6:19pm Dec 13 2009
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Jake began CPR on Charlie. "I think so." Chris siad. ((is she still in the water? 0.o))
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
6:26pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 2,518
((Oh, no. Sorry.)) "good. God, that guy was weird," she said, watching Lucy beat him up.
Muffinz 0_o
6:29pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 2,931
Lucy pushed him to the ground. A teacher was finally coming over. "Finally." She said. She ran over to Jake and Charlie. Charlie wasn't breathing, and he was blue. "He needs a hospital. Wait- Lets get the nurse." Lucy ran off, and Jake was still pumping air into Charlie.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
6:33pm Dec 13 2009
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Kris noticed something. "Jake, it's like this," she said, showing him the proper position. "You're pushing the water into his lungs right now," she said.
Muffinz 0_o
6:35pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 2,931
"Ok." Jake said. Charlie caughed, and Jake sat back on his knees. Charlie was caughing up water and blood. Then he opened his eyes. "What-what happened?" He asked.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
6:43pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 2,518
"That guy over there knocked you on the head and you fell into the water," she explained. "He wanted to burn this place down, but i think Lucy took care of him," she said with smile.
Muffinz 0_o
6:49pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 2,931
Lucy laughed. "Your the one that broke his arm." "Ok. That explains why my head hurts." Charlie said, and groaned slightly.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
6:52pm Dec 13 2009
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"It's still bleeding," she mumbled. 'Lucy, do you think you could get a towel?" she asked.
Muffinz 0_o
7:05pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 2,931
"Yeah." Lucy ran off to get a towel.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
7:07pm Dec 13 2009
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Kris looked around and saw some rope. She got it, rolled it up, and said, "Charlie, can you lift your head?" she asked.
Muffinz 0_o
7:08pm Dec 13 2009
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"Yeah." He tried, and lifted it a bit.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
7:10pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 2,518
"Okay, good," she said, putting the rope under his head like a pillow. kris looked around again. Anyone have a lighter, match, mirror, magnifying gl*censored*?" she asked.
Muffinz 0_o
7:12pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 2,931
"I have a lighter for burning rope." Jake said. He pulled it out and handed it to her.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
7:15pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 2,518
"Thanks," she said. "Charlie, i'm going to hold this to your eyes. It won't burn you, i promise," she said, checking to see if he had a concussion. "I'm gonna need you to move each finger and toe," she said.
Muffinz 0_o
7:18pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 2,931
"Ok." Charlie moved all his fingers, but only 9 of his toes.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
7:19pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 2,518
"Oh no," kris said. "Try moving that again Charlie," she said.
Muffinz 0_o
7:26pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 2,931
"I can't feel one of my toes." He said.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
7:28pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 2,518
"Crap," she said, sitting back on her haunches. "I don't understand it. You don't have a concussion," she said. "Speaking of, where's Lucy?" she asked, standing up.
Muffinz 0_o
7:52pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 2,931
Lucy came running back with the towel. Chris let out an eep. "I think I know what happened." He poked Charlies toe, and it come off. Charlie covered his mouth to keep from screaming.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
8:17pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 2,518
Kris grabbed the towel, and tore off a few inches. She then wrapped it onto the spot where the toe had been. She then wrapped the rest of the towel around his head. "It's okay Charlie. You're going to be okay," she said, trying to keep him from going into a full-scale panic attack.
Muffinz 0_o