7:52pm Feb 1 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Okat then, I was just making sure. When I do it with my character, I'll put his name to make sure just who he is, although he's the only first-person character.))
8:06pm Feb 1 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(Will make bios asap. Dunno how soon is possible, though. P:)
9:56pm Feb 1 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[Eep, stretchy pictures D: Fixed it, is it alright now? o3o I'll just say Ukoru is the size of an adult wolf owo;; ]]
10:06pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 4,258
(( I have decided.... I WILL join! XD Yes, yes settle down. I know you are excited... Ok maybe not all that much but that's not the point. Is it possible for the Spirit Being to take on the shape of an animal and a humanoid? Just wanted to know before hand.))
10:15pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((I totally forgot about this... OTZ You're fine now, Tld. And yay! Thanks for joining Eme-chan! :3 Okay, let me clarify. Each Spirit Being has a true form, the one they were "born" with and the one they always revert back to. However, like the Shadow Creatures, they can also take any form they want. They're like shape shifters. For example, Sakura is a leopard Spirit Being but she most of the time will take on the form of a small cat with Yamato. Also, because the barrier is breaking between their world and the humans world, humans can see Spirit Beings and Shadow Creatures clearly. That's another reason for the Spirit Beings to take on a more common and easier to blend in form. Hopefully that clears things up for you and everyone else. ^^))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:18pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((....I hear Yamato, I don't htink fluffy cat. I think Devil MAy Cry and Vergil owning EVERYBODY with hi katana. ouo))
10:22pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Ok, I am a total dunce but that is Ok I will get this! XS So the Bond part of the bio is like their animal form or.... Ya I dont get it, I though I did. *Chucks ice cream* I need to focus more to understand this. *Picks up brain food*.))
11:33pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 1,248
((may i join?))
11:45pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((My Yamato will do some katana owning himself, Rika. xD And the Bond part is who the Spirit Being is bonded too and True Form is what their "birth" form is. If you need an example just look at my or anyone else's bios. :3 Sure Tiger, if you meet my requirements. ^^))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
12:16am Feb 4 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Oooh. Loki. I drew a human-ish form of my fursona's new design. She's not done yet, but I'm actually proud of ehr. And no, she has no hands in the piccy. They're hidden in her hoodie sleeves, just like mine always are in my favorite hoodie that's WAAAAAAAYYYYY too big for me. <3 And it has been for the past three years, too. xD So yeah, her deisgn is based off of my faovrite articles of clothign...at least, her clothing style... >>;))
9:30am Feb 4 2011
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Is nice plot. Might I join? ;o
10:28pm Feb 4 2011
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.:Human:. Name: Isaiah Haynes Age: 18 Gender: Male S.O.: Bisexual Bond: Ilyio Allied With?: Spirits Personality: Like a flute's tone, he is soft and calming, his voice flowing softly as he speaks to you or to his Spirit bond. He cares very much for Ilyio and wants to keep him as safe as he possibly can. History: Eh. Isaiah was lost one day, met Ilyio, they became riends, bonded, end of story. P: Additional Details: Other: Carries an actual flute around in his bag and has several pieces of music memorized and carries music with him everywhere. .:Bond:.Name: Ilyio Gender: Male Type:Spirit BEing True Form:  Usually looks like this when travelling around to try and stay able to blend in eaily:  Bond: Isaiah Personality: He is a rather shy creature and is only really comfortable around Isaiah. Though, when his bonded human begins to play his flute, the phoenix wll find himself relax and possibly falling asleep. Other: FLUTES ARE NOT GIRLY. ;c I've seen guys play flute. .:Human:. Name: Elliot Jones Age: 16 Gender: Male S.O.: Bi. P: Bond: Esamen (Eh-saw-men) Allied With?: Shadows Personality: He's very...submissive. He's a people pleaser and tries to make Esamen happy with him, but all he does is get him mad at him. ;c History: Was attacked when he was a bit younger nd lost his eye. Esamen came out to defend him, then feed on the people that had taken his eye, so Elliot agreed to bond with him. Additional Details: (Just that he has red eyes. Other: .:Bond:.Name: Esamen Gender: Male Type: Shadow Creature True Form: Bond: Elliot Personality: ...Dark, evil, cruel...He's extremely negative and is even pretty cruel to Elliot. ;c Other: ...Scary, ain't he?

10:31pm Feb 4 2011 (last edited on 12:22pm Feb 5 2011)
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Posts: 4,258
 Name: Sora Kurogame (Kir Oh Gah May) Age: 17 Gender: Female S.O.: Straight Bond: Shadow Creature Allied With?: Shadows Personality: Sora is quiet but has a strong spirit. You mostly find her with a book and she declines any invitations to go places even though all she really wants is a group of friends to go out somewhere with her. Some times she will just zone out completely and return with tears streaming down her face from a past she has told no one about. History: Sora and her twin brother grew up together. They lost teeth together, played pranks at the daycare together. They couldnt be separated, until one day she tripped into the street in front of a car. Jake jumped out and pulled her to the curb but was not as lucky and got hit. He died instantly at the age of 8. Sora sat there over him, allowing no one to approach her best friend until she heard a voice of a young girl about her age.This girl as.sured Sora that she would never really be alone and if she ever needed anything to just call her. The only catch was to move on from the shock of the death and to leave his body behind. Life for two years was a blur of tears and nightmares for her but finaly she decided to call for Zakira and found her immediately. They instantly clicked and became friends, though it was more of Zakira telling her what to do. She was inspired by the way Zakira could be strong while she herself was weak. Life from there she started over. Continued school but kept her distance from the other children. Additional Details: N/A for the moment. Other: None .:Bond:. Name: Zakira Gender: Female Type: Shadow(Faerie) Creature True Form: A Shadow- Zakira is a shadow faerie that is brought forth through major pain and suffering. In order to hide from others, Zakira blends with the shadow of the human who's pain had brought her forth. Even for a creature of misery, Zakira will stop at nothing to protect and help Sora. She acts as more of a motivator and helps to steer Sora in a direction. Which direction she steers her in isnt always the best choice but it is as they always say; It's the thought that counts. Bond: Sora Personality: As stated, she is a strong leader and pushes others to follow the path that she wants and wont settle for anything less. Other: She looks like this when 'visible':
 ((I will change whatever is needed. Sorry if this isnt right.))
5:29am Feb 6 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((Of course Yoshi can join. <3 Accepted Rika, gawd I love your pictures. *-* And Eme-chan, everything looks good except for the history. >.< Having Shadow Creatures in the human world 9 years previously is a bit of a stretch. Shadow Creatures and Spirit Beings in the human world are new. Yamato only bonded with Sakura a year previously and he was one of the first. Gah, I feel a bit like a prick for asking you to change an important part of her history. *frets* Dx))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
7:34am Feb 6 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(The top one made me happy. Cx -plays flute-
But I'm not happy today. I hurt. A lot. I freakin' hate being a girl. ;n;)
7:36am Feb 6 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Rika-dear, post on teh Warrior RP before I pour mineral water all over your head. It's SPECIAL water, from an airplane. They gave it to me c: ]]
7:39am Feb 6 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(I will once I'm on the computer and don't have to lay in the fetal position. ;C)
7:47am Feb 6 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[Is someone not sleeping again :c ]]
7:58am Feb 6 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(Rika slept. Sleeping does nothing for cramps.)
8:10am Feb 6 2011 (last edited on 8:11am Feb 6 2011)
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Posts: 3,426
((x.x Oh dear. And I'll reply to the emails when I'm like... awake. xD *hasn't slept yet* I'm finally caught up to almost everything though. :D Edit:// Wooow... I'm really tired if I forgot all the fancy writing formatting. o.o;))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr