6:57pm Jan 19 2011 (last edited on 8:09pm Jan 19 2011)
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My sister Jumped back a bit, I tryed to judge where to turn my head so it would appear so i didn't look blind, then i turned back to the direction of the of the small sound appearing from the cage. I did my best to put on a "I'm annoyed or I'm angry look" and said to the sly sounding and now mean voice "don't do that to her!" and added a little venom to the voice, then i turned around to face the other voice coming from the cage, i said in a nicer tone, "Angel, how old are you and are you okay?" EDIT; spelling errors
7:06pm Jan 19 2011
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Posts: 2,194
((By the way Cherry, her name is Angel .. not Angle!! xD))
7:44pm Jan 19 2011
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((Ffff. So many people want Mordekai to buy their slaves. XD;;;)) Mordekai grinned, linking his arms behind his head with a chuckle. "Mmm...I wonder what there is to choose from today?" he purred, grinning again. This caused his fangs to show as he walked, the white teeth glinting in what little ligh there was here. "Hmm...Naga, kitsune, foxgirl...all kinds of new things are here this time~!" he said, looking around, browsing through the selection he was offered. First, he stopped in front of the foxgirl and cocked his head, humming lightly in thought. "Hmm...Maybe..." he said softly, cocking his head.
7:57pm Jan 19 2011 (last edited on 7:58pm Jan 19 2011)
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Posts: 2,194
Emma stared at the man who had just entered the warehouse. He went to each cage, one by one, but he barely looked at hers. He stopped right in front of the foxgirl's cage. That's when Emma noticed his fangs. Butterflies filled up her stomach ... she was aroused. ''I have to get that one'' she tought to herself. She slowly walked to the front of her cage and addressed herself to him in a very seductive way. ''Hey, you! What are you looking for?''
8:04pm Jan 19 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Mordekai lifted his head and looked back at the female who had yelled out, turning around and moving over. "Mm? Were you talking to me?" he asked, pale blue eyes seeming to glow. He crossed his arms, cocking his head. "I'm looking for a servant that won't try to stake me, if you must know," he stated, reaching into r the cage to flick the charms on Emma's collar.
(Hurr. What is Emma again? XD;)
8:14pm Jan 19 2011
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I turned my head to the commotion going on I tuned my head towards the noises and thought whats going on? why did i just hear screaming? and is that a womans voice i hear? ((thanks Mee need mercy to respond tho))
8:14pm Jan 19 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((I also need Mercy to respond.))
Love is all we need~
9:56am Jan 20 2011
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Posts: 2,194
Emma smiled. ''I can be good .. sometimes'', she said, winking to the vampire standing right before her. Her heart was pounding when she was in his presence. There was something about him that she couldn't quite put her finger on. What was it? ((Emma is a human, by the way))
3:40pm Jan 20 2011
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Posts: 1,645
5:15pm Jan 20 2011
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( Sorry, i had to poof yesterday.) Angel looked at the women. She shook her head. She pulled up her sleeve, revealing bruises and red lines from the lashings she had received." I'm 16....." she whispered. Her voice was a soft as silk. Taro's eyes glistened. He smiled. He blinked. " Anyways, you should relax, take a bath, if you like. I have to go take a shower..." he said. Taro walked towards the stairs.
5:22pm Jan 20 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((It's okay, Mercy.)) Claire ran up the stairs quickly. She wondered if he had a piano that she could play. She was very advanced at playing the piano. She walked back into her room and into her bathroom. When she was in there, she turned on the water full blast and let it warm up. Once it was warmed up, she quickly took a bath. When she was done, she slipped on a different dress. Due to her not wearing a dress in years, from now on, that was probably the only thing she was ever going to wear. This dress was a lighter color. A peach color. It had white designs on it and black lace on the sleeves and bottom. She ran down the stairs and sat down on the couch.
Love is all we need~
5:26pm Jan 20 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Taro walked out of the bathroom door. He was still drying his hair with a towel.He looked in the living room. He smiled at Claire. Taro stepped down his stairs. He sat down beside her. " What would you like to do, Claire? Oh, don't mind me asking, but while you were at that dreadful warehouse, did you happen to see a young girl with black hair and silver wolf ears and tail?" he asked. A curious look flashed across his face.
5:29pm Jan 20 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"I dunno. I've seen alot of slaves there. I saw one with kitty ears." Claire looked down. "I'm sorry. I can't remember." She looked around the room "Do you have a piano?" Her eyes lit up immediately. They were full of hope and excitement. The one thing that she could do to relieve stress or express her feelings was play the piano.
Love is all we need~
5:35pm Jan 20 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Taro looked sad. Angel..... was his sister. He had been sold to another family, but the family was rich and welcomed him with open arms.He looked at Claire. " Of couse, dear. The grand piano is in the third room to the left." he said, smiling.But his sad face still remained.
5:45pm Jan 20 2011
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"I hope that you find whatever girl you were looking for." She smiled and hugged him quickly before bolting off to the piano room. Once she was in there, she traced her fingers over the top of the piano. She smiled and sat down on the bench before beginning to play a song. ((Click this link for the song that she's playing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4L7yi7aSFw))
Love is all we need~
5:54pm Jan 20 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Taro leaned against the doorway and smiled. He leaned his head up, placing it on the doorway. Taro listened to the beautiful music and remembered his childhood days. He remembered this song. He would dance with with Angel as their mother played this song. He smiled. Taro looked at Claire. A warm grin danced on his face.
5:58pm Jan 20 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Claire finished the song and got up. She was startled to see Taro standing there. "Like it?" She smiled back. She pulled on the back of her dress, making sure that it wasn't stuck to the back of her legs or anything. Her ears twitched at the sound of Yaksha finishing up his food, the last few pieces clanging in the bowl. To most people, you wouldn't hear it, but to her, it was clearly audible.
Love is all we need~
6:03pm Jan 20 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Taro nodded." Yaksha's finished. I can tell you hear it." he said, chuckling. He rolled his body to the hallways, and went downstairs. ( Yaksha's a girl.) Yaksha bounded up this stairs. she hopped on top of the piano. He small tongue lolled out from running. After cathing her breath. she hopped into Claires lap. A small coo came from the fox kit.
6:07pm Jan 20 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Claire scratched Yaksha's head. "Goodness, you might be just as fast as me," she said laughing. She picked Yaksha up and toted her down the stairs after Taro. For once, she didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay. She didn't care if she was a slave. At least she had a kind master. She caught up with Taro and smiled. "So, do you have any other animals that will pounce on me?" She laughed a bit and looked forward to avoid tripping over her own feet.
Love is all we need~
6:13pm Jan 20 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Yaksha made... fox sounds? She smiled as she was carried." Yak.... sha..." the small fox murmured. Taro chuckled. " I have a small wolf pup and a german shepard. Tinkertoy sand Shep. But you can call Tinkertoy, Tink, or even Tinker." he said, smiling. Their upstairs. Tink is 3 weeks old, Shep is 6 years old. So he isn't the pouncing type. Tink will be. But for now, Yaksha's the only one.." he said, smiling.