11:43pm Aug 1 2010
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Jace, quickly catching onto the dis-ease when speaking of the reasons behind them leaving the home counrt, decided to completly stay away from the upsetting topic. He really hoped Faythe would as well, though her being, well, her he had no idea what she would do. His thoughts quickly flew away from his parnter in crime and to the insanely pretty girl in front of him. Though he had attrcted his own attention in his days because of his 'bad boy' rep. he'd never really looked at any of them twice. But Merille was something new, something exotic. It quickly caught his attention, which might he add was only about the length of a finger. "Ah, your pretty good at that. Most can't tell i'm not from here." He smiled, tipping his head to the side at the same time. "You seem a bit surprised that I am talking to you." He teased slightly. "What, with yout pretty face you'd think all the guys have flirted with you." He chose to ignore James's flirint gcomment because he was doing exactly that. Faythe made a gagging noise and settled herself a bit more comfortably into the gr*censored*, arms behind her and legs splayed out om front of her in a position that she could kick Jace if need be. Turning her attention to James, she ws a bit surprised to noiticed he had been looking at her eyes. Blinking, she wondered why. Most tended to think they looked cold and void of emotion, and kept their own out of her way. "If I know Jace, she'd better watch herself or she could get hurt." Faythe mused, a small grin lighting her face at her friends manner. "Sure he's sweet and would not hurt a girl purposley, but no one ever said we're the best of comapny." The inside joke caused her to chuckle. "Mind if I ask if she's your girlfriend? You two seem pretty close." She looked closer at the guy, surprised to find that he looked, well, attractive. The very thought of her finding anyone good looking made her mind reel and do a double take. She mentally slapped herself, and outwardly scowled viciously.

11:57pm Aug 1 2010
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Shrugging Merielle grinned at Jace, blocking James from her thoughts for the time being. "Well, I take voice lessons to learn different accents. That's probably how I noticed." His attention quickly brought a dusky rose blush to her face, spreading delicately across her high cheek-bones. She lowered her gaze, then inwardly cursed herself for getting so flustered over a boy. Usually she was much more ostentation, but now a studious gaze and compliment from a this man had her blushing like a loon and dithering about. "Well, most people notice James first. Perhaps it's much easier to look up than down, and with me being so short and him so very tall..." She let the thought drift off, seeing that Jace was taller even than James, which she admitted to be quite a feat. Still her heart stuttered and sputtered, refusing to behave normally under Jace's gaze. James grinned knowingly at Merielle's hopeless floundering, leaving her to fend for herself. Instead he let himself continue to look into Faythe's eyes, marveling at the color even as he noticed that she seemed confused about her attention. Before he could ask her about it, though, she made the comment about him and Merielle, at which he burst into rather loud, booming laughter. It made his sides hurt, and was a while before he could breathe well enough to make any sort of reply. "Meri and I? Dating? Surely not. I suppose I can see how you'd think that, but I'd sooner date a sister, for that's all she is to me. Only more, because we almost never fight as siblings do." He noted her attentions, grinning to himself. "But besides, I was merely awed by your eyes. They have such a uniquely lovely color that I can't help but stare. Do excuse me if the behavior seems odd or rude, but I find it hard to look away." He poured his sincerity into these words, smiling softly all the while.
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12:15am Aug 2 2010 (last edited on 12:19am Aug 2 2010)
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"I can see why most would look at James first." He admitted, but quickly continued unless he made her think he meant something else. "Then again i'm not most." Something about making her blush that delicate color made his heart jolt slightly in delight. Most either ran from him, or clung like velcro. But to be sitting around flirting as if it was second nature felt normal, right perhaps. Though not one to beleive in the whole love at first sight crap, or really love at all, something about the girl made him want to stick around and get to know her better. James suddenly laughed and he wondered what in the world Faythe couold have said to get that sort of reaction, she was far from funny. His next words though made him choke on his own laughter and he was forced to look the other direction. "Your friend must be partially blind to death warrents. Because Faythe's a living one." He cackled, turning his attention away from his obviously flustered friend. Hearing his words caused Faythe to nearly keel over and die of shock and embarr*censored*met. Blinking rapidly as if a deer caught in the head lights she shook her head violently. "Awed by my eyes, you've got to be kidding me." She growled, hgorrified to feel her cheek gorwing hot with the oncoming blush. She had not blushed in years, and she be danged if she was going to let this guy, no matter how charming, see her red cheeks now. "Have you not seen some of the girls around here? Taller, skinnier, more curvy with brighter eyes and prettier faces." She asked, looking down so her hair covered her face. ""Anyway, what do you do to make a living around here?" She asked quickly, obviously trying to change the subject. Laster she would kick her self for such a question that could lead to the same being asked of her. ((Got to go for the night. Bye!))

12:31am Aug 2 2010
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At first Merielle was want to rebel, until Jace soothed her. 'Not like most is certainly right.' She grinned, toying with one of the stray curls that hung around her face. It was clear from the rush of those words that he intended to soothe her, which made something click. He was genuinely flirting with her. Not for fun, not in a friendly way, but seriously. It was quite a shock to her, and succeeded to deepen the blush painting her cheeks. A line of Shakespeare came and left, leaving her with a softened smile, thoughtful and as hopelessly romantic as she was beginning to feel. Unlike Jace, she was a true believer in the ideal of love, and had been pursuing its truest form for a long time. His last words made her giggle, eyes scrunching merrily at the words. "It's his way. He always speaks his mind on such things, regardless of any danger that it might put him in." In looking down Merielle gave a flutter of her eyelashes, wondering at the nerves that tickled her stomach like butterflies. Watching Faythe, James could see her holding back a blush. Her reaction stunned him a little, bringing up the inexplicable urge to apologize, and beg forgiveness for having upset this wondrously fascinating creature before him. His own piercing blue eyes widened, stunned by the suddenness of it. He'd never before faced that, especially not paired with the need to *censored*ure her that she was, in fact, one of the most lovely things he'd ever laid eyes on. He settled for a toned down compliment, not wanting to fluster her any further. "I *censored*ure you, that I have never seen eyes or a shape compareable to yours. But to the subject of jobs, I am an actor, a thespian, and a man of the theater. It is my greatest goal in life to perform the cl*censored*ics to audiences of thousands." He noted her unease after having asked, so decided that, for some reason or another, he must refrain from asking the question in return. "I do have a side job, but I'm quite certain you would laugh if I told you." He feigned a swoon, making himself look as comedically piteous as possible.
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12:52am Aug 2 2010
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1:02am Aug 2 2010
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ooc:// Mon amie? Where'd you go?
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3:15pm Aug 2 2010
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ooc:// Time to reBump...
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3:49pm Aug 2 2010
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((Terribly sorry about my poofing. I was forced to go for the night. I like those songs, particurally Meri's. Their both really interesting.)) Watching the exotic female in front of him, Jace was glad in a way that she seemed flustered. It meant he was doing his job at flirting well. He did not want to over do it though, and perhaps scare her off. Normally by now he'd have left if it was any other girl, choosing to go about his merry way and leave them surprised and probably a little annoyed. But the beauty in front of him was different, she literaly had him wrapped around her little finger and he hardly knew her. It was a little disconcerting. He decided to try to turn her attention away from James and Faythe. "With your exotic looks and pretty figure are you a dancer?" He asked curiously. Faythe was surprised to say the least that he had not bolted when she snarled, most did. Instead he continued the compliment, and a odd fluttering entered her stomach and she blushed deeper, unable to hide it now. When he spoke of his job she grinned in surprise, the gesture a little tight in disuse. "Some one of the theatre eh? And likes the cl*censored*ics? A man after my own heart." She admitted, feeling suddenly more at ease. It was almost like she was talking to Jace, easy and care-free. "Though I can't act I'v always enjoyed watching plays." Another small grin tugged at her lips at his child like behavior. "I'll tell you my second occupation if you tell me yours." People tended to think of her day job as weird for a girl of her temper and aggression. "I work at a pet shop and occ*censored*ionally train dogs. I love animals more then I do humans really. They don't judge you and love you unconditionally." A small cackle lewft her throat. "Your other job?"

4:03pm Aug 2 2010
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His words hit her square in the forehead, causing a very sudden look of surprise that he had guess so quickly. Most men, especially those trying to pick her up, usually guessed all of James' occupations before they figured hers. Actress, they'd say. Model, even, despite the fact that it was a profession dominated by tall, willowy twigs. She took a moment to gather her thoughts, smiling. "Indeed. I've been dancing since I could walk, though most think it to be a dirty job better suited for prostitutes than an upstanding young woman like myself." These words she said with a laugh, making it obvious that she saw such things as a joke. In an attempt to brush off his compliments she shrugged, "If they knew me at all they'd turn tail and run as fast as their legs could carry them, though of course they never look further than the surface these days. But what about you? I'm sure your life is much more interesting than my quiant existence." Had James been paying any attention to that, he would have laughed so hard his head would fall off. Contrary to Faythe's expectations he nodded, understanding flashing through his intense blue eyes. "A fellow lover of the clas.sics, as well as a fellow lover of animals. I feel I might have finally met someone other than Merielle I can share these things with." He gave her a conspiritorial look, a wicked little flash of his eyes as if there were some fantastic ideal that they were both in on. "Animals are better than people by far. Meri and I agree that once we get the money saved we're going to buy a ranch that's close enough to the beach, and still near the forest enough for her, uh, alone time." The words had come out without thought, causing James to start. Why had he said that... Stupid James... "But my other profession? You have to swear not to laugh, but..." He leaned in a little, as if sharing some great secret, though he really was afraid that she'd laugh. "I'm a merman."
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7:57pm Aug 2 2010
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ooc:// The wait continues...
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11:48am Aug 3 2010
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((I'm on vacation at the moment and am forced to share computers with my cousins (which might I add are comouter hogs unfortunatly). Once i'm back home I'll have more acess to a computer until school starts again. I really hope you don't get to mad at me ^^; I like this RP.)) Jace tried to hide the flinch at her words, not calling running for his freedom interesting, or hurting other's for that matter. What he did was about to only thing that could really hurt him when shot back besides for messing with Faythe. He'd kill for his best friend, and he knew she'd do the same for him. Many things for the partners were mutual. Finally he grinned slightly to make sure nothing seemed odd about his behavior, he did not want this girl, who seemed so prim and proper with the law, to know about his...darker side. "Model would have been my second guess really, from your looks. Though your not a toothpick and unhealthy looking like those women." He tipped his head to the side slightly, causing some of his long hair to fall in front of his eyes. Sweeping it back with a exasperated grunt he looked over to see how Faythe was fairing. He had expected to find carnage and bloodshed, instead he nearly fell over from shock. He'd never seen Faythe look so at ease with anyone but himself, and the though that there was another person to ease her fraying neverves was a blessing. "Should I get up and run?" He asked teasingly. Sighing, he leaned back on his hands. "There's little to be said about me." He mused, hoping he did not seem to guarded. "I do as I want, go where I want, sleep where I want." She shrugged and made a crooked grin. "It's boring really." Quick wit catching his sudden unease when speaking of Meri and the forest for her 'alone time', Faythe decided to try and catch anything else that might slip. But her caution was soon drowned by her curiosity in the peice of work in front of her. She grinned suddenly, ever so slightly that only soeone looking hard would see it. "If you get that ranch you've already got a stable hand." She mused lightly. "Though i'v never dealt with more then small animals i'm more then willing to learn." She'd seem farm animals before and had always had a facination with the way people rode horses, or tended to cattle. "I'd do it for free just for the heck of it." Her mind suddenly registered his last words and she blinked in surprise. Biting her tounge hard to keep from laughing, she knew it showed in her eyes. "A merman? Well that new, an ,uh, interesting?" She cackled lightly, placing a hand in front of her mouthy. "Don't mind my laughter, I don't mean to. It just caught me off guard." She leaned forward in curiosity. "How does a person become a merman, or a mermaid?" She asked, swollowing another cuckle.

3:15pm Aug 3 2010
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It was clear that Jace was uncomfortable talking about his profession, so Merielle let the matter drop. She laughed, shaking her head. "If you want, I suppose, then I can't stop you. After all, you do, go, and sleep where you want." A sly grin snuck across her lips, adding a devilish gleam to her eyes. To distract herself from his gaze Merielle pulled her braid over her shoulder, taking her time to undo it bit by bit. James wouldn't like that, but oh well. He'd have to live. The flattery brought fresh rosy color to her cheeks, gaze dropping as her fingers wound thoughtfully through thick copper-black waves. "Really, you're embarras.sing me." Immediately she cursed herself, for using that cheesy phrase. Her mood darkened a little, and she tried to pretend as if she hadn't said it. 'Great. Now you sound like an overly dramatic tragic heroine.' She sighed, flipping into her back to look up at the clouds. Propped up on her elbows Merielle gave in to a moment's silence. James smiled, chuckling. The grin across Faythe's face tugged a little at his heart, a very faint pink creeping across his cheeks. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind. I haven't told Meri yet, but I'm already looking for a place. And I'm sure you'd make an exellent student. But I wouldn't let you work for free. You'd have as much money as you needed." Then there was her laughter. Out of habit James' first reponse was anger, but it immediately softened to feigned pouting. "Oh, come on. It's a serious business, particularly here in California. And becoming one is quite simple. It's like being a model and an actor, only during shoots you wear a tail and all the pictures and filming is done in or by the water. It's a very specialized job." He pursed his lips, purposefully looking silly if only to see Faythe smile again.
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3:35pm Aug 3 2010
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Watching her mess with her long, thick hair, Jace itched to reach his hands out and touch it, to see if it was as soft as it looked. He quickly squelched that thought. Like many people looked at the others eyes to *censored*ess attractivness, he looked at hair first. He was not sure why, and he kept the fact hidden. Fin ally he listened to her words and chuckled as the threw his words back at him. "Ouch, lovleys got bite." He teased, rolling over so he was in the same position on his back. "Don't tell me you quote ancient s like Faythe." The very thought of dealing with Shakespear or any other dead compossers made him want to scream. Then again it was cute coming from her, innocent and sweet. Maybe he could get used to it. A sudden pain in his stomach made him jerk up and gasp in surprise. Turning a angry glare towards Faythe, he itched to punch her back. Listening to James for a moment shye noticed Jace bad mouthing her love of ancient theatre. Whirling around she brought her fist down onto his stomach, hard, and jerked back before he could retaliate. "Watch it. "She warned, knowing her eyes were flashing with cold fury. "Don't mind my violent tendecies. It's not lady like, but nothing about me is. "She apologized to James, turning her back to the still sputtering Jace. The thought of a bunch of people sitting around, modeling in tails made for a interesting picture. Though she'd never do it herself, the oddness of it was intruiging. "Sounds specialized. Particurally since very few, I think, could acually pull off a tail."

12:32pm Aug 4 2010
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Merielle didn't take long to see Jace looking longingly at her hair, though she pretended not to notice. It was quite a novel thing, for someone to admire thisof her beauty over anything else. She found it rather amusing, and her hair was her greatest vanity. Day after day she preened it, using only the best all natural products to achieve a silkiness and shine that she could be proud of. And yet, she wore it up most all the time, as most saw it as something that merely got in the way. In Meri's mind, the hair was as much the sould as the eyes. And hers added to her 'Arabic hippie look', as James called it; her closet of long, flowing gypsy skirts, dancing tops and heaps of bangly gold jewelry. With a giggle she noted today's ensemble, the brown skirt with copper and gold thread detailing, the peacock feather earrings with turquoise, and the chain of little gold bells hanging from her hips. 'The costume of a true dancer, made to draw the eye and hold it, with the happy tinkling of bells that one cannot help but love.' At Jace's words she laughed, eyes sparkling. "I've been known to quote Shakespeare on occasion. After all, my dearest companion in all of creation is a Shakespearean actor. How else would he rehearse if not for me? So I know every line of every play he's ever performed frontwards and backwards." She continued toying with her hair, her thoughts steaming along in random twists and turns that led her to many places. The ex pression on her face shifted, becoming thoughtful, perhaps even a little troubled, as she toyed with that phrase, rolling it around over and over. 'My dearest companion in all of creation.' Faythe's sudden outburst had him laughing, the throaty sound shaking him quite effectively. Unusually sharp incisors flashed, eyes glinting. "Don't worry about it. I have a very different opinion of what it lady-like than mose people. And so far, I've found nothing about you that doesn't fit the deion. You know, while I was traveling with the agency we ended up in England. I got to meet a real baroness, and halfway through our meal she threw an elbow into one of her friend's gut. We all found it very amusing, and proof that being a lady doesn't mean that you can't have some problems. In fact, having them is very much encouraged." He grinned, recalling that particular baroness very well. Never before had he been bested in fencing by a fourtysix-year-old woman. Finally James dropped his unease about discussing his favourite career, his eyes warming considerably as he flew into the topic. "Very true. Although I must say more men are able to pull it off than women. See, a man must only be in peak physical condition and be considered attractive to pull off a tail with style. Woman who wish to pursue the career of a professional mermaid must be possessing of an ethereal, otherwoldly quality, or be of a particular kind of exotic beauty. Otherwise they simply look like a pretty woman with a fake tail on. It's that air of magic and fantasy in a woman's eyes and facial structure that bring the illusion to life." He sighed, remembering with brotherly pride how Meri had looked on the occasion she took on the fin. He'd had it made specially for her, in rich bronzes, coppers, golds, reds, and a fantastic orange the color of turmeric, with scales applied individually and no colors touching a scale of the same color to produce that many-layered shimmer that he'd so long envisioned. His own was of a similiar design, but in shades of blue ranging from sky to midnight, scales of silver dappling here and there. Together they had made quite a spash. James chuckled, appreciating his own unspoken joke before turning back to Faythe. "You would look marvelous as a mermaid."
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2:58pm Aug 4 2010
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7:50pm Aug 4 2010
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ooc:// Bump!
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2:18pm Aug 5 2010
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ooc:// I'm not a very patient person. This is upsetting to me.
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2:36pm Aug 5 2010
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((hey, just askin. do you have any more yuri/yaoi rps that i cold join (like not to far started already?) yours was the only one i could find but it got shut down :( ))
3:54pm Aug 5 2010
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ooc:// Would you like to start a onexone?
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11:59am Aug 6 2010
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ooc:// DX< Where is Stray? I have an angry...
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