Chains Of The Soul

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8:12am Feb 6 2011

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Posts: 11,785
((Yaaay~ cx

And would you like that Gijinka 1x1 I offered? ;D))


8:21am Feb 6 2011

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Posts: 3,426
((Yes I would. ;3
Later. xD Cuz right now my parents are up and getting caught is very low on my priorities list. >.>;))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

9:48am Feb 6 2011

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Posts: 4,258
((Oh no, that's totaly fine.... Hm, I'll think of a way to change it. *Sits in thinking chair with handy dandy notebook and creepy blue dog* O.o))


12:27pm Feb 6 2011

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Posts: 1,597
((May I join this awesome Roleplay of yours?)) 
 Name: Mavryk Zarus
Age: Fourteen
 Gender: Male
S.O.: Straight
Bond: Romus
Allied With?: Shadow Being
Personality: Mavryk is rather quiet and has never liked fighting, but since he met Romus he has had no choice but to do what the creature says for fear it would hurt him. He tries not to get too attached to other people because Romus had once said that it would hurt anyone he cared about if he didn't obey or follow him, and he would never want that.
If you were able to get to know him enough, you would find out he is quite kind and does not like to be made fun of. He has a hard time standing up for himself, and once has even asked Romus what to do when someone had been been threatening to hurt him. He sometimes has a hard time sleeping since most of his thoughts at night when he's alone is about Romus and what the creature had told him the day they had met.
History: Mavryk had been walking home from school the say he had met Romus. It was nearly dusk, so he had been trying to get back home as quickly as he could. He decided to take a path that would take him back home quicker but there were a lot less people in the area.
He had gone just a few feet down the path when he heard a voice behind him. A voice telling him that he shouldn't have taken this path. Mavryk had spun around, and nearly fell backwards from surprise at the creature that stood before him. He asked what the creature wanted, and it told him that he was to become its host and battle for it.
Additional Details: Mavryk's eyes are the same shade of blue like Romus's.
Other: Nothin'
Name: Romus
Gender: Male
Type: Shadow Creature
True Form:
Bond: Mavryk Zarus
Personality: Romus can be stubborn and impatient. He taunts those he thinks is weaker than him and hates losing or being the wrong one in conversations. He does not care for anyone else but himself, though does not want to go to the trouble of finding another host so tries to keep Mavryk alive by helping him.
Other: Nothin'


3:48pm Feb 6 2011

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Posts: 9,641
[Might as well step up in my duties as co-owner. xD Sure, Mavryk's accepted. Mrr~ Though wait for Loki anyways.]


4:27pm Feb 6 2011

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Posts: 3,426

((Lol, thar you are, ya slacker! ;c
And yeah, Mavryk's accepted. ^^
*checks the Ratio*
Shadow Creatures: ///// /// : 7
Spirit Beings: ///// : 5
We need more Spirit Beings.
Hmm... I need to Rmail TigerFrost and Yoshi and see if they still wanna join. o.o
Then we should be able to get this show started! :3))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

5:46pm Feb 8 2011 (last edited on 5:48pm Feb 8 2011)

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Ah. I've just been lazy, I guess. x3 Started writing all the characters down so I wouldn't forget who's who (been a long time since I've been in such a big roleplay, hah), and then it just. Slipped my mind.
Awe, darn it. I was goin' for shadow. Had a character in mind and everything. I guess I could try going for an extra pair to balance it out.. maybe. I dunno. o_o
But yah. Just.. posting to say I still wanna be in this. And throw around excuses at the same time. xD


5:50pm Feb 8 2011

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Posts: 9,641
Ooc: Woo~ :D Excuses xD
Anywho. Join join join Yoshi >:C 


4:07pm Feb 9 2011

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Posts: 9,641
[UP D:<]


5:23pm Feb 9 2011 (last edited on 5:29pm Feb 9 2011)

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Posts: 3,642

OoC: Well. Good timing for yet another snow day to come along, I guess. P:
I'll make a second character with a Spirit bond later, to keep it more even.
Oh, and uhm. Shadow Creatures can directly control the movements of their hosts if they want, right? Just making sure, so I don't go playing puppet at some point without knowing. xD
... Whee, that's long.

Name: Jenna Lynn.
Age: Nineteen.
Gender: Female.
Bond: Jahr, it's told her.
Allied with: Ugh, she just wishes she didn't have to get mixed up in this.
Appearance: Jenna's basically average, other than the few things the bond changed. She's not particularly tall or short. Her complexion's a gentle tan, with some light freckles thrown in. Her hair's a dark brown. Her wardrobe is pretty boring.
Since the Shadow thing came, though, she's noticed herself becoming thinner and thinner. No matter how much she eats, she just keeps withering down. Even her posture has been getting worse, and she leans forward constantly. It almost hurts to try standing straight. And of course, there are her eyes. They've turned a dark but cloudy grey, almost like a blind person's eyes. At the same time, her sight's gotten so bad recently that she's had to get gla-sses - otherwise everything just blurs.
Personality: Frankly, Jenna has just about had it with everything. She can't stand her bond. She hates being forced into fights with Spirit-allies - and she hates the Spirits too, for wanting to bother with the stupid thing inside of her. Most of the time she's very outwardly frustrated. Jenna's words are short and blunt, and generally as unhelpful as possible.
She stays alone when she can, as Jahr likes to make her say disturbing things to other people or try to make her rip their eyes out. Wandering around and reading take up a lot of her time. From what she's heard, it worries her family to no end - she hasn't had the heart or the courage to tell them what really happened, and any time she tries to talk to them, things always take a wrong turn. Either they think she's mad at them, or they think she's gone mad.
History: She.. really can't remember much about it anymore. She can only recall bits from before her bond came along, and she has no idea how it got inside her. He won't tell her, either. Her best guess is that maybe he found her when she was asleep. She did start having a lot of nightmares at some point..

Name: Jahr.
Gender: Basically genderless, but he calls himself male.
Type: Shadow Creature.
True form: Jahr is.. hideous in his true form. A grotesque, nightmarish sort of thing. The biggest part of this is that he doesn't have any skin - just bare muscle all over, with extra parts like hands sticking out in various places. Gladly, Jahr's muscle doesn't bleed. Jenna would probably puke at the thought of it.
He also has a huge, hunching back, making his hind end and its tiny stub of a tail look tiny. His legs are spindly and uneven, each one having joints in different places than the other legs have. And there happen to be five of them. The extra leg sits just in front of his normal front-left leg. Jahr's feet are simply odd, deformed things with a random number of sharp-clawed toes attached. He's just as comfortable on either four/five legs or just two.
He also has three hearts, none of which were originally his own. He likes telling Jenna about it. She doesn't.
Bond: Jenna. He really likes her. She's probably the most fun bond he's had. And he's had a lot of bonds - they keep dying on him.
Personality: Jahr is crude and masochistic, and he never takes anything seriously. Even when attacking others, it's all just for the cackling love of bloodshed and negativity. He finds causing things like fear and suffering extremely fun. He just loves that feeling of pushing someone toward a brink of rage or desperation. And the more slowly, the better.
Also, he has a strange obsession with shoes. Even if his feet are too weird to fit into them, he can't get enough of 'em. Every bond he's had has been badgered into a shoe-shopping outing at some point. They're just so delicious.
Other: Oh, and he has a really thick accent that likes to change all the time.


5:27pm Feb 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[I laughed so hard at Jahr's bio. xD But that's an amazing character. Accepted. C:]


6:36pm Feb 9 2011

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Posts: 2,713
 Name: Caeyin Alturin
Age: 16
 Gender: Female
S.O.: Lesbian
Bond: Aerin
Allied With?: Spirits
Personality: Caeyin is quiet, but outgoing. At first she may distrust you, but once you gain her trust, you have a friend for life. Caeyin disapproves of harming animals of any kind, and is very impulsive. Sometimes she is hyperactive, getting on a lot of peoples nerves. Most of the time however, she is serious.
History: Met her Spirit after her parents died. She was stumbling through the streets, numb, when a Shadow offered to help her get over the pain. She refused, and Aerin intervened before anything could happen.
Additional Details
 Name: Aerin
Gender: Male
Type: Spirit
True Form: Snow leapord, pure white fur with purplish-grey rings.
Bond: Caeyin Alturin
Personality: A serious being, Aerin never does anything without thinking twice about it. He disapproves of Caeyin's impulsiveness, but even then he would do anything to protect her and the ones she loves.

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


7:17pm Feb 9 2011

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Posts: 9,641
[Loki already has a snow leopard spirit bond. o3o I'll ask him if it's alright.]


4:38pm Feb 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
((Sorry, didn't realize. Dx))

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


4:59pm Feb 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[Sorry. Didn't get around to it yet. D: He's logged on Skype now so I'll ask. <3]

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