5:21am May 27 2011
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Torch visibly bristled at the rather loud and extremely rude comment. He turned back to the house, and hobbled up to the front door like a crayon on a mission. For indeed, he was. "What?" he adressed the red-brown crayon angrily. "What did you say? I certainly hope you didn't tell me to 'shuddap'. A young 'un like yourself's got no place to be doin' that. Why, I was fighting for the rights of crayon-kind when your MAKERS were your age! You think I got this break peeling myself? No! I was injured, gravely, in a war against the dreaded toddler menace. So you remember that, and you keep your attitude to yourself." With that, he sniffed haughtily, drew himself up as proud as he could with his cane, and limped back the way he came. "If you excuse me," he called back, "I have some lovely classical music that deserves my attention."
5:22am May 27 2011 (last edited on 5:25am May 27 2011)
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Posts: 22
Rose Dust nodded to a passing shade of deep, subtle red, admiring the way her color blended in with the shadows of the dim parlor lighting. Her comment in itself, then, surprised him, but his step actually faltered at her action, and so he stumbled into the edge of a table, nicking his leg. He stood staring after the girl who'd so basely stuck her tongue out at him, and managed an embarassed grin. He tried to play it off by leaning one knee against the table edge, tapping his leg to the music, and swirling the turpentine in the glass with a free hand. The upbeat ditty, or, rather, a newage roar, increased in volume, yet somehow he had the strange thought that he could hear some geezer shouting in the background... Sure enough, the course red that had fazed him turned around and shouted out an open screen door. "Well, now," he chuckled to himself, then sighed and rubbed his jaw musingly, wondering if he should step outside to confront any inquiries the neighbors might have, or whether he should go find whoever was hosting the party and inform them that they might get reported for a disturbance... But no. It was too late. He covered his mouth to laugh, immaturely he well knew, at the confrontation already taking place.
5:23am May 27 2011
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Posts: 23
'Rose Dust,' She thought as she read the inion on the side of the crayon. 'Nice name for a guy.' She laughed. She walked over to Royal Purple and asked, "Ya alright?"
5:25am May 27 2011
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Never had Purple seen an old Crayon talk so much. She gingerly walked to the door where she could see the night sky . "Hey, the black crayon would love to color the stars," she commented. "I mean, that pimp loves everything to be black. Including him, which he is." Like a broken crayon she adjusted herself to be extremely stiff and straight. If the black crayon heard this, she was sure to be a broken crayon all right. She tried to look tough and boldly colored the walls purple. If the black crayon ever so often got his way ,sh ewas too.
5:26am May 27 2011 (last edited on 5:31am May 27 2011)
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Purple looked up to see who had said that, and saw that it was Mahogany, the rude crayon . Or at least, rude earlier on. She was surprised that Mahogany was concerned. "I'm fine," she said, stiffening up again. "It's pretty common for me since I'm accident-prone,"
5:30am May 27 2011
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Posts: 275
(LOLOL) Black stepped through the threshold, looking fly as ever. His gray foxfur coat shined under the lights while his purple, feathered pimp hat was an eyesore of a show. He hummed to himself, taking in the people at this party. "Man, can't a brother get a little hype up in here?! Come on, baby. Let's see what they got to drink!" Bronze moved over to the pimp, giving a dazzling smile at all the sniffnecks that were taking up this party. "I tell you what! Clubs be more jammin' than this place. Who was the guy that invited me anyway? Bronze, baby, you better find my Scarlet and White. We in the money house now!" He laughed loudly, taking a swig of some unknown drink and moved into another room.
5:30am May 27 2011
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Posts: 23
Mahogany, mishchevous and funny, naughtily drew an opossum on the walls when the tip of her head bumped into Purple's. "Sorry." She said carelessly and continued on drawing.
5:34am May 27 2011
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"Just my luck!" Purple grunted as she saw Black entering the room. "Thank god he didn't hear me." Then she rubbed her head. "How many times must I get injured at one party?" She questioned the walls as she scrawled a face. She added a frown to it, and brushed against Mahogany fast enough for her to rub some mahogany onto her face. "Colorful," she commented after apologizing.
5:36am May 27 2011
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Posts: 23
"Ha, no biggie." Mahogany replied as soon as she had finished drawing. "Like it?"
5:43am May 27 2011
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Posts: 22
Rose Dust's head turned as an extremely colorful character brushed by the elderly gentleman on his way in. Darker than night, coal against his fluffy purple attire, the newcomer certainly attracted a lot of attention. Perhaps the man would offer entertainment worthy to occupy Dust's time? But for now his attention strayed back to the uncouth redhead, who seemed to be working on a collaboration with a quiet and focused, but clumsy purple. "Perhaps they should have left us some canvas?" He called over, his inquiry ripe with a humourous tone. "I would if I owned this place. Enjoying the evening?"
5:50am May 27 2011
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"Ha, ha. Not funny Rosie." Mahogany teased.
5:55am May 27 2011 (last edited on 5:56am May 27 2011)
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Posts: 275
Black scoffed at this prissy color talking to him. "Who are you, high n' mighty?" He pointed his stylin' cane at the..pinkish looking color. "Evenin' is alright! Hey! Bronze! Get over here!" Black turned to the Rose color guy. "Lady friend for you, my man. Enjoy!" With that, he turned on his heel, finding two new lovely colorful ladies working on a project. "My, my...What do we have here..Oh! IsthatwhoIthinkitis?!" Striding over to the table, Black tilted his hat at a few guests. His eyes caught that of the Purple and stayed on her. "Well, well. If it ain't Missus Purple...I've been lookin' for you...Why don't you tell me what you little ladies are up to?" He stared at the walls, hinting at the few mistakes Purple had made. "Klutzy, Klutzy.." Black went to work then, fixing them for her. "I thought you was getting better at this, girlfriend?!"
5:59am May 27 2011 (last edited on 6:01am May 27 2011)
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Posts: 22
Rose Dust blushed and he had to will himself to keep from letting his hand dart up to cover his nametag. Inconvenience to maintaining mysterious intrigue, and this lass didn't seem to care for his obvious charm~<3 XD "You can just call me, Rose, darling," he said with a brilliant smile. "And I was genuine in my concern for the state of your endeavors in entertainment, truly!" He turned and gave another smile to the purple in acknowledgement, "You both enjoying your time here? I take it this one doesn't find the music too loud. What about you, Purple, if I may be so bold-" But his question was interrupted by a girl pressed into his arms and the jabbering of Black. "Oh! Hello, there," he said, wide eyed.
6:04am May 27 2011 (last edited on 6:11am May 27 2011)
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"Fine, ROSE." Mahogany laughed. "Whatever!" She was, indeed, charmed by the young crayon.
6:16am May 27 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ I dwop out. You guys went way too fast, and yeah :x ]]
6:17am May 27 2011
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Posts: 23
6:18am May 27 2011
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Posts: 22
Rose Dust led the Bronze away on one arm, leading her into a conversation about popular and favoured music tastes, as they disappeared into another room. ((Aka I need to go to sleep for now. X3))
6:22am May 27 2011
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Posts: 23
(Night. Gotta go to the Chatroom. XD)
6:43am May 27 2011
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Posts: 708
[[Sorry I took too long to reply. I had to have dinner first. x3 -Yeah. Screamin' is kind of an old(ish) party going dude who doesn't think straight. .. A bit like me. xD]] Screamin' went inside the room. ''Nice. A mix of the bright sparks and then the glum chums over there. I know. I'll mix n' match them so they'll be happy.'' He was always facinated at interesting things. He liked to be weird and stand out from the crowd. Screamin' Green went over to what seemed like a Magenta crayon. (LADY. 8U) ''Good evening, fellow crayon,'' He said with an interesting tone. ''Why don't you join those guys right there?'' Screamin' pointed at 3 dark shaded crayons who certainly didn't like company. The crayons just walked around, showing their shiny special covers. Whenever another crayon saw the trio, they would walk away saying something rude about the crayon. ''They look like they need brightening up there.'' He added. The magenta crayon ignored Screamin' and walked off, giggling silently. The crayon said something about him being all 'weird' and 'old'. Exactly what a type of person that Screamin' was. [[I regret picking Screamin' Green as my color. xDxD I like shades of green, I just don't like typing Screamin' for a name. x3 Maybe I'll use green.. ]]

5:04pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 22
((What about Lime Green? Lime seems like a good name. :3))