9:36pm Aug 24 2012 (last edited on 10:01pm Aug 24 2012)
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Joey ran her tongue over her lip as she tried to work the cell phone in her hand. Technology was changing so fast, cellphones were now like little computers. When she was growing up, computers were only for the rich and schools, not to mention they were huge. Now all annoying little children had them and were constantly taking pictures and talking loudly, some people had the audacity to talk on them during shows.
It made sense that Darius thought it was easier living in the past. Once she finally figured out what she was doing she grinned, proud of herself. If they had these things when she was in high school she could get all the memories on tape. But then a thought crossed her mind, somewhere, a five your old kid could work the thing better than her.
"Ey Joey,"
She turned to look over her shoulder, slipping the phone into her black combat boots. Turing her blue eyes up she saw a guy a few feet away from her. She tried to remember exactly what his name was until she saw a flicker of a flame dance on his fingertip. What she would give for that, she could light up her cigarettes anywhere, among other things. Like when she and her friend set part of the school on fire. They had to search for a pack of matches because her idiot friend forgot his pack.
She bl[injection]inked for a moment, coming out of her memories. Registering what he said. An elf girl was crying? Well wasn't that just peachy? That was the last thing she wanted to deal with. The last time there was a crying elf, she could barely stop herself from giving the girl something to really cry over.
"Well as long as the lion didn't eat her, though Id really like to see that. I'm sure Darius won't have a problem." She sighed before looking down at the silver watch on her wrist. "Go a head, light 'em up. Let's get this going." She clapped her hands, noticing the lights slowly coming on around them. This was when the magic really happened.
"Alright, big drop time." Wrapping her body in the smooth blue silk, she took a breath and let go, feeling her body drop the group. Just when it looked like she was going to hit, she caught onto the silk once more and lowered her feet to the floor.
A huge grin on her face, she twirled around. The golden skirt of her outfit twirling up. She had nailed it, the big drop she had been working on she finally got the courage to do it. After years, and years, of perfecting her work, there was always that one she couldn't do. It required her climbing to the very top and dropping, having to catch herself at the very last moment. It would tie in very nicely with her routine. She was being a shooting star. And if the crowd was too stupid to get it, at least her golden costume was pretty. Tugging at the bottom of her short golden dress for a moment she scanned the tent. She was alone for the moment. The other acrobats were off, Darius didn't like having them all in there at once, too crazy. They drew too much attention.
Running a hand through her long, honey brown hair, she mentally went through her routine when she heard the unmistakable swish of the tent door opening. Glancing behind her, she saw Stephanie come into the tent. She didn't know the girl well, but she had seen her enough times practicing her routine. "Come to practice?" she asked, turning to face the other girl.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:30pm Aug 24 2012 (last edited on 10:32pm Aug 24 2012)
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Maree considered going after Leanna, then thought against it. She was now in the tent with only one other person, Secret, who was sitting on the ground, bottle of water in hand, and a pleasant ex[injection]pression on her face. Flipping her hat quickly in a movement she'd done many times, Dragonfly, who was perched on the top of the hat, fell inside. Holding the top hat under her arm, she strode over to the tent wall, and traced her fingers over the faded threads, smiling fondly. It looked just like she remembered it, only a little more faded, and a little more worn. She remembered the day she joined, a little faerie with Dragonfly I in her arms. She'd been caught staling the elephant's peanuts, and when they discovered her talent with cats, to her surprise they'd offered her a job! She remembered the colour and the beauty, and thought bitterly how it was now. Barely anybody came anymore. It was as if the magic was being squeezed out of them, as technology was getting better. "Secrets," she said suddenly, popping out from the memories like bursting out from a pool,"Why did you join the circus?"
1:08pm Aug 25 2012
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"Secrets. Why did you join the circus?" The woman had closed her steel gray eyes, not really bothering to tune into whatever Leanna was crying about this time. The girl was fragile, a true dainty princess like in the books. It was frustrating, irritating at times. Being in the Cirque took guts, not a bunch of screw-ups who didn't know what they were doing. And Secrets had been in the Cirque for quite some time. Darius had welcomed her with open arms after he'd seen what she could do, and why she needed to be let in.
"Now there's a story," she said as her lids fluttered open. Gray eyes set solidly on Maree and she tilted her head to the side, the waves of her mask crashing against her cheek. Years and years ago, people had really believed the magic that was Secrets' masks, but with technology, people just saw it as a curious innovation, a silly thing she may have had 'custom made.' Ugh, the thought made her sick. She hated modern day.
"You know I was born in seventeenth century Venezia, or what people in this day and age like to call Venice. The time of the Renaissance flourished with the arts, and with magic." She smiled to herself as her fingers came up to brush against the edges of her mask; the Foreboding felt almost clammy underneath her touch, briny like the true ocean. Like the barest touch against the surface of water. Her eyes darkened and she shook her head.
A burst of flame over the edge of the tent made up the blazing words, "Le Cirques des Rêves." Secrets looked upward and smiled. The mask on her face shuddered and the black waves rolled in on themselves, the edges of the mask twisting. Tassels sprung off the crest, a pointed nose jutted outward, and purple and black stitching crossed in a ripple along the mask. "I'll have to finish my story later, Maree. The Cirque is about to start." She flashed a toothy grin and went to scoop up her knives.
Sweat ran down Hunted's arms, though it wasn't from the heat. He stood on a rather frighteningly tall platform behind the main tent of the Cirque, a platform that was hauled around for him and him only. It looked insane and impossible for him to stand atop such a tall structure that looked so frail, but the Cirque was the Cirque and his little platform had never so much as given a little shake. Not even if an elephant was walking by.
Tongues of fire were flowing out of his palms. They formed whips in the air and with every crack above the tent, fire sprouted out in all directions. It was much like a firework show, hence his previous statement to Joey. He alternated between using the whips and simply shooting out condensed fireballs that exploded when he curled his fingers. Sweeping his arms out in front of him, fire crawled out in a large sheet, dancing dangerously above the tent.
It wouldn't catch. His fire touched only the air and would not light what he did not tell it. Hunted had learned to hone his powers rather quickly. Coming to the Cirque had definitely helped quite a bit. It was probably why he stayed. He owed something to Darius. Hunted knew he'd been more trouble than he was worth at the time, but he'd been taken in. So there he was, standing on top of his platform for the umpteenth time that year and painting the sky above the Cirque with flames that couldn't possibly be real.
hello my name is elder price
1:31pm Aug 25 2012
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Leanna heard the cracks of fire above the tent. Le Cirques Des Reves was about to begin. She had to rush now, because her act one before most of the other performers acts. She would have to run, and she hated to do this, because the magic she used to get ready was hard to sustain whenever you weren't concentrating on it. She really didn't want her pants to fall down like that ogre from a few years ago.
She figured word of her crying had made it basically to everyone in the circus now. Word traveled quickly elsewhere, but here especially it was like a burning wildfire. Hopefully word that the lion's tail would get around soon as well. Not many people here but her knew how to use healing magic, and the only other people who did know probably didn't care whether Maree got eaten or not. Leanna definitely cared. Although no one but her knew this, she cared about every aspect and person of the circus, and seeing any bit of it hurt or destroyed torn at her heart. That is why it was so hard not to cry. When everything makes you upset, you cry a lot. She knew she didn't have any friends, but she didn't really care. She had magic, and she could help out in the circus as long as she was unnoticed, because she got nervous when people watched her. She really didn't want people to notice her. Sure, it would be great to have friends, maybe even a boyfriend, but she would most likely draw unwanted attention to herself if she was noticed. There was one person who she particularly liked, but he would never know because she would never get up the courage to talk to him. Ever.
She heard the "fireworks" getting more noisy and raucous, meaning that the circus was about to begin. She finished her last dab of makeup to hide the scar on her face, then rushed out of her changing room, ready for anything this performance had in store for her. Everyone now thought her act was just a bunch of cheap tricks, but she still tried to make it as unbelievable as possible, for her own sanity. She could never stop believing in magic. Not like those poor unicorns.

2:35pm Aug 25 2012
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((I will reply later. 8U))
3:57pm Aug 25 2012
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Cheshire smiled and looked at the "fireworks" that were dancing above the tent. He had been asked too many questions by people and he simply couldn't answer then all. People still came here, even though the times changesd. People could believe that this was real, but that was mainly little kids. Adults seemed to think it was all fake. Unicorns went real. Well, they were and these people didn't get it. He sat on too of the gate and sat with his legs crossed. He didn't really like the hustle and bustle of the rest of the circus. He let out a sigh, turning his dual colored eyes to the ground.
People were walking around and towards the tents. There wasn't anything wrong. But there seemed to be less. Well. Humans did t get it. Then again, he'd been here way before many of the people here. He had joined when it was young and people believed in magic more. He was one of the first people here and still, he wouldn't perform. He wanted others to shine and he was fine with watching and selling the cirq. He shook his head when the adults questioned the Cirq. "Ignorant people... Depressing humans and theirs small brains." he loved watching the fireworks.
He smiled. The,idbenind the fireworks was a genius. Making the Cirq more Ppealing S time went on. He smiled and leaned back on the air. Well, at least that might not be what the humans thought. He shrugged and he smiled at the younger kids who wanted to have fun here, they believed in magic and fantasy. He noticed a little girl who wanted to go in. He pulled off his top hat and pulled out an extra ticket he carried around. He snapped and the ticket appeared in front of the girl. She rushed in excitedly. "Wonder what the boss is doing..." he disappeared in a puff of smoke and appeared in front of the office tent. "Hey Big Man, mind if I come in?"

6:59pm Aug 25 2012
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I'll post something later.... When I can think of something. ^^;
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:21pm Aug 25 2012 (last edited on 8:21pm Aug 25 2012)
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"Dang!" Maree muttered under her breath, looking up. She was late. obviously the messenger had forgotten to tell her that she had to get ready. Oh, wait. They didn't have a messenger anymore. The had cell phones. Oops. Maree thought of her phone, which she had gotten frustrated at, and thrown it against the ground, breaking it. Rushing across the campgrounds, Maree entered the tent where the lions were kept. Instead of individual or or a single large cage, the tent had a special gazebo type of thing, made of chain mail surrounding the area of the tent where Maree and her lions preformed, to protect the people from getting hurt (which wouldn't happen anyway, but just in case) Inside the tent, six lions were kept, four males and three females. Two of the males and one of the females were very old, with bits of grey in their fur. But they were often the favourites, as although they moved slower, they seemed wiser, and their roars were stronger. Maree's eyes swept over them then she sighed in relief. They were all groomed, and Georgico (who happened to be one of the young lions) and Nala (also a younger lion) had their special bridle-like leashes on. Leading them with a click of her tongue, she headed to the gates, where they would greet the visitors, and blew kisses to the remaining lions. "I'll be back," she murmured, exiting the tent, and locking the lions' chain mail net closed. Arriving at the front gates, maree smiled at everyone who passed. Nala and Georgico shook a paw with anyone who stopped to look at them. Maree eyed two teens entering the park, being pushed along by a genuinely interested-looking mother. The two boys stopped in front of the lions, and stared at them, until one whispered to another, "sooo animatronic." Maree's eyes widened in surprise, then rage. Deciding to have a little fun, she leaned close to Georgico, so her mouth brushed his fluffy ear, and whispered, "C'mon Georgico, roar for me." Georgico, happy to obey his master, opened his wide aw an let out a fearsome roar the echoed through the whole park. The boys, close enough to smell Georgico's breath, gagged at the smell of rotting meat, and quickly walked away, looking scared. Maree looked at their pants as they left, which wear sagging so low the she could easily see each of their underwear. "What a strange generation," Maree muttered, shaking her head. Maree looked at her pocket-watch, which was easily over a hundred years old, and stuffed it back in her pocket. She was not yet wearing her catsuit, so she was wearing jeans, which she had taken a liking to since they began being made, and a ruffle-collared shirt. Her act would start in 10 minutes.
10:11pm Aug 25 2012
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Darius rubbed his temples, as he heard the 'fireworks' this was it, the Cirque was open. Putting the papers in a neat pile, he moved over to a safe in the corner. Quickly putting the papers inside, he closed the door until he heard the soft click of the lock. He tapped the safe three times, thus charming it.
Turned around, he pet the head of the flying Capuchin, who in turn made a happy screeching noise and kissed his fingers. A small smile played across the ringmasters lips before he moved and pulled on his suit jacket. Picking his top hat off his desk, he smiled over at his monkey. "Shall we?" He grinned reaching his hand out before the darling creature leapt onto his hand and scampered up his arm to rest on his shoulder.
Twirling the hat in his hand he mad his way towards his tents flap. That was when he heard a voice come through. He sighed, hoping that something wasn't wrong. That was why he hired Miss Sheppard, she was to deal with all trivial Cirque problems. Opening the tent flap and stepping outside, he was surprised to see Cheshire, the greeter. "Mr. Moore, is there something I can aid you with?" He said, and eyebrow raised slightly, as he scratching at the dusting of stubble across his chin. He was the opening act, and he had best get a move on.
Joey grinned as she watched Hunted's 'fireworks' light up the sky. It was when people did things like this that reminded her of what attracted her here years ago. Though it seemed that not all kids thought the same. There was a group of teenaged boys, peeking around sticking their heads in tents. Her eye twitched, and she moved towards them. Putting on her best face.
"Back it up boys, get moving." she said. They boys give her a dirty look, before they realize who they were talking too. She had a hand placed on her slender hip, and was looking at them expectantly. One of them made a smart remark and she rolled her eyes. "Look, guys I'd hate to call the big guns, so scoot. Take yourself somewhere else or I'm going to feed you to the lions."
The s*censored*ed at that and shook there heads. They didn't believe her obviously.
"Come on kids, move it." Came a deep voice from behind her. She turned to see one of the guards standing behind her, arms crossed. That seemed to freak the boys out enough that they moved off. She shuddered and moved past the guard who called out a sarcastic "You're welcome."
She ran her hand through her hair disgusted at herself. She was about to scold those kids, realizing that she was acting her age. That was a disgusting thought. She moved her way towards the lions ring and looked around, seeing Maree. "Hows it going here?" she asked leaning forward to look at the creatures. They were beautiful animals, shame they were getting old. She always thought it was unfair that the animals aged, unlike the people who worked there. She looked back at the Tamer who had been working here much longer than her. "I think I might have found some dinner candidates." She grinned, knowing the girl would understand what she meant.
"Thanks Mister." The little girl grinned up at him, her missing front tooth making him smile.
"It's alright doll." He said as she watched her place a pink whisk of cotton candy in her mouth, grinning widely. She was a sweetheart, it was kids that made this job more tolerable. Patting the kids head, he stood back up to his full height. "Your brothers a fat-head, kid. Don't let him get to you."
The little girl made a face and cocked her head to the side. "You talk like my Grandpa. He calls Jason a fat-head too." she stated, her big hazel eyes staring up into his blue ones. "He fought in a war you know, two of them." She held up two tiny fingers to get her point across, saying it like it was the coolest thing in the world. Which to her, it probably was. A smile spread across Jethro lips and he patted the little girl head. "You calling me a fuddy-duddy?" he asked raising an eyebrow, causing her to grin, revealing other missing teeth. "Alright, that broads your mother right? Why don't you skip on over before she get worried. Make sure to tell her about your brother."
She nodded vigorously and skipped on over. He didn't mean she literally needed too, but kids were kids. He straightened back up and shook his. He didn't understand how his brother could just leave her like that. It was his job to keep an eye out at the circus, make sure that no one caused trouble. He had pegged the kid Jason and his buddies when they walked through the door. His mother had told him to watch his sister for a moment while she got her fortune read, but he instead with the aid of his buddies, spewed nonsense about carneys taking children. Then while the girl was turned, he and his buddies scurried off. Leaving the little girl wailing, so it was Lieutenant Reagan to the rescue.
He had been keeping a close eye on the boy for some time, he was about to finally round them up, when he saw Miss Assistant Manager sashay her way towards the boys. He was surprised at what he saw. For once, she wasn't using wit or charm, she just wanted them gone. That was not working for her. So he stepped in. "Come on kids, move it." he said. They guy rolled their eyes but moved off, before the girl did the same. "You're welcome." he called after her, grinning. She didn't respond and he shook his head. He looked back in the direction of the kids. Finding it hard to believe he fought in a war for kids to act like knuckleheads.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:28am Aug 26 2012 (last edited on 12:31am Aug 26 2012)
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"How's it going here?" A voice came from behind Maree, who was waving at a small group of old ladies who were passing by, who were looking fearfully at the lions, and scuttling across the grass with their walkers as fast as they could go. Maree turned, and saw Joey, who was looking at the lions with an interested but slightly sorrowful ex[injection]pression on her face. "I think I might have found some dinner candidates." She said with a smile. "Oh yes, I met a few earlier," grinning, Maree scratched Nala under the chin. If the massive sweetheart could have purred, she would have at that moment, with a look of contentment across her face. "They thought my pretty kittens were fake, and they wore their pants in a most ludicrous fashion." Maree began talking again, but was distracted when a giant tongue came rolling across her hair, scratching her scalp with it's sharp barbs. "Oh stop it!" Maree laughed, swatting Georgico, who was holding Maree with a paw around her waist and was 'grooming' her. she turned back to Joey. "It puts the cats in such a good mood when lots of people are around, especially children." As if on cue, a little girl passed with her father, jumping up and down at the sight of the lions. The father looked worried, but Maree called out, "Don't worry sir, they are very well trained, and won't bite." This line worked with most parents, but not the overprotective ones.
10:51am Aug 26 2012
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Ooc; A bit confuzzled of what I'm supposed to do, but it this is wrong I'll edit. x3
Stephanie saw the 'fireworks' explode in the sky and she immediately knew that the circus was going on. Grabbing the mask out of her pocket, she ran as fast as she could to the tent. Grabbing her costume off the hook she had hung it on, she quickly changed into her outfit. Looking in a mirror, she untied her hair and brushed it thoroughly. Grabbing a blue ribbon, she tied it into a bow, forming a large ponytail. Standing, ready to go and wait for her act, she quickly remembered her mask and slipped it on. She let out a sigh of relief.
Walking back and forth nervously, she tried to remember her routine. She was so nervous, it was like she had never practiced at all. Oh no! She thought with dismay. I have to remember it! Thinking hard, she started to remember a bit of her routine. She slipped her mask onto her forehead, the lace detail starting to make her face itch. She took a peak at the current preformance. She heard, "Don't worry sir, they are very well trained, and won't bite." She smiled. She was a bit uneasy around lions herself. Ooc; And sorry Serenity about starting before you did. :'c
 I am online..
6:57pm Aug 26 2012
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He stood here, a bit amxious about talking to the Boss, as he so refered to the man. He didnt seem all that happy, hasnt been in a while. He smoothed out his vest and shirt, even though they were perfect. He even tried to get his hair to stay where it should, but that didnt happen. Cheshire nodded to the man once the tent flap swooshed open. He removed his top hat and gave the man a small bow before returning upright.
"I was just going to check on ya. You didn't seem too happy this morning." He gave a small shrug, not really knowing what to say to the man. He fiddled wi his gloved until he pulled them off, revealing his light blue nails. He heard the unicorns neigh and signed. Another thing he was concerned about. The magical creatures being teased and tormented by the humans who didn't know all that much.
"And I wanted to k ow if there's any changes with the magicals. They don't seem very happy and the unicorn especially. They don't seem as happy and what not as when the circus first got them." Ah how it brought back a memory from a distant path. He was never able to remember much of what happened over the centuries, but he was getting there and could remember certain things. "Ah, that's right, you're the first act.. Maybe we should head on over to the tent if you'd prefer to walk and talk."
Cheshire brought his arm out and motioned toward the tent. He didnt do much after the tent was full, except maybe mess with some of the magicals, but he liked to sit back and watch sometimes, maybe talk to the twins. Or, what looked like wins to him. They were "magicians" in their own way. " I don't mean to hold ya up, Sir."

11:58am Aug 27 2012
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((Just to clarify- how many tents are there? Just one, or is it a walk-around circus with tons of tents? o.0))
12:16pm Aug 27 2012
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((There is the one main tent, which is the Big Tops, so its the biggest one that stands in the middle of the circus grounds. That hosts the biggest shows. And there also several other smaller tents for stuff like fortune tellers and such. And there are fenced off areas for animals, the elephants and horses share a tent for their shows.
So really, a walk around circus with lots of tents.
I fail at explaining XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:10pm Aug 27 2012 (last edited on 1:10pm Aug 27 2012)
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((Okay, so my post is slightly changed- Maree went to the lions cages, got Georgico and Nala (oh yes I totally named her on purpose), and then went to the main tent to greet people coming to see your character's first act. The main tent does have the chain mail net, but right now it's rolled up in the ceiling.))
1:39pm Aug 27 2012
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Posts: 3,991
((Why would the main tent have chain mail? Its just a normal tent...
Now, I am so confused XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:33pm Aug 27 2012 (last edited on 2:33pm Aug 27 2012)
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((For when the lions preform, to 'protect' the people watching in the stands. It's only up when big cats are performing.))
2:53pm Aug 27 2012
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(I...will reply whenever I find the time. x-x
That is unless the need for Cassiel is already passed. >->))
9:10pm Aug 28 2012
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10:11pm Aug 28 2012
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(( I think Serenity needs to do her act, and then we can get on with it. I'll post once she gets that up. ))