7:49am Jan 9 2010
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Posts: 2,931
Lucy ran, keeping up with her. The cabins were coming up.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
7:53am Jan 9 2010
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Posts: 2,518
"We did it!" Kris yelled hapily as they got closer to the cabins.
Muffinz 0_o
7:54am Jan 9 2010
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Posts: 2,931
"Yeah!" Lucy laughed, and went running under the little hanger thingy.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
4:43pm Jan 9 2010
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Posts: 2,518
((Just got back. Zoey. Did. AWFULL!!)) Kris laughed.
Muffinz 0_o
5:05pm Jan 9 2010
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Posts: 2,931
((No! Anything Zoey does is awesome! Dont say that! D:)) Charlie was at the boys cabins, and Jake and Zane were being taken in to talk to a teacher to pummelling Jake's dad's face.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
6:08pm Jan 9 2010
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Posts: 2,518
((It was!! Skip to next day?))
Muffinz 0_o
7:22am Jan 10 2010
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Muffinz 0_o
9:26am Jan 10 2010
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((Okay.)) The next morning, Jake and Zane thought they had gotten ahold of themselves. But then Charlie said Kris's name because he was talking about how they hadn't cared that Chris had come back, and then they went Kris crazy again.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
10:44am Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,518
((LOL!!! Kris Crazy!!! XD)) Kris awoke in her bed, her iPod still playing. She got dressed, and went outside.
Muffinz 0_o
10:47am Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,518
((Sorry. I played The Beatles Rockband for 2 straight hours!! NEW RECORD!!))
Muffinz 0_o
10:50am Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,931
((Oh wow. XD)) Lucy went outside, and immeadiately was like, attacked by Jake and Zane. "Where's Kris?" They both asked at once. It was Lucy's turn to bang her head in the wall.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
10:53am Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,518
((LOL!!!)) Kris walked by, and saw Lucy, Zane, and Jake. "Oh crap," she whispered, then covered her mouth.
Muffinz 0_o
11:00am Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,931
Charlie walked up to them. "Take a chill pill guys. Shes not gonna like you if you are crazy stalkers."
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
11:02am Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,518
Kris stepped back, another step, another, and another.
Muffinz 0_o
11:06am Jan 10 2010 (last edited on 11:14am Jan 10 2010)
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Then Charlie saw Kris. "RUN!" He mouthed.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
11:10am Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,518
((Waitt....Charlie saw Kris or Chris.....I'm confused.))
Muffinz 0_o
11:15am Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,931
((Oops. Kat moment. I edited it. D:))
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
11:17am Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,518
((Ah. Zoey sees now *takes gl*censored*es off and throws them at Bob* Don't EVER try to steal my cookie!! Silly Bob!)) "Thanks" Kris mouthed, and ran, but not without making noise.
Muffinz 0_o
11:19am Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,931
Jake and Zane turned around to see Kris. "Kris!" Zane said. "Hi!" Jake said. ((Who's this Bob?))
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
11:20am Jan 10 2010 (last edited on 11:21am Jan 10 2010)
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Posts: 2,518
((Bob is the guy I stuck in the cage because he tried to steal my cookie. NO ONE tries to steal Zoey's marashino cherry sugar cookies......except a few people. Zoey might give them some...)) Kris turned around and ran at top speed.....somewhere. She didn't know.
Muffinz 0_o