10:22pm Apr 29 2011
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Posts: 478
bump. Finished the bio~! S'okay-lookin, Dart-san?
11:30am Apr 30 2011
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12:03pm Apr 30 2011
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Posts: 478
*yay~!* Maple's furless tail swished and he shook his head, sending trickles of water onto the ground. He loved swimming. He splashed back into the water, swimming to the other side and back. The water rippled over the wrinkles he called skin and formed droplets, in which where scattered back into the stream. He mreowed in delight and dived under the water. His toes spread out and he padled through the water. His head popped through the surface as her jumped onto the dry land. He shook himself dry and sat down to lick his paw. He drew his paw over his face and yawned. He caught a scent nearby. He dropped into a crouch and pounced on a plump, juicy blackbird. He plucked the feathers from a meaty spot on the bird and scattered them on the ground. He ripped open the blackbird'sskin and took a bite of the rich meat. When he was finished eating the bird, he gathered up all the feathers and took them to his den, which was and old fox den.Long ago, the fox and left with her pups and never returned. The hunters probably got to them, Maple reminded himself. He crawled into the den and lined the feathers around his nest to add to the thick rabbit furs and moss keepins it warm.He sighed and lay down, the furs and feathers warming his skin. A curtain of lichen and moss covered the entrance to his den, but sunlight added to his warmth. He sighed again and fell into a deep sleep. Maple's dreams were filled with the images of his lost twin sister Aspen. The sight of her patterned skin and warm scent filled Maple with glee. His dream didn't last very long. He woke up to an odd scent... Smoke. He yowled and sped out of his den. Three hunters where gathered around his den with cigarettes in their mouths and rifles loaded. They knew this was a fox den, but not that this is where a Candadian Hairless cat lived. Maple hissed and swatted and one of the men. The men left anyway, as this is not what they where looking for. Maple snorted and trotted back into his den. He curled up in his nest and tried to ignore the lingering smell of smoke and tobacco.

12:04pm Apr 30 2011
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Posts: 478
First longest post in over a year for me!
6:38pm May 1 2011
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6:49pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 478
Whut..? Is there something wrong, Dart-sama?
6:50pm May 1 2011
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((Oh no I ment Hey as in Hey there buddy. Sorry for the scare))
6:59pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 478
(You scared me. O_O I thought you where angry or sumthin. Next time remember to write out the whole post, please.)
7:10pm May 1 2011
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((Yeah i'll ake a mental note (well actually I wrot it down on a sticky not next to the computer so I remember to XD) to do that and sorry again for the scare)) Renn looked to the feild to her left when she smelled the strong smoke of ciggarets not too far off. She jumped down from the tree and padded swiftly twords where the smell was coming from. Suddenly a large man sauntered past her which she instictivly hissed at and bite it's ankle before it ran away. She coninued on her way in the direction from which the putride stench was comeing from. She came to a fox den. "Maybe thats the stench" she thought to herself but it didn't make sence foxes downt ussually smell like that. Underneath the unfamilliar smell she could tell there was...there was a cat!. She advanced twords the fox den. "Hello?" she said inot the den "Who are you if I might be so bold as to ask?" she was standing just outside the opening of the den her voice unwaving with a hint of curiosity.
5:13am May 2 2011
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Norsa, seeing a she-cat leave to go investigate that weird, disgusting scemt, she got up and followed behind. She sneezed when they got close, and sat down about a foot away from where the she-cat was, her ears perked. She curled her tail around her paws as she watched, a curious look in her eyes. But still she did not move, knowing better than to go near a cat she didn't know.
9:59am May 2 2011
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Posts: 478
Maple's ear flicked and he lifted his head. He shifted the lichen opening with his tail to get a glimpse of the cat outside. He left the lichen fall back and stood up, walking outside. "I'm Maple." he responded coolly. "I know you're probably thinking, 'That's not a cat! That's a rat!' but I am a true breed of cat. I am a Canadian Hairless, aka a Spynx. I'm a rare breed, infact." he added. He swished his tail in the leaves and yawned.
8:11pm May 2 2011
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Renn wasn't going to lie she was thinking something along those lines but she would have put it in kinder terms."Well it's nice to meet you Mapel I am Renn" she dippped her head to the cat and flicked her tail to Norsa who she knew was following her to come and sit down next to her. "Would you like to join my clan? It's not to far from here and we're running a bit low on cats at the time being. If not I understand and we will be on out way but I just wanted to give you the option though." She studied the hairless cat. He seemed interesting in the way that he was..well...bald.
8:19pm May 2 2011
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Posts: 478
Maple's eyes narrowed. "No thanks, I like to live alone." he said, turning back and trudgiing into his den. "Just because you're running low on cats doesn't mean you can just go ask any old cat to join your clan, Renn." he said, his head peaking through the lichen.
8:44pm May 2 2011
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"Fair enough" she diped her head to Mapel again her voice calm "Have a nice day then" she flicked her tail for Norsa to follow her before she padded off into the forest aways to go and hunt. She was a bit taken a back byt the cats reply but she wasn't going to pester him about it. It was his decition to do what he wanted to do with his life. She looked over her shoulder at Norsa, "I expect you know how to hunt" she said more as a question as she sat down to face the she-cat on a small flat rock.
10:14pm May 2 2011
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Norsa looked back at the hairless cat, her tail flicking. "Bye, Maple!" she meowed before following after Renn. At the question, she nodded happily. "I even got a squirrel once!" she purred, feeling proud if herself. Then she padded close, sitting in front of her. "Tortie taught me how. But the rabbuts and voles he had to do by himself because I'm too small," she mewed, tilting her head curiously. "Din't all cats know how to hunt except for the really little ones?"
11:03pm May 2 2011
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"Yes just making sure though" she smiled at Norsa and stood up. "Time to hunt then" she crouched down into a streach then stood up straight again. "I'll meet you back here at sun high Ok" By then it wasn't so early so the hunt wouldn't go on for long and Renn figured that would be just enough for a hunt at the moment
9:30pm May 3 2011
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Posts: 478
Maple watched the two cats leave, a glimmer of sadness in his eyes. He looked back into his den, seeing the feathers and skins along the floor and walls. He felt an urge to tell the two cats something. He ran and tried to catch up with them, stopping right next ot Renn. "I need to tell you something." he panted.
6:06pm May 4 2011
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Renn saw Mapel running up to Norsa and her and was suprised by it but she tryed not to let it show on her face. "What it it?" Renn asked her head tillted to the right a bit with a quizical look on her face. She was wondering why he would bother to run after them after shooting down her preposal to join the clan. What more was there to say? She didn't look anoyed though just...puzzled.
10:45pm May 4 2011
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Posts: 478
As soon as the hairless tqabby caught his breath, he spoke. "I.. Can help you in the coming.. wintertime.." he said, his throat a bit dry. "Winter's only a coupld weeks away.. I know how to.. insulate dens.." he added, a bit more softer than last time. His eyes where full of determination, like he really wanted to help.
3:53pm May 5 2011
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Renn could see he wanted to help but wasn't sure why. She accepted the offer anyway, "That would be great. I can show you where the clan is right now or I could come back later and bring you there anytime works for me." she watched the tabby and waited for his respons not sure what he would answer.