3:10pm Apr 23 2011 (last edited on 11:40pm Apr 24 2011)
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Obviously this rp will be about stray (or farel if you like) cats in the country. We will be living in a clan kind of like warriors but we don't have a code, no specific names, and we only have a leader and deputy all other cats are "towns people" I guess you could say. Rules: Dont make your cat perfect because no one in real life is perfect and it just annoys me. One of my cats is the leader and if you don't think thats fair then don't join. make one male for every female and visa versa. join with atleast one grown cat. if you read the rules put sugar at the top of your joining post. Must be atleast semi-lit
Setting: The cats will be living in the countryside of South Dakota where not many people live. There aren't many trees except for a small ish forest not to far off from where they live. The grass is tall thick, and dry which makes it both easy and somewhat hard to hunt in. There are some hills in this area which make for great places to whatch for preditors, rivals, or to calm down. Countryside: http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4076/4926418111_1f9895e8ec.jpg Forest: http://pics4.city-data.com/cpicv/vfiles39414.jpg Bio: Name: Age: Gender: Breed: Apperrence: Coat color: eye color: scares/markings(if any): personality: Other:
Join Now!
3:18pm Apr 23 2011 (last edited on 11:40pm Apr 24 2011)
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My Cats Leader Name:Renn Age:YA Gender:Female Breed:Abyssinian Coat color: silvery gray eye color:green scares/markings(if any):some but hardly noticable personality:Renn is a bit rough around the edges but once you get past that she can be fun and understanding. She is a natural born leader and nothing thus far has gotten in the way of her leading. She is unbiased when it comes to choosing most allways unless it happens in her personal life. Other:nope
"Towns Cat" Name:Kasey Age:YA Gender:M Breed:Havana Brown Coat color:dark brown eye color:dark hazel scares/markings(if any):few scares on his shoulders and a quite noticable one on his right flank. personality:Kasey is fun to be around and can make most anybody laugh. He is a jokester but he can be serious when he needs to be. He gets nervous sometimes but rarly does that happen and when it dose he ussually gets around it by making a joke. Other:nope
4:51pm Apr 23 2011
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OOC: Could I join? The only problem is, I have exams coming up after the holidays so I could be away revising most of the time, but I'll reply as soon as I can if I can join. :)
4:59pm Apr 23 2011
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((Yeah you can join and thats not a problem I get what you mean it's not a problem at all.))
5:15pm Apr 23 2011
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OOC: OK, gdgd. Also, what is the setting, what country does it take place in? Landscape? Enviroment? And how big can our posts be? I tend to write a few paragraphs. :) Name: Pensare (Italian for "think") Age: 5 years Gender: male Breed: Mixture, mainly European shorthair Appearance: http://www.freewebs.com/thenewwarriorcats/European-Ginger-Tabby-Cat_646253.jpg Credit should be given to the original photographer. Coat color: Ginger tabby Eye color: Yellow Scars/Markings(if any): None, he's a pretty careful cat personality: Cautious, easygoing, contemplative, attentive, careful. Other: None, although he is a companion and friend to Greta Name: Greta Age: 9 months Gender: female Breed: Charteux Appearance: http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/isselee/isselee1103/isselee110300477/8972268-chartreux-kitten-5-months-old-in-front-of-white-background.jpg Once again, credit the person who took the photo themselves. Coat color: Blue Eye color: Golden, will develop to become a copper-orange Scars/Markings(if any): none personality: Inquisitive, affectionate, warier of bigger animals, friendly, watchful. Other: Nothing

5:19pm Apr 23 2011
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((I was going to go with somewhere in the country side maybe in south dakota where there aren't that many people. The will be few trees and mainly tall thick dry grassy areas. Some hills but mostly flat. A forest not to far off that they can visit. You can type as much as you want I tend to type about a paragraph or more per character. Accepted))
5:22pm Apr 23 2011
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OOC: I see, it is a very beautiful country. :) Do you come from there then? Looks like my cats will just have to be European immigrants then xD And when shall we start?
5:24pm Apr 23 2011 (last edited on 5:24pm Apr 23 2011)
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((No I don't live there but I've gone there before.And yup looks like it. lol! and we can start now if you like . I don't care who starts))
5:28pm Apr 23 2011
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OOC: xD I could develop that into their background, so they're newcomers to the area. Got lost in the wild country somehow. You'd better start, I may have to go soon.
5:35pm Apr 23 2011
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((ok then)) Renn lays in low hangind branch of a shady tree watching the tall thick grass sway in the slight breeze. Her ears swivle as she looks up to the light blue sky above her seeing phesants taking off into the air. Her long silvery tail flicks side to side slowly before she stands up and jumps down from the branch. The grass tawers above her but she walks confidently over to a sleeping dark brown tom. "Wake up Kasey it's time for the patrol." she lightly nudges the tom with her paw. Kasey wakes up and turns onto his side to face Renn. He blinks with a wide yawn before getting up and streaching. "Ready." he announces before bounding off into the grass untill there all you could off him was the rustle of dry grass. Renn bounds after him her paw steps lighter as she weaves in and out of grass catching up to Kasey quickly who had stoped at the top of a hill.
6:06pm Apr 23 2011
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OOC: Hmm, never written like this before. Only roleplayed in 3rd person. Oh well, here I go. :) The sandy foliage also parts to let through a rusty-coloured face, with yellow eyes as intense as those of a wolf or an eagle. The grass hardly rustles as his orange form slides through the paling strands of life, each pawstep as hesitant as the next. His whole form is wrought with tension, as if he were stalking prey. But his eyes are frightened, not focused, and as a screeching flock of ungainly pheasants flapped noisily overhead, his ears flatten and his belly is pressed to the ground. Behind him, a small grey scrap of fur mimicks the motion. The two cats do not move until the disturbance disappears out of view, yet does not quieten down and will not for some while, their cries are so loud. "The birds here are different,", Greta, the 9-month old kitten remarks quietly, still quaking from the alarm. "They sound and look different..." "No doubt they'll be any less senseless than the ones back home," the ginger tom mutters. His accent, had it been spoken by a human being, would have been riddled with the bluntness of British cynicism. But his seemingly cold remark had been spoken with a relative warmth, in an attempt to lighten their ever-worsening situation. Of course, they were lost. This was an enviroment neither had ever been in before, nothing about it was like the rolling green hills of their homeland, scattered with spray-painted sheep. Well, Pensare's, anyway. Greta was a pedigree Charteux, of French descent. But she had proven not to be one of those spoiled longhairs that sat all day in shows wearing rosettes; she came from a breed famed for its superb hunting strengths. Greta's chances to prove her worth had been few, however...

6:17pm Apr 23 2011
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Kasey silently pointed out a couple of cats not far from them to Renn who turned to look at them. She studyed them for a oment before deciding that they were not going to fight them. She flicked her tail to let Kasey know she was going up to them alone and he could contiue the patrol alone. She stood up and padded twored the lost cats. She came up to them from the side showing no sign that she intended to harm them. She diped her head to them in greeting, "Hello, I am Renn." Her tail flicks softly from side to side behind her abcentmindedly stirring up a few blades of grass. Kasey headed off down the other side of the hill in leaps trying to jump over the grass and he patrols the area. After a bit he sticks with a brisk walk sniffing a few areas of grass before heading in to the small forest near by. He lept onto a rock and looked around. He spots a squirle it's cheeks plump and round with nuts, it's reddish tail curved into a question mark behind it. Kasey slowly crouches down on the rock his eyes just high enough so that he see the squirle
5:38pm Apr 24 2011
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10:16pm Apr 24 2011 (last edited on 10:21pm Apr 29 2011)
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Posts: 478
Name: Maple Age: 17 moons
Gender: male
Breed: Candian Hairless
Apperrence:  Coat color: What coat? *growls*
eye color: green
scars/markings(if any): He has tabby markings, even without fur. He has a long scar on the left side of his face.
personality: Other: WIP
10:26pm Apr 24 2011
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10:50pm Apr 24 2011
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Renn caught up with Kasey back at the big tree they were at before after patroling the other half of their territory. She jumped up into the low hanging branch again. She looked out over the mostly flat land only interupted by a solitary hill that from her point of view she could easly see over. She lays down her front paws over laping each hanging off the branch slightly. She layes her head on her paws her ears still pricked up to catch any sound with in hearing distance. Kasey had gotten back from the patrol not much before Renn. He was laying down at the base of the tree on his side in a ray of sunlight his legs streached out. He closed his eyes with a smile the sun warming his dark pelt. He purred with pleasure streaching his limbs his head bowing into his chest the flat gras.s around the tree brushing up against his cheek.
11:08pm Apr 24 2011
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Posts: 478
(It's a WIP. It's not finished >.>)
11:18pm Apr 24 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Oh.............Ok then...........what does that mean?))
12:23am Apr 25 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Never mind I figured it out :P))
1:18pm Apr 25 2011
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((Sugar. c:)) Name: Cream Age: 24 moons, or two years. Gender: Female Breed: Ragdoll. c: Apperrence:
 Coat color: White and gray-brown. eye color: Pale blue. c: scares/markings(if any): She has a single scar across her left eye from when she got in a fight with a sewer rat when she was younger. She won, though, and boy did she eat good for a while. :D personality: She's a generally sweet cat, but is very rough towards prey and when hunting she is the one to listen to listen to. She also hates humans and is always hissing at them if they get anywhere near her, wanting to take her home with them. She hopes to one day become a mother to a beautiful litter of kittens. <3 Other: None. c:
Name: Tab Age: 12 moons, or a year old. Gender: Male Breed: Tabby-point Siamese Apperrence:
 Coat color: You know what? Look up. xD eye color: Blue scares/markings(if any): personality: Skittish and untrusting of new cats. Has found Cream and decided to follow her and has learned to hunt very well with her. Once he learns to trust you, he is a kind cat. <3 Other: Follows Cream around. xD
Name: Tortie Age: 3 years Gender: Male Breed: Maine Coon Apperrence:
 Coat color: Tortoiseshell eye color: Green scares/markings(if any): Look at the white. ouo personality: He's a pretty laid-back cat who seems to be a hopless flirtatious romantic as well. xD Other: None. P:
Name: Norsa Age: 8 moons, or 8 months. Gender: Female Breed: Norwegian Forest Cat Apperrence:
 Coat color: Looks above. xD eye color: Bornw. ouo scares/markings(if any): Look above. personality:She's a skittish, shy kitten who doesn't like to be placed into situations that weigh heavily on her. She can be quite carefree when it comes to being around cats she knows, though, and loves to feel accepted. <3 Other: She wants someone to play with~
