay right now.

And yeah, I haven't played the Shadow Pokemon games. Is there anything else I need to know about it? I might end up researching it a bit, either way.

I gotta go soon, so I'll have you leave you hanging, most likely. ; 3;]


6:13pm Feb 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,296
((Just wing it, but I have a setting(Besides the underground part, duh XD) I want to try out.))


6:15pm Feb 19 2011

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Posts: 3,828


Basically, Shadow Pokemon were created by Team Snagem. The Shadow Pokemon are Pokemon that are stolen from their trainers and their hearts are closed up. They are ruthless creatures that see only darkness. They'll attack humans if it comes to it and they totally forget their old trainers.

That's about it for the Shadows.

hello my name is elder price

6:29pm Feb 19 2011 (last edited on 6:33pm Feb 19 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 406

[ooc: shadowfax, do you prefer a one on one or a group roleplay?

I'll have to go after I post my reply to my Zombie RP, but both you and fullmoon can go ahead and make the board, if you want. Or we can further smooth out any kinks (*censored*uming it's a group roleplay; one on one is fine, shadowfax). Either works for me.]


6:30pm Feb 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,805
Highschool of the dead
0.0 ever heard of it?

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

6:32pm Feb 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 406
[ooc: My friends recommended Highschool of the Dead to me multiple times, but I never got around to reading/watching it. Is it any good? xD]


6:43pm Feb 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
Ooc; I've tried about 3 times with the Shadow Pokemon plot with having it a group roleplay. I think a 1x1 will be better...at least, I hope so. xD

hello my name is elder price

7:17pm Feb 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 406
[ooc: I hope so, too. I'm rather nervous about rping a concept I know very little about, but it'd be a good experience. Rmail or the boards? I'll get back to you once I finish all my homework. :3]


11:07pm Feb 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 406
up :D<3

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