7:46pm Apr 25 2011
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((Accepted sorry I wasn't here sooner but now i'm back))
9:21pm Apr 25 2011
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(So. How should my pretty kitties come in? c:)
9:30pm Apr 25 2011
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((You can start out allready in the clan if you want or no or half and half however really))
9:57pm Apr 25 2011
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(Tab and Cream will be in the clan. c: Both are hunters. P:)
10:02pm Apr 25 2011
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((OK sounds good to me))
10:42pm Apr 25 2011
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Cream's tail flicked behind her as she looked back at Tab, laughing softly at the young tomcat, who was dragging a rabbit behind him with great difficulty, while Cream carried three squirrels upon her back. All of them had been her catch, but she figured Tab deserved to take credit for something.
The two cats deposited their kill in the camp, Cream padding over to Tab to give him motherly lick on the head before she sat beaide him, ears perked. "So, Tab, how did it feel to take down a rabbit?"she giggled.
10:54pm Apr 25 2011
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Renn watched Tab and Cream pad to the big tree carrying fresh kill from their hunt. She noded to them to let them know she realized their hard work. She looked buk up to the sky. It was calm and darker blue than ussual. She opened her mouth slightly to catch the scent of the metaliky taste of an on comeing storm. Kasey could sence it comeing too and padded over to Cream and Tab. "Just a heads up theirs a storm coming so you might want to expect it to start drizzling soon." he reported before heading into the hollow of the tree where they all slept and joind when it was raining or to windy to be outside. Renn had climbed into the smaller hole at the base of the branch she was on and jumped from step to step down to the hollow base of the large tree. She layed down twords a corner her paws crossed over eachother. She placed her head on her paws eyes alert staring out into the darkening sky. Her ears priked and alert so she could hear the rain when it fell.
6:12pm Apr 26 2011
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8:25pm Apr 26 2011
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((Grr I got nothing to post!!!!))
10:06pm Apr 26 2011
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The rain begins to fall lightly and gets harder as time pas.ses. The sky was a deep gray by now; the gloom settled in this part of the country giving rain to all the dry plants that needed reviving. Renn keeps her ears perked, listening to the rythmic sound as the rain hits the ground and the tree. Her bright green eyes watch the drops of water pas.s by the entrance of the hollow tree almost mezmerized by the scene. Kasey had fallen asleep to the sound of water hiting the earth. His breathing nearly silent and in beat with the rain fall's rythmic pattern. He dreamed it was a warm sunny day the clan was having "a day off" just running around a playing with out ridicule of acting like a kit. A care free day. A smile was on Kasey's sleeping form as the pleasant dream went on.
10:38pm Apr 26 2011
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Cream and Tab were curled up together to keep warm, but Cream's ears perked when the pitiful sound of a kit's cries reached them. Tab sat up as well, and Cream nodded at Tan to stay where he was before she rushed out of the hollow
Soon after she returned carrying a young kit, a tortoiseshell male following close behind. All three were soaked, and Cream instantly moved over to where Tab was, grooming the shaking kit until she warmed up. She nuzzled the kitten as she and Tab curled around her.
(Tab and Cream have a mother-son relationship. They're not related, though. XD;)
10:46pm Apr 26 2011
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((aww how cute!)) Renn got up when she saw the shaking kit. She padded over to Cream, "If you need anything just ask and either Kasey or I can get it." Her voice was quiet so she wouldn't scare the new kit. It looked so small and helpless as it's fur clung to it's wet frame. It shivered furiously even as it snuggled with Cream. Kasey had woken up from his lovely dream to the high pitched yowl of a young kit out in the rain. He lay with his paws folded neatly over each other his neck strained to see the new kit as Cream bundled it up in her fur. He didn't want to crowd it and he knew he would have a chance to see it later so he looked outside into the rain as the dropes streaked past the opening in the tree hollow.
11:56am Apr 27 2011
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Cream nodded, her ears perked up. "On the way here, she told me her name wasNorsa and that she'd been traveling with Tortie, the tortoiseshell male that followed us back. He'd been out hunting and she got scared..." She moved to groom the young kit, warming her up. Tab helped out as well, knowing how from watching Cream. He also knew that she really wanted a litter of her own to care for and raise. "And she's 8 moons old. She told me herself..."
Tortie's ears twitched as he watched everyone crowding the ragdoll, his tail flicking in an annoyed fashion. He lay down near the entrance, watching the rain fall until he drifted off. That she-cat could take better care of Norsa than he could...
6:42pm Apr 27 2011
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"Would you mind taking care of Norsa?" asked Renn, "You know i'm no good at taking care of kits so I think it would be in the best intrest that this young one be taken care of by some one who knew what they were doing. I would be glad to hunt for you and get you what you need while you do so." Renns voice was calm and quiet not wanting to wake up Norsa. Renn studied the fluff off fur that was named Norsa with intrest. She had never had a kit of her own and was quite sure she wanted some anytime soon. Although they were cute and small while they're sleeping she knew that they were boysterous and hyper at other times. Kasey saw the tortishell that Norsa the kit had apperently talked about on the way here, byt the opening of the tree. He was thinking about inviting him in more so he didn't feel alien to the clan but he noticed that he had fallen asleep and figured it was best not to wake him. He turned his attention back to the group with the 8moon old youngster. They were fawning over it and comforting it which he though was fine but he truly didn't have an oppion or know what they should be doing with it so he dicided it was best to let them deal with it.
8:02pm Apr 27 2011
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9:33pm Apr 27 2011
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12:16pm Apr 28 2011
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"She's old enough to be an apprentice, however, so shortly she won't need anyone to help care for her. I'm sure she already knows how to hunt at a basic level..." she murmured, laying her head down as she watched the young kit, her fluffy tail twitching back and forth in a steady, relaxed manner as a soft smile appeared on her muzzle. Her blue eyes liften up to Renn and she nodded her head. "Thank you..." she told the leader, before she curled up tighter and steadily driften off. Tab followed soon after, lulled to sleep by the sound of the rain and the purrs coming from the young she-cat that had just been rescued from the rain.
9:36pm Apr 28 2011
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Renn noded back to cream before going back to where she was laying before. She crouched down then let he belly hit the ground. She too drifted into a dreamless sleep tail flicking softly and breathing steady. She could still hear the rain as she slept but it was distant to her now. All she saw as she slept was darkness. pure blackness untill then sun rose in the morning. Through her eye lids she could see the light pouring through opening in the tree warming her silver pelt. She kneaded the ground with her paws claws unsheathed. She stood up in a streach eyes still shut. She stood looking at the cats still asleep. She quietly jumped up to the foot holds in the tree that she thought was dug out by the previous tendant of the tree. She crawled out of the small opening onto the lowest branch. It curved and the tip of it almost touched the ground with its wide oak leaves. she walked out the middle of the branch and layed down. She looked up at the early morning sky a slight cool breeze ruffling her fur. She could hear the distant chirp of hungrey baby birds in the forest not to far beyond here.
1:32pm Apr 29 2011
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The first one up and out of the tree, after the leader, was none other than Norsa, the young she-cat that had been rescued from the rain the previous night. She stretched herself out, then yawned and padded out into the sunlight, curling up to soak up the warm rays. She let out a soft purr as she did so, her ears perked lazily ass he was quickoly warmed up. ((I fail. xD;))
6:14pm Apr 29 2011
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Renn looked down when she herd another cats wake up not long after she had. She sees the small she cat that was called Norsa. It was the cat that had been taken in last night. Her tail flicked curiously as she studied the she-cat unsure what she was like. She wanted to see what she would do. ((I fail too XD))