3:57pm Jan 16 2011 (last edited on 4:38pm Jan 17 2011)
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Posts: 411
Introduction In the darkest alley of a somewhat large town, there lays a warehouse hidden in the shadows. This place is only known by the richest of slaveholders and as well as the slaves who reside inside. Yes, this is a slave house, one of most well known places to purchase a slave of any age and race to fit the needs of their masters. It's called the Slave Market. Here, the most exotic and normal of species are here. Nagas, Demons; creatures never seen before by most until now.
Slaves You have either been sold to us by your family, found on the streets, or came to us willingly. No matter what the reason there’s no point in trying to escape from your chains now. You do not know if your master will be cruel or gentle, you can’t be sure someone will buy you either. The best chance of escaping this warehouse is to be bought, so at least try to be eye-catching; it’s a lot better than the dump you live in now. All of you wear a collar with charms, each charm describes what the slave is like. It comes in different colors.... of course, this may never come off.. Your master may do whatever they please with you once you’ve been bought; they may torture you, use you as a companion, anything, for you are theirs forever. You stay in this in the store until you have been bought or die.There is no escape what so ever...
Masters | Mistresses You all know of this great warehouse, some of you are loyal costumers here, others, amazingly, have just heard of this place. You spend a great amount of time and money on these slaves, and it’s usually worth it. Some of you may be known for throwing out your slaves once they have become too boring and plain for your tastes, but at this warehouse, we only care about your money. Once you have purchased a slave, they’re yours. You may not take off their collars for most of you already know what happens. Torture them, care for them, use them, it doesn’t matter. Maybe you want to free them, but they still won’t be free. Maybe you want to keep them lock up, but they must get some fresh air. You may want to harm them, it’s okay they’re yours they are not in the warehouse anymore. You're the buyer. Keep them. Table Of Contents ♦ Introduction ♦ Contents ♦ Rules ♦ Collars ♦ Character Skeletons ♦ Accepted Slaves ♦ Accepted Masters ♦ Status Rules ♠ Follow the ToS -No Cybering. Use a time-skip.. at the least. Or take it somewhere far... far away. Not int he forum though. No Heavy Petting or anything else of that sort| - We’re Keeping It PG-13 ♠ No God-Modding ♠Use [[ ]] Or (( )) For OOC -ALL RACES ARE ACCEPTED. THIS MEANS LIKE DEMON, VAMPIRE, ANY OF THE MIMIS, NEKOS, ETC. ♠ Do Not Use * * For Actions type put your actions please.. No One-Liners unless necessary | Typos Are Okay | No Text Talk either ♠If you want, you may add a small picture in your posts...and if preferred, you may make them pretty posts as well. -I do not want a whole bunch of slaves running around. Keep the gender and master/slave ratio equal. -You may have two characters. Collars | You May Only Have 2 White – Loyal/Obedient (May Be Masochistic) Black – Quiet Red – Violent/Disobedient Blue – Shy Violet – Loving Grey – Depressed/Sad Orange – Energetic/Hyper Pink – Happy
Anklet | Of Course you may only have 1 A silk ribbon- Has never been bought. A spiked anklet- Has been bought but escaped, was caught in the end though. An anklet made of fur- Has been bought but returned.
Charms | You May Only Have 3 Heart – Affection/Companion Shield – Protection Sword – Fighting Book – Intelligent Music Note – Sings/Plays An Instrument Dust Pan – Cleaning Spoon – Cooking X – Has Tried to Kill Master Applications For Slaves: What I saw in the reflection of my water bowl: [Appearance] My True Master: [Username] You Can Call Me: [Name] Number of Chains Holding Me Down: [Age] Let Me Check: [Gender] Colors of My Collar: [Colors] Just Charming: [Charms] To Keep Me From Running: [Anklet] Make My Heart Skip Beat: [S.O.] By The Way, I'm A: [Race/Species] In The Chains That Bind Me: [Bio/How You Became A Slave – No, 'I Don’t Remember'] For Masters: I don't need a mirror: [Appearance] Behind This Mask Of Mine: [Username] Let Me Introduce Myself: [Name] My Wealth Minus The Trillion: [Age] I’m Obviously A: [Gender] Turn Me On: [S.O.] I am a: [Race/Species] You Can’t Prove I Love You: [Crush – You Can Mail Me About It Later] In My Shoes: [Bio] Accepted Slaves Navi- Played by DevilAngelKia Angel Rosewolf- Played by Mercyme6 Emma- Played by Meelanya Anise- Played by Dustfeather Naric- Played by ImmortalChild10 Claire- Played by WolfieBell Namura- Played by RikatheFallen Ezya- Played by Bunbunnychan Accepted Masters Taro Silversworth- Played by Mercyme6 Victoria Nierro- Played by ImmortalChild10 Mellissa Redwing- Played by DevilAngelKia Mordekai Oulous- Played by RikatheFallen Alfonse la Rawk- Played by Bunbunnychan Violet- Played by cherrysummer8 Status of Slaves and the Status of Masters Slaves Name: Navi Taken or Open?: Open Name: Angel Rosewolf Taken or Open?: Open Name: Emma Taken or Open?: Open Name: Anise Taken or Open?: Open Name: Naric Taken or Open?: Open Name: Claire Taken or Open?: Open Name: Namure Taken or Open?: Open Name: Ezya Taken or Open?: Open Masters Name: Taro Silversworth Any slaves?: None Name: Victoria Nierro Any slaves?: None Name: Mellissa Redwing Any slaves?: None Name: Mordekai Oulous Any slaves?: None Name: Alfonse la Rawk Any slaves?: None Name: Violet Any Slaves?: None
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
4:04pm Jan 16 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 4,093
{ May I join as a slave? }

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
4:07pm Jan 16 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,557
Isn't this fun?
4:11pm Jan 16 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 411
OOC: Yes and yes.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
4:12pm Jan 16 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 6,165
(( May I join as a master and a slave?))
4:18pm Jan 16 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 411
OOC: Yes.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
4:26pm Jan 16 2011 (last edited on 5:01pm Jan 16 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,557
What I saw in the reflection of my water bowl: Short grey hair, dull lifeless brown eyes that almost look black. Unnaturally thin, with a skeletal appearance. about 6 Ft. 4'. My True Master: I'm sorry, do I put my name or my username? ._.' If Username: DevilAngelKia You Can Call Me: I have no actual name. But you can call me 'Navi' Number of Chains Holding Me Down: 23 Let Me Check: Neither. But I prefer to be called a man. Colors of My Collar: I received a grey and black collar. Just Charming: It was...Difficult for me to receive on, I believe. But I posses a book, a dust pan and spoon. To Keep Me From Running: Silk Ribbon Make My Heart Skip Beat: I'd prefer to be considered a gay man. By The Way, I'm A: My previous master called me...A 'Homonculous' In The Chains That Bind Me: I was created in late 1650'S by an alchemist who desired *censored*istance in his murders. I would help him capture his victims, and dispose of the bodies. Occasionally I would even help kill his victims. I *censored*isted him for over 45 years before he p*censored*ed away, as I then *censored*isted his son. And then his daughter, and her offspring an so forth until the family needed money. So now I am here, ready to *censored*ist my newest master.
Isn't this fun?
4:29pm Jan 16 2011
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Posts: 3,557
Bun: I'm a yaoi Godess, too! 8D May I copy/paste your siggy to mine? XD
Isn't this fun?
4:30pm Jan 16 2011 (last edited on 4:31pm Jan 16 2011)
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Posts: 411
OOC: It says username. XD Anyway, accepted. And nu. Yaoi Goddess is yaoi goddess and yaoi goddess says no. You can be... demi-yaoi goddess! XD
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
4:36pm Jan 16 2011
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Posts: 3,557
Bunny: Awww! Only demi? xD There can't be yaoi godesses? XD Lol.
Isn't this fun?
4:37pm Jan 16 2011
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Posts: 411
OOC: XD Hey, you still get full power. You are just half of what I am. Bwuahahaha. XDD
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
4:37pm Jan 16 2011 (last edited on 5:48pm Jan 19 2011)
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Posts: 6,165
( Except with black hair, and has slave cothes on?) What I saw in the reflection of my water bowl: My True Master: mercyme6 You Can Call Me: : Angel Rosewolf Number of Chains Holding Me Down: 16 Let Me Check: [Gender]: female Colors of My Collar: [Colors]White and Blue Just Charming: [Charms] Heart, book, and spoon To Keep Me From Running: [Anklet] Silk ribbon Make My Heart Skip Beat: [S.O.]: Bi, leans towards men, though By The Way, I'm A: [Race]:Neko-shapeshifter. Bad breeding, I guess... In The Chains That Bind Me: [Bio/How You Became A Slave – No, 'I Don’t Remember']: My family was poor, they hated me, too. They would leave me with no food or water, and kept me locked in a room like an animal. When the slave buyers came, they sold me, and never told me goodbye. Behind This Mask Of Mine: [Username]Mercyme6 Let Me Introduce Myself: Taro Silversworth My Wealth Minus The Trillion: [Age]: 19 I’m Obviously A: [Gender] Male Turn Me On: [S.O.] Bi, leans towards women I am a: [Race]Vampire. You Can’t Prove I Love You: [Crush – You Can Mail Me About It Later]: Open In My Shoes: [Bio] I got my wealth from my family. I was a child prodigy, my life is amazing! But I do want to live the life as a normal young adult sometimes...
4:38pm Jan 16 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,825
Ooc:// Hello. I'm thinking about joining. I have a question though. What species exactly...Neko..Human only?
4:39pm Jan 16 2011 (last edited on 9:50pm Jan 17 2011)
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Posts: 2,194
((I would also love to join as a slave)) What I saw in the reflection of my water bowl: Bohemian looking with long dark hair, mysterious green eyes and a thin silhouette. Clothes are also very bohemian, long ripped skirt and tiny top. Lots of cheap handmade jewels. Tattoo of a black eagle with his wings spread on upper back. My True Master: Meelanya You Can Call Me: Emma Number of Chains Holding Me Down: 24 Let Me Check: Female Colors of My Collar: Red only
Just Charming: Sword, Music Note (she sings) & X
To Keep Me From Running: Spiked anklet
Make My Heart Skip Beat: Bisexual (men & women equally) By The Way, I'm A: Human In The Chains That Bind Me: On my 18th birthday, I got married to the man of my dreams. I had met him a month before, so I knew very little about him .. Soon was I to find out that his intentions towards me were not what I thought they were. He sold me to some rich man who was in charge of a slave selling/trading operation. That's where the rest of my life began. My name is Emma and I am a slave .. I will do whatever it takes to taste my freedom again. 
((Please, tell me if I am not literate enough. I'm actually French and I try very hard to make my English perfect. Also, if my bio isn't good enough, advices are much appreciated. I never roleplayed before, so I'm not expecting to get the part))

4:39pm Jan 16 2011
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Posts: 411
OOC: All species are accepted. I mean like Neko, Demon, any Mimis, you name it. Werewolf, vampire, etc.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
4:41pm Jan 16 2011
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Posts: 6,165
( OOHMay I make a Neko-shapeshifter? Its a species I made up. Its just like a shapeshifter, but when in human form, keeps the neko parts.)
4:41pm Jan 16 2011 (last edited on 4:42pm Jan 16 2011)
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Posts: 411
OOC: Anyway both accepted. Plus added a new rule. @Mercyme: Only two characters. Change one of yours to the 'Neko-Shapeshifter'
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
4:46pm Jan 16 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,825
Ooc:// Cool. I wanna join. Slave and Master to even things up. ^.^ My bios might take a few minutes though. I'm in the car on a 3 hour trip. >.<
4:47pm Jan 16 2011
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Posts: 411
OOC: Also Meelanya, S.O. stands for sexual orientation. So you will need to change this: Make My Heart Skip Beat: Tattoos, Piercings, Body Art ...
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
4:53pm Jan 16 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,194
Oh sorry. Going to edit right away!!! Was the rest okay?