4:24pm Feb 21 2013
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Posts: 68
Your Such A Motivator, I Gotta Get You Here,
So Sick Of Saying, Yes Sir,Yes Sir.
Your Such An Instigator, You Wanna Play The Game
Take It Or Leave It, That's Her, That's Her.
And I Can't Wait Another Minute
I Can't Take The Look She's Giving
We are competitve athletes we train day and night our owners keep pushing us to beat who we may love, friend and like. What will you choose friends & family or would you choose Competition?
.::. RULES .::.
No swearing
No fighting
No cheating mates
Don't Want Any Anime Pics )
Can have BF/GF
Have as many people/dogs that you can handle
.::. FORM .::.
Pic :
.::. PICS .::.
Name: Maddy Age: 2 Personality: Sweet,Kind,Playful,The Best Of The Best,Competitve,Out Going,Sassy Trainer: Tiffany

Name: Sky Age: 3 Personality: Sweet,Kind,Fast,Bold,Quiet,Agile,Unqique Trainer: Tiffany

Name: Tiffany Age:19 Personality: Great With Animals,Gentle,Funny,Sporty,Athletic,Loves Dogs Dog(s): Maddy & Sky

5:23pm Feb 21 2013
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Posts: 4,873
I----- Am da champion!!! And youuuuu dadadadaaa-- And I----- Forgot the lyricssss----!!! Yayayaaa!!!
Name: Flie Gender: Female
Age: 4 years
Personality Jumppy, Fun, takes her work serious, and after a hard days work, she loves to play around.
Trainer: Spirit
Pic :
Name: Spirit Mari e Fawn
Age: 19 years
Gender Female Pic:
Dog: Flie
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
5:34pm Feb 21 2013
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Posts: 65
Name: Sakura
Age: 2 years
Personality: Sakura is vigorous and highly competitive Dog who loves to test her limits over what she can or cannot accomplish. With her strong attitude, her speed, and love for adventure. However, because of her competitive spirit, Sakura is also very reckless and shows little concern for anyone that becomes a victim of her actions.
Trainer: Kiba Pic :

Name: Kiba
Age: 16

Personality: He's Funny, Playful and loves dogs. He's very social and is quite flirtatious.
Dog: Sakura
Hey There people!
8:19pm Feb 21 2013
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Posts: 68
okay wanna rp?
4:43pm Feb 24 2013 (last edited on 6:54am Feb 27 2013)
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Posts: 9,781
Age: Young adult
Personality: She is loyal to her master and never would dare to challenge her. She is mysterious and has anger issues,which most fear her because of. When she finally trusts someone she will do anything for them. She can be caring,loving,and kind,when she chooses to be. Rp the rest out.
Pic: She's a german shepherd,wolf mix,50/50. Her german shepherd side mostly shows.
Pic: She has dark brown hair that is wavy and curly and was recently cut and
she's trying to go back out. Right now her hair goes a bit past her
shoulders. She wears a black tank-top,black capri-pants that go to her
knees,and,normally,no shoes. Her
skin is tanned,her eyes are greenish-blue,her body is muscularly built
and has no fat on it,and she has scars on her wrists from cutting.
She is what you would call 'weird' and has serious anger issues,which
most fear her because of. She has a soft spot in her heart for animals
and babies and spends a-lot of time with her dog. She loves to get
into water. She loves to go outside at
night,sometimes,too and will stay there for a few hours. Very
adventurous and mysterious,also,causing most to think she is even more
strange. Rp the rest out.
Dog: Shadow
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
5:18pm Feb 24 2013
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Posts: 68
wanna rp?
2:44pm Feb 25 2013
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Posts: 4,873
Lets get this thing started! 8P
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
3:41pm Feb 25 2013
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Posts: 68
you start?
4:14pm Feb 25 2013
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Posts: 4,873
Alright ^^
After arriving at the parking lot of the luxiourious hotale she was staying for the night, she parked her car at the front and stepped out. She walked to the doors and watched as the opened by themselves. She smiled as she watched her dog jump from the window of her car and race to her feet. They then walked in and through the lobby and to the desk. Spirit signed in and began to wander the halls, waiting for the house keeper to help her get her bags. Once she met with the house keeper, they walked to her car and took her bags then too her dorm.
After her and Flie settled in, Spirit decided to roam the halls in serch for others who had entered in the upcoming dog show. Instead of Flie wandering at her feet, Flie escaped to the pool. Deciding to give swimming a try.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
7:35am Feb 26 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(Almost done with bios. Just need Shadow's personality.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
7:46pm Feb 26 2013
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Posts: 4,873
OMG I WANNA WHITE GMD! LOLOL ~Adds to bio Yesh, I ish jealous... ;p
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
6:55am Feb 27 2013
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Posts: 9,781
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
9:44am Feb 27 2013
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Posts: 68
let's rp! ---------------------------- tiffany got out of her car she opened the back seat and her two dogs leaped out behind her barking excitedly she closed the door as they circled her both dogs having the tails wagging back and forth she smiled and patted her leg "Common guys let's go and play" she smiled and opened the old rusty gate that led to the dog park tiffany smiled and watched as all the dogs chased each other she chucked a frizbee up in the air sky & Maddy ran after it barking sky jumped up and caught it maddy ran after sky playfully tiffany laughed she sat on the wooden deck that was under the shady gazeebo she looked around
6:42pm Feb 27 2013
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Posts: 4,873
GMD = German Shepard Dog
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
6:47am Feb 28 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(That's what I was thinking! Thank you! Here's my intro.)
Lily sat in her black old car and spoke softly to Shadow,"You behave alright,I don't want anything to happen to make us get kicked out,ok?" Shadow listened to her master/mother contently and barked when she finished. "Good girl.",Lily replied to the ark and opened up the driver side door. She got out and shut the door before going to the passenger side and letting Shadow out. The bags were in the trunk so,as Lily was getting them,Shadow watched and looked as if she was waiting for something. After the bags were sitting on the ground Lily pulled out a black stuffed dragon toy,which she handed to Shadow. "Come on,girl! Lets go!",Lily said with excitement before they began to walk to the entrance to the hotel. Once in,Lily singed in and started her walk towards her dorm to put up her things. Shadow went into the dorm with her and set down the toy on the bed. She barked once and Lily turned to look at her. "You know that you can go to the pool without me,right? I'll be there soon." With that Shadow raced out the door,towards the pool and Lily walked out the door to look for other people entering their dogs in the dog show.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
10:06am Mar 3 2013
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Posts: 1,667
Name: Hewie
Age: Young adult
Personality: Alfie is a very serious character but still likes fun. He is allowed out whenever he wants to and usually runs into the woods. He loves working his hardest and training for shows. Once your his friend he will stay by you forever.
Trainer: Fiona
Name: Fiona
Age: 19
Personality: Fiona is very caring, brave, courageous and determined. When she wants something she'll get it.
Dogs: Only Hewie
Her parents died in a car crash.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
11:06am Mar 3 2013 (last edited on 11:06am Mar 3 2013)
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Posts: 1,188
Name: B.F.G
Age: Young Adult
Gender: male
Personality: B.F.G really is a big, friendly giant! his breed, the caucasian ovchaka, are bred as extremely friendly dogs, and are quite possibly the biggest dog breed in the world. his size scares most other dogs, as he is even taller that a fully grown, adult, male human when he stands on his hind legs.
Trainer: Olivia
Name: Molly
Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Personality: Molly is a lazy and stubborn Female with a big temper. most stay out of her way, but some befriend her quickly.
Trainer: Olivia
She is a rough collie.
Name: Olivia
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Olivia is fun to be around, slightly crazy, but can have a serious side which is rarely shown. her body is built large and muscular, which makes her just like B.F.G, her favourite dog.
Dog(s): B.F.G and Molly
11:54am Mar 5 2013
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Posts: 1,667
(Is anybody on this RP anymore?)
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
4:43pm Mar 10 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 68
I am! sorry for not being on a lot!
11:05am Mar 11 2013
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Posts: 1,667
(Thats ok, i thought this rp had died. Thankfully it hadn't!)
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (: