11:45pm Jan 16 2011 (last edited on 12:35am Jan 17 2011)
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What I saw in the reflection of my waterbowl: My True Master: WolfieBelle You Can Call Me: Claire Number of Chains Holding Me Down: 16 Let Me Check: Female Colors of My Collar: Violet and Black Just Charming: Sword, Music Note, and Heart. To Keep Me From Running: Fur Anklet Make My Heart Skip Beat: Straight By The Way, I'm A: Kitsunemimi In The Chains That Bind Me: My family wasn't necessarily all that rich when I was still a kid. They sold me into slavery when I was only 13. I stayed with several masters for years, but they didn't see very much in me. They said they would free me if I married their children, but I wasn't fooled. Nobody can free me. When I didn't do exactly what they wanted, I was either beaten or returned. Now, I have several scars on my back due to the lashings that I got for being disobedient. However, I wasn't disobedient enough to get the red collar.
Love is all we need~
10:19am Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 411
(Accep- OH HAY DATS VANILLE FROM FINAL FANTASY! I was supposed to cosplay as her for Ohayocon. :D)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
10:22am Jan 17 2011
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((Yeah, I luff Vanille. She acts alot like me. I run into things and don't think about consequences. I also don't worry all that much. So where do we start? Do the slaves start out at the warehouse? Oh, one more question are the slaves held in cages at the warehouse or are they free to roam around?))
Love is all we need~
10:26am Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 2,194
((Wolfie, my slave is in a cage. Did you read what others wrote already? Might give you an idea of how to start! ^_^))
10:26am Jan 17 2011 (last edited on 10:36am Jan 17 2011)
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Posts: 411
(They live in a sort of... jail cell sort of thing in the warehouse. And yes to the first question.)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
10:35am Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Okay.)) A girl slept lightly in her cage. Her fox ears pricked towards every noise, but the rest of her body was asleep. "Wake up," yelled a man, banging on her cage. The girl, Claire, jumped up like a rocket, hitting her head on the top of the cage. She shot back down and layed her ears back. Rubbing her head, she sat down in her cage and watched all of the masters come by and examine her. They would pull her tail and ears, look at her teeth. She stayed quiet, knowing that if she began to talk too much that she would be beaten. They all seemed to like her green eyes for some reason. She didn't know why, but that is what they all seemed to look at first; her eyes. When people would come by, she would wag her tail like a dog. She finally got tired of one person messing with her ears, so she lashed out and bit him. The guy yelled and started cussing like a sailor. Then, he raised his hand and slapped her across the cheek, hard. She yelped, much like a dog when it is hurt. Claire layed her ears back and small tears of pain ran down her face. The man walked off with a mad look on his face. "Served him right," Claire muttered under her breath.
Love is all we need~
10:36am Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 411
(Only the 'dangerous' ones live in cages x3)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
11:26am Jan 17 2011 (last edited on 11:34am Jan 17 2011)
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What I saw in the reflection of my water bowl:
 My True Master: RikaTheFallen Me: Namura. Nothing more, nothing less. Number of Chains Holding Me Down: Appears to be around his early twenties, but has lived for at least two-thousand years, for he is a two-tailed kitsune. Let Me Check: Male Colors of My Collar: Violet and Black P: Just Charming: Heart, Shield, and Music Note To Keep Me From Running: Silk Ribbon. P: Make My Heart Skip Beat: He's a gay kitsune. Maybe that's why he was left here? By The Way, I'm A: Kitsune. P: In The Chains That Bind Me: I was recently captured after wandering away from my family. They have not come looking for me, so I am doomed to remain a slave for these masters...hopefully, though, I'll find one who is kind... I don't need a mirror: [Appearance]  Behind This Mask Of Mine: RikaTheFallen Let Me Introduce Myself: Mordekai Oulous My Wealth Minus The Trillion: I am 24 years old in appearance, over three-thousand in truth. I’m Obviously A: I am obviously a man. Or are you blind? Turn Me On: I am truthfully bisexual, though I have a bit more feeling for men than I do women. I am a: Vampire. Blood is a big thing for me. You Can’t Prove I Love You: I currently have nobody who has won my undead heart. Maybe soon. In My Shoes: Mmm, I was born into a rich, popular Vampire family said to be directly descnded from the head honcho himself, Dracula, through his son. Yes, Dracula had a son.

11:30am Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 411
(Accepted ^^)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
11:48am Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Claire is somewhat dangerous. If people bug her too much, she'll bite or hit them.))
Love is all we need~
11:51am Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 2,194
((Bun, will you be the one choosing which slave belong to which master? That would be great!^^))
11:57am Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 411
(I was gonna let the masters choose their own ._. Only one though. Kind of like a Russian roulette sort of thing.)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
12:31pm Jan 17 2011 (last edited on 12:35pm Jan 17 2011)
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Posts: 411
What I saw in the reflection of my water bowl: My True Master: Bunbunnychan You Can Call Me: Ezya Number of Chains Holding Me Down: He's only about twenty-one Let Me Check: Male Colors of My Collar: Black and White Just Charming: A heart, a book, and a spoon To Keep Me From Running: A silk ribbon Make My Heart Skip Beat: Bisexual. Leans toward males a bit more though. By The Way, I'm A: Naga In The Chains That Bind Me: -coming soon- I don't need a mirror: Behind This Mask Of Mine: Bunbunnychan Let Me Introduce Myself: Alfonse la Rawk My Wealth Minus The Trillion: About Five-hundred I’m Obviously A: Male Turn Me On: He's a pansexual. Loves everyone equally~ I am a: Fire Element You Can’t Prove I Love You: None yet. In My Shoes: -coming soon-
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
1:47pm Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 1,825
Ooc:// Slave master will come in later in my posts. I ran out of time. >.< A quiet thumping sounded next to the black neko as Naric's body was pressed against the back of his cage. His tail pounding against the ground softly beside him. An annoyed ex pression on his face as his green eyes watched the people walk by him. He was quite content sitting alone not being bothered. A familar sound of scraping metal caused his right ear to swivle backwards. Oh how he hated this place. Cages, Masters, Dealers....they all came with the territory. Naric was used to it though. He had been here for a while and was sold once before. The poor man didn't understand the collar system. Red didn't mean loving. A low chuckle escaped Naric as he thought about his previous owner. He had been a fool and left Naric free to wander his home, especially when he was going out for long periods of time. Naric had used that to his advantage. He did escape yes but was caught within a few hours and brought back to this place. A low groan escaped him as he shifted his sitting position in the back of his cage. His green eyes closed as his ears swivled forward listening to the sounds and new masters making their way down the lines ready to pick their new slaves.

2:31pm Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Angel shivered as she whimpered quietly.People p*censored*ed her and poked at her. A hefty man yanked her tail. A small yelp was heard. Angel hurried to the other side." Hey-a, toots! Wanna come home with me?" he asked, in a scraggly voice. Angel whimpered. " No..." she whispered. The man growled and went to hit on other Nekos. Taro looked around the species. He liked some of them. " I think i'll get a female...." he said to himself. He looked a Naric. He bent down to his cage. " Aww, its so cute.." he said, smiling.
2:55pm Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 411
Large, gorgeous purple-colored coils laid about the floor of his room and curling around the bars of his cell. In the center of this labyrinth of scales, purple and magenta-splattered coils, and frills; laid Ezya. Ezya sighed as he looked out through the bars, seeing people walking by to purchase a slave. Of course... it was hard to even see the Naga because of the jungle his snake like bottom half created. His split, silver tongue flickered out once; tasting the smell of iron. Eww... "Alright, let's get this show on the road!" A loud, slightly obnoxious voice shouted; and of course the owner of it was Alfonse. Waltzing through the selection of slaves they had, he pondered. "Man... Davance lied... the slaves here aren't as special as he said..." the annoyed young man grumbled, putting his hands on his hips. Sooner or later... he was gonna find the right companion. But for now, that wouldn't happen.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
3:01pm Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 6,165
( Can he choose Angel??) Angel glanced around the place. People continued to poke at her. Angel thought it was really innappropriate. They would pull at her tail, just to her the cute little noise she made when they did. Taro noticed Alfonse. " why, fancy meeting you here, Alfonse!" he said, chuckling.
3:03pm Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 6,165
( Um, Bunny-bum? Each master would be able to have two slaves except for one.... there are for masters and seven slaves...)
3:08pm Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 411
(Tsunade offered to sign up as master. So there shall be five.)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
3:12pm Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 1,825
Naric released a small growl as his green eyes slowly opened and focused on Taro. "I am not an it" he managed to snap, his tail falling silent as he slipped it around his own waist. His green eyes watched Taro for a moment before he addressed anouther man. His right ear twitched before he flatened them against his skull managing to scoot back a little more against his cage not wanting to be so close to the other males. ---------- Black boots sounded on the floor as Victoria made her way into the section that housed the slaves. "Who today shall I pick up?" She asked to herself glancing around. She had grown rather bored with her last slave and cast him out just a week ago. He was too broken for her. She wanted someone who would be a challege, someone who kept her on her toes. A small sigh escaped her as she walked down the cages. Her raven colored locks falling in her face randomly as she went down the rows of the cages observing the new selections.