Come aboard {Literate}My airship {roleplay}

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5:19pm Jan 6 2011

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Posts: 4,258

Sakura looked back at the rat, the hair on her neck standing up as the magic pas.sed her. "Alright, alright. I dont actualy belong here. Unlike you, though, I managed to get a job on board. There, satisfied." She bent down and unsheathed her knife, driving it into the wood of a crate and holding a bag up to catch what ever fell out. "Now if you dont mind, I must return this to the deck. Stay here, I will be back for you. Listen for the words 'Tu som'. That will signal that I am here. Now hide." With out another word she turned on her heel and began heading for the stairs.


9:00pm Jan 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 222
"Bossy," Adon muttered, with a roll of his eyes as Sakura left the hold, not caring if she heard him. He'd actually prefer if she did. He wasn't one to follow directions well, but he obediently, yet reluctantly found another crate to force his way into. 'Rotten exchange of secrets,' he thought, as he shifted a bit in the now crammed crate of supplies. Could he trust her to keep a secret of his ring? After all, he didn't even know the girl. Why had he been so quick to trust the first person who happened upon him? 'It was the opportunity to gain an ally,' he persuaded his negative thoughts. "I don't even think that was a secret, at all," he murmured, the negativity returning, nevertheless. He had grown accustomed to talking to himself while stowed away in the ship's hold. It was really a bad habit of his now. It was hard to tell whether he'd spoken aloud, or if it had just been in his head. "Tu som..." Adon echoed, wondering the meaning of the rules as he anxiously and impatiently awaited Sakura's return. 

9:10pm Jan 6 2011

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Posts: 4,258

Sakura ran up the steps and handed off the food to someone else and was about to return to the hold before she was stopped. The guy held out the mop and she groaned, not happy at all to have mop duty. The first person she had finaly found that she might beable to talk to, and she was kept away from him with swabbing the deck. She scrubbed vigorously, knowing this job would take hours and there was more likely more chores on the way. "Why can't anything ever go my way." She hissed at the mop, almost snapping it in two. Her green eyes flashed with anger and anxiety that Adon might be caught. Well, even I almost let it go. I highly doubt anyone could find him and even if they did, she would hide him in a better location. It was crucial that she made an alliance with this stowaway.

(Sakura only has 3hours 2minutes and 37seconds before she can return XP jk. By the way 'Tu som' translates to 'Here I am' in Slovak. Just in case you were wondering.)


2:25pm Jan 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 222
((Good to know! ;D I'm not gonna post till Sakura comes back. Where's everyone else? I hope this doesn't die...))

3:21pm Jan 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,258
((I know, we have been really the only two people posting lately. Lols, you should make another charry Xo make your life easier. HOMG, I forgot to post for my other character, need to go do that soon.))


3:37pm Jan 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 222
((Well, I'm in a couple other roleplays, and it's just easier to have one. ;D I only have two other characters, anyway. Adon's my favorite. ;D))

10:24am Jan 9 2011

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Posts: 222
((Bump. Don't die. :( ))

1:05pm Jan 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,258

((Ok, I dont want to wait anymore... Sakura returns!!!))

Sakura threw the mop in the closet and grapped some papers that she thought might be maps. "I am just borrowing these, a little learning I want to do. I am to be left alone, got it?!" She hissed, rushing down into the storage area looking over her shoulder so as to make sure she wastn followed. "Tu som. Where are you?" She asked, clutching the papers a little too tightly and she was lucky they didnt tear.

((Failishly short, I know, Im sorry))


4:10pm Jan 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 222

Sakura's voice interrupted Adon's thoughts. Grinning, he rose silently out of the barrel behind her, which was in front of the doorway to the hold. Climbing out, he crept up behind Sakura and leaned behind her, his mouth next to her ear. "Boo," he whispered, amusement creeping into his voice, as he stepped away and burst into laughter. Calming down, his laughter faded into a soft chuckle. He took a glance behind him, wondering if anyone on deck had heard his outburst. With a shrug, he turned back to Sakura, his eyes sparkling. "Hey, whatcha got there?" he asked, glancing down at the papers she was holding. 

((I guess everyone gave up? :/)) 


6:15pm Jan 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[I'm waiting for Nightmare. :/]


1:17pm Jan 12 2011

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Posts: 4,258

Sakura almost jumped out of her skin, her hand immediately rushing for her weapon. "Damn Adon, that is something that will get you accidentally killed." She scowled then looked down at the papers. "Maps and stuff. I need to figure out my next destination and where to meet up with someone." She said, unrolling the pages and walking back a few rows, crouching down so you couldnt be seen from the stairs. She smoothed them out and looked at the markings inked on the page. "See here? These are locations we think those strange shard things are. Sometimes they arent there sometimes we are right." She said pulling out the pen in her pocket and making a mark closer to their current location. "I need to stop here and meet with an old friend. Some news he might want to know." She said, though not really aimed at Adon but more out of thought than anything.


2:30pm Jan 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 222
((So sorry about not posting! I've been super busy... I'll post in a few, unless this rp is pretty much already dead?))

2:31pm Jan 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,258

I think it died XS want to do a one on one with me Pirate?


5:02pm Jan 19 2011 (last edited on 6:06pm Jan 19 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 222

((Sure! Message me... ;D

Edit: Messaged you.))

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