2:11pm Aug 21 2012 (last edited on 2:12pm Aug 21 2012)
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Posts: 5,310
Don't forget Hunted. And Chesire...
So there are four men, technically.
And Jace and Axis will be hiding in the shadows if there are any fights over them... o3o
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:14pm Aug 21 2012 (last edited on 2:14pm Aug 21 2012)
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Posts: 3,991
((LOL XD I tallied it up, its five. If I add my guy, who I'll decide on later. Though knowing me, he won't count much as far as romance goes XD
I'm going to double check everything, then I gotta go check on my other roleplay. Then we can start.
After Rika post.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:16pm Aug 21 2012
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Posts: 5,310
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:18pm Aug 21 2012
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Posts: 6,296
((I might add a guy, but with humanoid roleplays, I usually end up focusing on one character. XD And sorry, Serenity. D: It's just, this roleplay looked epic, and it was one of the few roleplays not private or started already.))
2:21pm Aug 21 2012
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Posts: 3,991
((It's totally alright Full, you're my pal so it's all good ^^ I'm actually surprised that there any interest in this. Most of my roleplays crash and burn.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:25pm Aug 21 2012
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Posts: 6,296
((yeah, most roleplays crashed. except Nightshade's. She was a pro. I think one of her warrior roleplays actually lasted over 500 pages or something. ))
2:33pm Aug 21 2012
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Posts: 11,785
((-derp- XD Sorry I'm taking so long. I had to finish my drawing for the dude I'm using and I'm ACTUALLY GIVING HIM A HISTORY oooo:
But yeah. 8U I'll be done eventually... XD <3))
3:21pm Aug 21 2012 (last edited on 3:22pm Aug 21 2012)
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Posts: 11,785
Art is mine. 8I Also ignore how weird and long the arm holding out the ticket is. ><;
I _____Cassiel Julius Hawk_____, agree to all terms and conditions.
Age: 23 Gender: Male Species: There...isn't really a set name for what he is. In essence, he is a being who can sense his surroundings using mostly the auras of living things, then use various sound waves bouncing off of solid ob[injection]jects to see what has no aura. Kind of like echolocation, but he doesn't have to make the sound. He is also sort of an empath, able to read the emotions of others and alter them in a minor fashion. He rarely does this with people though. He also has a limit as to how many beings he can do it on at once. Appearance: Cassiel is a very tall individual, standing at a full six feet and ten inches, and he's almost painfully thin to go along with this height. Nobody really knows what color his eyes are because he constantly covers them with his hair, which he happens to try to cut himself. This has resulted in part of the right side of his bangs being longer than the other side of his hair, but he's grown accustomed to the extra locks of hair. His hair, except for that single long piece, is a soft black with the long piece colored an almost white platinum blond color. His skin in a pale peach-y color, showing he's healthy at least, and he's often seen with a gentle smile gracing his lips as well as a black overcoat that seems to hug his thin figure, as well as hide most of his hands with the sleeves. He doesn't seem like he should be able to handle the amount of moving the circus has to do, but he has always coped with it very well. Personality: Cassiel is a mysterious man who hides his eyes and rarely speaks, preferring to let his body language speak for him. He is usually seen smiling, however, which puts forth the assumption that Cassiel is a cheerful fellow, when in fact he's not. He smiles to keep other people from being nervous around him, since he is silent and the other person cannot even make eye contact with him. He has been known to have these kind of...episodes, however, that causes him to freak out on anyone who gets near him, and has even cried a couple times during one of these said "episodes". Nobody but him really knows where they stem from, and he has no plans to tell anyone at all. Beyond that, when he does speak, his voice is quiet and barely there, like his vocal cords have shrunken from sheer lack of use. He cannot yell or even raise his voice above a loud whisper without harming his throat in some manner. He also refuses to raise his hand against anybody, unless he's having a fit. In that case he'll push, kick, and just try to force people away from him. Job: Sells tickets and helps care for the animals when they are not in the ring. Clothing: When meandering about the circus during the times that people are there, Cassiel is dressed in his jacket with it zipped up to hug him, a reassuring thing to feel in his case. He's also been known to tie a silver ribbon around his neck, the reason for which forgotten by Cassiel long ago. When the circus is closed, his overcoat is unzipped and he puts on pale-colored T-shirts with darker pants History: Cassiel grew up in a broken home, his parents constantly fighting, him usually being the main topic. He'd been born blind and his parents hadn't exactly accepted it, thinking of him as nothing more than a giant burden on them. He tried his best to make things better, telling his parents he wouldn't just be there to hold them back, but they always rejected it and pushed him away. He wanted to show them he could do things too, that he wasn't useless and wasn't a burden. However, every thing he tried ended in disaster, and quite a bit of heavy-handed punishment, not only for the mistakes but also for...pretty much just being 'defective'. The abuse continued for years, steadily wearing on his mentality. He grew silent and, ashamed of his blindness, started to hide his eyes from everyone around him. It was also around that point that he'd decided to tell him mother that he'd never really been truly blind, as he had always been able to see the faint pink auras of living things. This confession to his mother enraged her, and after taking out said rage on her son, kicked him out of the house. He found the circus soon after, and hasn't left since. Other: He is TOTALLY blind. Well, in the sense of seeing colors and everything. He can see general outlines on inanimate ob[injection]jects and anything living usually shows up as a shade of pink.
Date//______January 15, 1975_____ x
((Guh lazy History is lazy but at least it's there. :'D))

3:32pm Aug 21 2012 (last edited on 4:01pm Aug 21 2012)
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Posts: 4,754
((did my character get accepted? Edit: Sorry!!! Didn't see that part.))
3:57pm Aug 21 2012
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Co-owner. Awesome. @Meg, Ser said everything seemed alright so you're accepted.
And Ser, if you want another guy, I'll add but I'd probably end up alternating between character posts. xP
Yey, Rika finished her bio. Now we can start. 8D
and lol, Ser do you need the link to IrisxJethro? I can't say Iris is the most romantic person either so no worries. LOL
hello my name is elder price
4:01pm Aug 21 2012
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Posts: 6,296
((Can anyone start?))
4:20pm Aug 21 2012
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Posts: 1,651
[[I would start but I suck at starting. :P]]
 I am online..
4:26pm Aug 21 2012
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Posts: 4,754
(( I do too, I think I would ruin the entire rp ))
4:47pm Aug 21 2012
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Posts: 3,991
((I'm working on a post. But I gotta add up my other two characters XP But I will get around too starting.
And Shad I got the thread bookmarked ^^))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:13pm Aug 21 2012 (last edited on 6:13pm Aug 21 2012)
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Posts: 3,828
You can sound the alarm You can call out your guards You can fence in your yard You can pull all the cards But I won't back down Oh no, I won't back down Oh no,
Secrets cocked her head to the side, throwing knife flipping through her slender fingers. The sharp edge of the blade teased her skin as it slid through the gaps in her appendages. The singer's strong voice leaked confidence and power. Even the beat was slightly hypnotic, and it was just the perfect song for the young woman to practice to. The looped piece of metal at the bottom of the hilt slipped through Secrets' pinkie finger.
She snapped her wrist down and the blade swung downward. The tip whipped through the air in an arc and Secrets slipped her finger free of the hilt. The dagger leveled out and flew forward with deadly accuracy, a low whistle rising right before it was cut off with a dull thud. The head of the dagger em[injection]bedded itself in a neat la[injection]yer of wood, red flecks of paint from the center of the messily painted bulls-eye fluttered to the ground.
Shootin' from the hip, yeah boy shoot to kill
She tilted her head to the other side and the waves that had crashed against the right side of her mask now roared over to the left. Another knife rested on her rickety side table to her right, four others right beside it. She slouched to the side and snatched another two up. This time she raised her hands above her head, wrists crossing as the knife points glared at the sky. As she brought her arms back down, she released both of the knives and they circled through the air to hit their mark around her previous throw.
Ending with her arms swept out by her sides, chest facing the ground, and only the hair that had fallen out of her bun in her face, Secrets grinned. She stood up from her bow and waltzed over to her target, grunting only when she had to yank the knives out from their marks.
Honey I applaud that ass, swear to god man These mobs can't dance, ma show 'em how it's done Spaz like a god damn Taz, yeah
She clicked off her music pla[injection]yer and sat down on the ground, grabbing a bottle of water as she tossed her knives back up on the table. She'd have to sharpen the ones she'd just used later, but she had plenty of time before the show. Really, she was just waiting for Darius to tell 'em what they were doing. Taking a long swig, she capped her bottle and leaned back to enjoy her peace for a moment.
Ooc; Hope this is okay, Ser. i know you said the Cirque has a Victorian feel 'cause of when it started, but I figured it'd still be around modern day. If not, I'll just take the Eminem lyrics out. xD
--Will edit this with a post when I figure out what's going on.--
hello my name is elder price
6:46pm Aug 21 2012
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Posts: 5,542
Ooc:// okay, I remember Chesire is partly the guy tempting people in. Should he be doing that now?.? Or what?
7:02pm Aug 21 2012
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Posts: 3,991
((Okay, well people are getting me confused so I'll say this. Your character either has a job at the circus, or an act in the circus. Not both. So If people could just go and check over their bios, that'd be much appreciated XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:16pm Aug 21 2012
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Posts: 5,542
((sorry! I edited mine.. My apologies Serenity))
10:18pm Aug 21 2012 (last edited on 3:36pm Aug 22 2012)
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Posts: 4,754
Practicing magic was something that came easily to Leanna, it was her backup for when things messed up. And today, things couldn't have messed up more. She had stepped on a lions tail, causing it to almost eat its tamer, had accidentally made the elephants stampede, and had caused giant trouble with the squirrels in the area of the circus. After all these years, she still hadn't learned that the animals from her home forest were not the same as the animals here, but she couldn't help being drawn to the creatures, even though it normally ended in catastrophe. So here she was, practicing magic. She looked over and saw Secrets, practicing her knife routine. Leanna had known Secrets almost her entire career, and they had an interesting acquaintanceship to say the least. Focus, last time you got off track, you exploded the entire tent. She practiced her big finish, where she made a two hundred year old oak tree shoot to the sky, and a rainbow of butterflies rested on the branches, making it look like tiny leaves of red, blue and purple. Lets not explode my friends this time. I can't believe I actually made friends after that... After a few short seconds, the tent burst into an array of color and lights, making the place look like a fairy-land. She smiled at a job well done, and no explosions to boot. Soon it would be time for the next performance, and she could feel ready now. A few seconds after she started packing up, she saw another figure approach in the distance...
(( Sorry if that was terrible, I generally don't begin that early. Also, if you were wondering italics mean thoughts and bold means talking, just thought I should point it out. ))

11:04pm Aug 21 2012 (last edited on 11:07pm Aug 21 2012)
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Posts: 6,296
"Of all the dumb, stupid, idiotic things she could have done!" Marée muttered as she walked across the circus grounds, cape swirling behind her. She was in her show attire of silver and blue, as she had been practicing not moment ago with the lions. She had just taught Georgico, the appearance conceited lion, to do barrel rolls on the ground, when the klutz Leanna stepped- no, stomped, on his tail! Even with her Animal Communication talent as a Faerie couldn't calm the poor creature down. Thus, it was Jeanna's fault that Georgico was now sulking in his cage, wailing over his beautiful tail. "You!" She yelled, stomping up to the girl, face slightly red with anger, "you go apologize to Darius, explaining why my act will be ready a day late! While you're at it, apologize to Georgico, who's very upset about the fact he almost ate me, and the fact his tail is hurting! Learn where you put your feet, while you're at it." Marée took several deep breaths, trying to control her emotions. Finally, she swallowed her rage and looked down in concern at the no doubt terrified girl. She bl[injection]inked, then let out a sigh, passing her fingers through her thick curly hair. "You know what, Leanna, forgot everything I said. I'm sorry, sometimes I just let my emotions get the best of me, and I love the cats..." At that moment, there was an annoyed mew. Marée looked down to see a calico kitten pulling at her tights, meowing loudly. Marée's eyes widened, then they softened. With a sweep of her cape, she picked up the kitten, and put her on her hat, where she perched happily. "Oh Dragonfly, you silly kitten," Marée smiled, reaching up to tickle the kitten. She looked back to Leanna, much calmer now, her eyes hopeful for an acceptance of her apology. This was not the first time she'd exploded on another member of the circus. She had actually scared an Elephant boy so hard, he'd quit. But she'd been at the circus so long, everyone who knew that had happened were either dead, or, who were long-timers as she was, had long since forgotten.