(Ya! I'mma be a master!)(note my character has a sister but she's not a main character so can she not have a bio? )
I don't need a mirror: 
Behind This Mask Of Mine: cherrysummer8Let Me Introduce Myself: Violet
My Wealth Minus The Trillion: 16
I’m Obviously A: Girl
Turn Me On: Guys?(help? I don't get)
I am a: Human
You Can’t Prove I Love You:Some one with nice voice? I don't know she's blind
In My Shoes:
I wake up, it's still pitch black I go and walk to the mirror and hope I'm doing it right, I can almost fell somebody watching me. I sighed and said,
"I know you are there please come out of the corner and tell me that my hair is not crazy again."
I sighed and turned into the corner and then a voice said,
"Is that anyway to talk to you older sister?"
She continued to
"Also i'm not in the corner you know."
I rolled my eyes and said,
"leave me alone and go away."
"Already doing that!"
She retorted.
I'm glad she walks off but also sad because I don't want to be left alone in the darkness again.
From when I was born I was blind and treated differently because of it, my family was and has and probably always will be a huge success in music and art. I was blind so art was out if the picture so I turned to music unfortunately my sister also had a thing for music so our parents are always comparing us, on how we're doing, how hard the pieces we are playing and stuff like that. I was always better than my sister (even if she's older) and that basically ripped our relationship apart and resulting in her hurting my feeling/physically too.